阅读西德尼·谢尔顿 Sidney Sheldon在小说之家的作品!!! |
从此,他开始为人所知,几年每隔几年都要发表一部长篇小说,共计18部,其中许多作品名列畅销榜首。他还创作过20多部电影剧本、250部电视剧本和几部舞台剧,曾获托尼奖和奥斯卡奖。他的小说曾被译成 51种文字,遍布180多个国家(此记录列入1997年《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》),全球总销量逾3亿册。2007年1月30日,谢尔顿在洛杉矶病逝。
自《血缘》(Bloodline, 1978)起,西德尼·谢尔顿开始扩展自己的创作领域,纵深发展到社会的各种层面和各种人物。1985年的《假如明天来临》(If Tomorrow Comes)被认为是西德尼·谢尔顿的女性暴露小说的代表作。以后的作品多以女性为主人公,既有细腻的情感描写又充满了冲突悬念。
1917年2月11日 西德尼·谢尔顿出生于伊利诺伊州的芝加哥
1937年 谢尔顿来到好莱坞。在环球电影公司找了一份读稿员的工作,每周工资17美元。他还与本·罗伯茨合作写了许多B级电影。
1941年 谢尔顿服役于空军,作为一名飞行员参加二战。
同年,创作《Gambling Daughters 》(编剧)
《Borrowed Hero》 (编剧)
《Mr. District Attorney in the Carter Case 》(编剧)
《巴拿马之南》 英文原名:《South of Panama》(编剧)
1942年 创作《Fly-By-Night》 (编剧)
《She's in the Army》(编剧)
同年, 谢尔顿创作的三个音乐剧——《风流寡妇》、《纸牌》和《仙乐飘飘》在百老汇同时上演。40年代中期,谢尔顿重返好莱坞,作为一名成功的编剧,他在米高梅和派拉蒙电影公司开始了长期的职业生涯。
1947年 创作《单身汉与时髦女郎》,英文原名:《The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer 》(编剧)
1948年 谢尔顿的《单身汉与时髦女郎》获得奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖。《复活节游行》荣获美国影视作家协会最佳音乐剧本奖,同时夺得本年度“票房最高荣誉奖”的剧本奖。
同年,创作《花开蝶满枝》 英文原名:《Easter Parade 》(编剧)
1949年 创作《金粉帝后》 英文原名:《The Barkleys of Broadway》(编剧)
1950年 创作《Nancy Goes to Rio 》(编剧)
《飞燕金枪》,又译《安妮,拿起你的枪》 英文原名:《Annie Get Your Gun》(编剧)
1951年 谢尔顿的《安妮,拿起你的枪》获得美国影视作家协会颁发的最佳音乐剧本奖。
同年,创作《Three Guys Named Mike》(编剧)
《No Questions Asked》(编剧)
《Rich, Young and Pretty》(编剧)
1953年 创作《Remains to Be Seen》(编剧)
《Dream Wife》(导演、编剧)
1955年 创作《春宵脂粉客 》 英文原名:《You're Never Too Young 》(编剧)
1956年 创作《鸟与蜜蜂》 英文原名:《The Birds and the Bees 》(编剧)
《Anything Goes 》(编剧)
《两傻捉尸记》 英文原名:《Pardners》(编剧)
1957年 创作《The Buster Keaton Story 》(导演、编剧、制作人)
1959年 暂回百老汇。谢尔顿和别人合作的《红发人》获得托尼奖。
1961年 创作《All in a Night's Work 》(编剧)
1965年 创作《太空仙女恋 》 英文原名:《I Dream of Jeannie 》(编剧、制作人)
1962年 创作《江湖女》 英文原名:《Billy Rose's Jumbo 》(编剧)
1964年 谢尔顿和荧屏精华公司合作,构思撰写和制作《梦见精灵》
1967年 《梦见精灵》获得艾美奖的杰出喜剧作品成就奖提名。
1970年 谢尔顿第一部小说《裸脸》出版,并获得美国推理作家协会颁发的爱伦·坡奖。
1974年 谢尔顿的第二部小说《午夜另一面》在《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜上榜53周,创下纪录。同年,创作《Buster and Billie 》(导演)
1975年 谢尔顿《镜子里的陌生人》出版,其精装本和平装本都成为当时的畅销书。
1977年 谢尔顿的第四部小说《朱门血痕》(又译《继嗣佳人》、《血统》,英文原名:《Bloodline》)成为畅销书第一名。
同年,创作《午夜情挑》 英文原名:《The Other Side of Midnight》(编剧)
1979年 创作《Hart to Hart 》(编剧)
影视版《血统》 英文原名:《Bloodline》(编剧)
1980年 《天使的愤怒》(英文原名:《 Rage of Angels 》)出版后旋即登上畅销排行榜榜首,并持续18周。连续上榜时间为42周。
1982年 第六部小说《谋略大师》(英文原名:《Master of the Game》)一亮相就登上《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜,并停留了11周。
1983年 “西德尼·谢尔顿”日在他的家乡举行。芝加哥市长宣布庆祝仪式开始。
同年,创作影视版《天使的愤怒》 英文原名:《 Rage of Angels 》(编剧、制作人)
1984年 创作电影版《谋略大师》(又译:《游戏高手》) 英文原名:《Master of the Game》 (编剧)
影视版《裸脸》 英文原名:《 The Naked Face 》(编剧)
1986年 另一部No.1畅销书《假如明天来临》出版。
同年,创作《天使的愤怒续集》 英文原名:《Rage of Angels: The Story Continues》(编剧、制作人)
创作《假若明天来临》 英文原名:《If Tomorrow Comes》(编剧)
1987年 第八部小说《众神的风车》给威廉·莫洛出版社带来公司历史上最大一笔预订单。该小说在官方正式发行之前两天,已经登上畅销书排行榜榜首。
1988年 小说《时间之砂》(英文原名:《The Sands of Time》)同样在官方正式发行之前,已经荣登《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜,预订单超过100万册。同年,谢尔顿的名字被写刻在好莱坞星光大道上。
同年,创作影视版《众神的风车》 英文原名:《Windmills of the Gods》 (编剧)
1990年 第十部小说《午夜的回忆》(《午夜另一面》的续集),为威廉·莫洛出版社创造了首发110万册的历史纪录。
1991年 创作续集性质的《I Still Dream of Jeannie》 (编剧)
影视版《午夜的回忆 》 英文原名:《Memories of Midnight 》(演员、编剧、制作人)
1993年 谢尔顿在法国杜威尔电影节上获得文学奖。
1992年 创作《Zvezda sherifa》(编剧)
1993年 创作影视版《镜子里的陌生人》(编剧)
1994年 西德尼·谢尔顿出版了他的第13部小说,《世无定事》(英文原名:《Nothing Lasts Forever》),这部令人眼花缭乱的小说让读者进入狂热状态。同年,谢尔顿被指定为未来图书馆的国家发言人。
同年,创作《Hart to Hart: Home Is Where the Hart Is》 (编剧)
1995年 谢尔顿被美国图书馆协会和洛杉矶公共图书馆授予荣誉市民奖。
同年,出版第14部小说《祸起萧墙》(英文原名:《Morning, Noon & Night》)
创作《Hart to Hart: Two Harts in 3/4 Time》(编剧)
1996年 创作《Hart to Hart: Harts in High Season》(编剧)
1997年 谢尔顿因“世界上作品被翻译成最多语言的作家”而载入吉尼斯世界纪录。同年,《天衣无缝》(又名《恶魔的游戏》)出版,首发100万册,登上《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜。
1998年 《告诉我你的梦》(又名《消失的地平线》,英文原名《Tell Me Your Dreamst》)出版,登上《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜。
1999年 西德尼·谢尔顿的肖像出现在“20世纪伟大作家”的邮票上,“西德尼·谢尔顿”日在贝佛莉山举行。
2000年 出版第十六部小说《灭顶之灾》(英文原名《The Sky is Falling》)
2004年 谢尔顿最后一部小说《你怕黑吗》出版(英文原名《Are You Afraid of the Dark》)
2005年 谢尔顿自传体小说《我的另一面》出版(英文原名《The Other Side of Me》)
2007年1月30日 西德尼·谢尔顿病逝。妻子亚历山德拉陪伴在他身边。
1.《裸脸》(The Naked Face,1970):黑龙江朝鲜民族出版社1985(《裸脸》),作家出版社1988(《假面》)。
2.《子夜的另一面》(The Other Side of Midnight,1974):甘肃人民出版社1985(《午夜情》),海南人民出版社1985(《狰狞的夜》),甘肃人民出版社1986(《情与仇》),百花文艺出版社1989(《罪恶与爱情》),中国藏学出版社1994(《午夜情挑》)。
3.《镜子里的陌生人》(A Stranger in the Mirror,1976):吉林人民出版社1988(《明星的坠落》),黑龙江人民出版社1988(《镜子里的陌生人》),宝文堂书店1988(《镜子里的陌生人》),北京日报出版社1989(《罪孽的诱惑》)。
5.《天使的愤怒》(Rage of Angels,1980):江苏人民出版社1982,德宏民族出版社1995。
6.《游戏高手》(Master of the Game,1982):黑龙江朝鲜民族出版社1985(《女强人》),安徽文艺出版社1986(《滴血的钻石》),黄河文艺出版社1986(《谋略大师》),鹭江出版社1987(《赛场老手》),湖南人民出版社1987(《竞技场上的女人》),中国藏学出版社1994(《游戏高手》)。
7.《假若明天来临》(If Tomorrow Comes,1985):漓江出版社1986(《假若明天来临》),上海文化出版社1986(《来自地狱的女人》),海南人民出版社1986(《有朝一日》)。
8.《诸神的风车》(Windmills of the Gods,1987):春风文艺出版社1987(《魔鬼的罗网》),黑龙江朝鲜民族出版社1987(《特殊使命的女人》),江苏文艺出版社1987(《魔鬼的风车》),宁夏人民出版社1988(《上帝的风车》)。
9.《时间之砂》(The Sands of Time,1988):湖南人民出版社1988(《四修女》),法律出版社1989(《险恶的逃亡》),哈尔滨出版社1989(《落难的修女》),中国藏学出版社1994(《时间之砂》)。
10.《子夜的回忆》(Memories of Midnight,1990,《子夜的另一面》续集):译林出版社1991(《午夜魂》),浙江文艺出版社1991(《子夜的回忆》)。
11.《世界末日的阴谋》(The Doomsday Conspiracy,1991):中国文联出版公司1991(《世界末日阴谋》),译林出版社1992(《世界末日的阴谋》),四川文艺出版社1995(《末日追杀》)。
Life and career
Sheldon was born Sidney Schechtel in Chicago, Illinois, to parents of Russian Jewish ancestry, Ascher "Otto" Schechtel (1894–1967), manager of a jewelry store, and Natalie Marcus. At 10, he made his first sale, $5 for a poem. During the Depression, he worked at a variety of jobs, and after graduating from Denver East High School, attended Northwestern University and contributed short plays to drama groups.
In 1937 he moved to Hollywood, California, where he reviewed scripts and collaborated on a number of B movies. Sheldon enlisted in the military during World War II as a pilot in the War Training Service, a branch of the Army Air Corps, However, his unit was disbanded before Sheldon could see any action. He then returned to civilian life and moved to New York where he began writing musicals for the Broadway stage while continuing to write screenplays for both MGM Studios and Paramount Pictures. He earned a reputation as a prolific writer; for example, at one time he had three musicals on Broadway: a rewritten The Merry Widow, Jackpot, and Dream with Music. His success on Broadway brought him back to Hollywood where his first assignment was The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, which earned him the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay of 1947.
When television became the new hot medium, he decided to try his hand in it. "I suppose I needed money," he remembered. "I met Patty Duke one day at lunch. So I produced The Patty Duke Show, and I did something nobody else in TV ever did. For seven years, I wrote almost every single episode of the series." He also wrote for the series Hart to Hart and Nancy. Most famously he wrote the series I Dream of Jeannie, which he also created and produced, which lasted for five seasons from 1965–1970. It was "During the last year of I Dream of Jeannie, I decided to try a novel," he said in 1982. "Each morning from 9 until noon, I had a secretary at the studio take all calls. I mean every single call. I wrote each morning - or rather, dictated - and then I faced the TV business."
In 1969, Sheldon wrote his first novel, The Naked Face, which earned him a nomination for the Edgar Allan Poe Award from the Mystery Writers of America in the category of Best First Novel. His next novel, The Other Side of Midnight, went to #1 on The New York Times bestseller list as did several ensuing novels, a number of which were also made into motion pictures or TV miniseries.
His novels often featured determined women who persevere in a tough world run by hostile men. The novels contained a lot of suspense and devices to keep the reader turning the page:
"I try to write my books so the reader can't put them down," he explained in a 1982 interview. "I try to construct them so when the reader gets to the end of a chapter, he or she has to read just one more chapter. It's the technique of the old Saturday afternoon serial: leave the guy hanging on the edge of the cliff at the end of the chapter."
Most of his readers were women. Asked why this was the case he said: "I like to write about women who are talented and capable, but most important, retain their femininity. Women have tremendous power - their femininity, because men can't do without it." Books were Sheldon's favorite medium. "I love writing books," he commented. "Movies are a collaborative medium, and everyone is second-guessing you. When you do a novel you're on your own. It's a freedom that doesn't exist in any other medium."
Sheldon created, produced and wrote I Dream of Jeannie in his co-production capacity with Screen Gems. He wrote all but two dozen scripts in five years, sometimes using three pseudonyms {"Mark Rowane", "Allan Devon", "Christopher Golato"}, while simultaneously writing scripts for "The Patty Duke Show". He also used the same pseudonyms in writing all seventeen episodes of Nancy. Sheldon did this because, as he later admitted, he felt his name was appearing too often in the credits as creator, producer, copyright owner and writer of his TV series.
Sheldon was married for 30 years to Jorja Curtright Sheldon, a stage and film actress who later became an accomplished and well known interior designer. She died of a heart attack in 1985. He then remarried Alexandra Kostoff, a former child actress and advertising executive of Macedonian origin, in Las Vegas in 1989. His daughter, Mary Sheldon, became a novelist in her own right.
He struggled with bipolar disorder for years; he contemplated suicide at 17 (talked out of it by his father, who discovered him), as detailed in his autobiography published in 2005, The Other Side of Me
Sheldon died on January 30, 2007 from complications arising from pneumonia at Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, California.
He was cremated. His ashes were interred in Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery.
Sheldon won an Academy Award for Writing Original Screenplay (1947) for The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, a Tony Award (1959) for his musical Redhead, and was nominated for an Emmy Award for his work on I Dream of Jeannie, an NBC sitcom.
The Naked Face (1970)
The Other Side of Midnight (1973)
A Stranger in the Mirror (1976)
Bloodline (1977)
Rage of Angels (1980)
Master of the Game (1982)
If Tomorrow Comes (1985)
Windmills of the Gods (1987)
The Sands of Time (1988)
Memories of Midnight (1990)
The Doomsday Conspiracy (1991)
The Stars Shine Down (1992)
Nothing Lasts Forever (1994)
Morning, Noon and Night (1995)
The Best Laid Plans (1997)
Tell Me Your Dreams (1998)
The Sky Is Falling (2001)
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2004)
Sidney Sheldon's Mistress of the Game by Tilly Bagshawe (2009)
Sidney Sheldon's After the Darkness by Tilly Bagshawe (2010)
The Other Side of Me (2005)
[edit]Broadway Plays
The Merry Widow
Alice in Arms
Roman Candle
The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer
Three Guys Named Mike
Annie Get Your Gun
Dream Wife
You're Never Too Young
Anything Goes
Billy Rose's Jumbo
I Dream of Jeannie
If Tomorrow Comes
The Patty Duke Show
Hart to Hart