英国 United Kingdom 爱尔兰 Ireland 比利时 Belgium 荷兰 Netherlands 法国 France 西班牙 Spain 葡萄牙 Portugal 意大利 Italy 希腊 Greece 奥地利 Austria 匈牙利 Hungary 德国 Germany 瑞士 Switzerland 罗马尼亚 Romania 俄罗斯 Russia 波兰 Poland 克罗地亚 Croatia (Hrvatska) 捷克 Czech 芬兰 Finland 瑞典 Sweden 挪威 Norway 冰岛 Iceland 土耳其 Turkey 丹麦 Denmark 阿尔巴尼亚 Albania 爱沙尼亚 Republic of Estonia 安道尔 Andorra 白俄罗斯 Belarus 保加利亚 The Republic of Bulgaria 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 Bosnia and Herzegovina 梵蒂冈 Vatican City State (Holy See) 黑山 The Republic of Montenegro 拉脱维亚 Latvia 立陶宛 Republic of Lithuania 列支敦士登 Liechtenstein 卢森堡 Luxembourg 马耳他 Republic of Malta 马其顿 The Republic of Macedonia 摩尔多瓦 The Republic of Moldova 摩纳哥 Monaco 塞尔维亚 the Republic of Serbia 斯洛伐克 The Slovak Republic 斯洛文尼亚 the Republic of Slovenia 圣马力诺 San Marino 乌克兰 Ukraine |
希臘 Greece 首都:雅典 國家代碼: gr |
1981年希臘正式加入歐盟。當前貨幣為歐元。希臘經濟采取自由企業制度,並受經濟財政事務協調委員會以及世貿組織規則限製,希臘是這兩個金融機構的會員。 雅典衛城 國傢行政管理部門 希臘劃分為 13 個行政區域,它們被稱為 Peripheries (區)。下一個級別的行政區域則稱為 Nomos (轄區)。那裏總共有 51 個轄區和一個自治區 ( 在聖山州 ) 。 當地社區以 Dimos (城)或 Kinotita (社)命名,總共有 900 個城和 130 個社。 天氣情況 希臘屬於地中海氣候和充足的陽光,溫和的溫度和少量的降雨。因為希臘的地形崎嶇且分佈在大陸和海洋之間,所以那裏的氣候變化多種多樣。夏天通常稱作“邁爾特米亞”的季節性微風係統冷卻了亞熱帶溫暖的氣候,雖然山區氣溫較低。鼕天氣候溫和,伴有少量雨雪天氣,但是山區通常被雪覆蓋。 奧林匹亞 歷史發展 希臘最早的人類起源可以追溯到舊石器時代(大約是公元前12,000-10,000年) 在新石器時代末期(大約是公元前7,000-3,000年)是希臘文化的鼎盛時期。在塞薩利,馬其頓地區,伯羅奔尼撒半島等地區發現很多新石器時代的墓地。 銅器時代的起源(大約是公元前3000年-1100年)出現在愛琴海的一個市區(Poliochni 在利姆諾斯島的一個海島)。鼎盛時期在剋裏特,希臘的大陸和基剋拉迪斯群島在希臘的東北部,也是具有典型的文化發展的地區。公元前2千年初期,在剋裏特的米諾安出現了有組織的宮殿社會,並導致了初期文字的出現和發展。以剋諾索斯宮殿為中心,米諾安人創造了一種同東地中海人聯繫的網絡,他們接受了東地中海人的文化元素,並對希臘大陸和愛琴海島嶼的文化造成决定性影響。 在希臘大陸的邁錫尼人利用剋裏特聖托裏尼的火山噴發(元前1500年左右)造成嚴重損失影響這一因素,脫穎而出,成為元前1100年時期愛琴海地區的霸主。邁錫尼人在邁錫尼城、Tiryns、皮洛斯、底比斯、 Gla、雅典和Iolkos建造的城堡構成了錫尼的中心霸主地位。邁錫尼的最大規模破壞發生元前1200左右,並導致了邁錫尼文明的衰落和大批移民嚮亞西亞海岸和塞浦路斯(第一個希臘的殖民地)的轉移。 大約二個世紀後是經濟和文化衰落時期, 也就是所謂的黑暗時期(公元前1150年- 900 年), 隨後進入幾何圖形時期 (公元前九世紀-八世紀),也是希臘文明時期的開始。希臘文明時期是以希臘城邦製的建立,希臘字母的創造和荷馬史詩的撰寫而為標志的(公元前八世紀末期).隨後古代時期(公元前七世紀-六世紀)是主要社會和政治變動時代。希臘城邦當時的殖民地域廣泛,西邊遠及西班牙,北邊直達黑海,南邊遠至北非國傢,為當時古代鼎盛時期打下了基礎。古代時期的特點(公元前五世紀-四世紀)是雅典文化和政治優勢;這樣的程度以至公元前五世紀的後期稱為伯裏剋利的“黃金時代”。公元前404年,在伯羅奔尼撒戰爭中以雅典失去統治而告終。 在公元前4個世紀期間,新的力量涌現。菲利普二世和他的兒子,亞歷山大, 馬其頓人在希臘開始扮演主角。 亞歷山大的遠征到東方和徵服占領印度河附近的地區從而改變了現今已形成的世界格局。因為亞歷山大的死亡,他創立的帝國在他後代人中崩解了,導致在之後的希臘時代中,建立一個個獨立王國局面的盛行(公元前3世紀到公元前1世紀)。在這個期間, 希臘的各個城市還都保留一些自主權,但他們丟失了很多他們之前的權利和威信。羅馬人在公元前146年對希臘最終的完全占領使希臘這個國傢並入了大羅馬帝國的版圖。在羅馬統治期間(公元前1世紀到公元3世紀), 大多羅馬皇帝都是希臘文化的欽佩者,並且友好的促進希臘城市的發展,特別是雅典。通過傳道者保羅在公元前1世紀期間的旅行。基督教,這個新的宗教信仰逐漸的發展到整個希臘。 現在許多的旅遊者到希臘來都可以在數百個考古遺志看到希臘歷史從舊石器時代到羅馬時代的“手印”,分佈在希臘的各個地區的考古博物館和收藏室。 康斯坦丁决定把羅馬帝國的首都從羅馬遷到君士坦丁堡(公元324年),從而把國傢的力量轉移到帝國的東部。這次遷都標志着希臘進入了拜占庭帝國時代的初期。在1204年以後, 當君士坦丁堡被第四次十字軍攻陷,他們放棄了希臘部分地方,因為威尼斯人認為為了控製貿易通道,愛琴海占據了戰略位置(海島或沿海城市)。1262年君士坦丁堡的由拜戰庭人再收復標志着最後階段的帝國時代的存在。從14世紀土耳其民族逐漸的開始了占領帝國的部分,1453年君士坦丁堡被土耳其人攻陷。1669年剋裏特島是土耳其人將占領的希臘的最後部分。大約在隨後的四個世紀剋裏特被土耳其人占領,直到1821年希臘獨立戰爭的爆發。 很多紀念碑從拜占庭時期和土耳其帝國時期保存到現在,例如拜占庭式和波斯特-拜占庭式的教堂和僧道院,土耳其式建築,迷人的拜占庭和法蘭西式的城堡,還有各式各樣的紀念碑,等等都保留着他們自己的風格。 1830年希臘獨立戰爭的結果標志着獨立的希臘王國的形成,然而,國土面積十分有限。在19世紀末和20世紀初期期間, 隨着希臘人口的增加,希臘國土也逐步完整。1920年,一次世界大戰以後,希臘的國土得到了最大的限度延伸,總理維尼澤羅斯的貢獻由為突出。希臘根據當時的形式在第二次世界大戰結束時與多德卡尼斯群島合併。 1974年,在7年的專政以後,由全體公民表决通過,國傢從君主立憲製轉變成共和製; 1981年,希臘成為歐共體的正式成員國。 公共衛生 為了確保必要的身體健康,來自歐盟國傢希望到希臘旅遊的旅遊者必須隨身攜帶歐洲身體健康證明(EHIC)或者任何由當地社會安全的權威部門簽發的相關的合法證明。 因此,希臘可以提供以下相關的治療: 1. 到轄區的IKA(社會安全協會)健康部門(聯合醫院)或者醫生辦公室接受治療。 2. 地方門診(以前的鄉村門診)或者到公立醫院的健康中心。 3. 合同醫院的門診部門。 為了確保必要的身體健康,來自歐盟以外國傢的旅行者到希臘旅遊前必須要參考當地的社會安全部門的提供相關信息。 緊急救助電話 救護車:166 SOS:1016 值班醫院和門診:1434 中毒急救:210 7793777 藥方:1434 酒精或毒癮救助熱綫:210 3617089 1981 Greece formally joined the European Union. The current currency is the euro. Greek economy to free enterprise system, and coordinated by the Economic and Fiscal Affairs Committee and the WTO rules and restrictions, Greece is a member of the two financial institutions. Acropolis National administrations Greece is divided into 13 administrative regions, which are known as Peripheries (District). The next level of administrative region is called the Nomos (area). Where a total of 51 districts and one autonomous region (in the holy state). Local communities, Dimos (City) or Kinotita (Club) named a total of 130 900 Town and community. Weather Greece has a Mediterranean climate and abundant sunshine, mild temperatures and little rainfall. Because the rugged terrain of Greece and the distribution between the mainland and the ocean, so there's a variety of climate change. Summer is usually referred to as "迈尔特米亚" seasonal wind system cooling the warm subtropical climate, although the mountains the temperature is lower. Winter climate is mild, with small amount of rain and snow, but the mountain is usually covered with snow. Olympia History Greek origins can be traced to the earliest Paleolithic humans (about 12,000-10,000 years BC) In the late Neolithic Age (about 7,000-3,000 BC) was the heyday of Greek culture. In Thessaly, Macedonia, Peloponnese peninsula and other regions have found that many Neolithic cemetery. The origin of the Bronze Age (about 3000 BC -1100) of an urban area in the Aegean Sea (Poliochni an island in Lemnos). Peak in Crete, mainland Greece and the Greek Islands Kick Gladys northeast, is typical of the cultural development of the region. 2 thousand years BC, the early emergence in Crete Minoan palace of organized society, and led to the emergence and development of the initial text. The Knossos palace as the center, Minoan people created a human connection with the network of the Eastern Mediterranean, they accepted the cultural elements of the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Greek mainland and the Aegean islands, causing a decisive influence on the culture. Mycenaean Greek mainland people use 克里特圣托里尼 volcanic eruption (yuan before 1500 or so) a serious loss of this factor, emerged as the Yuan period before the 1100 Aegean region's dominant. In Mycenaean Mycenaean city, Tiryns, Pylos, Thebes, Gla, Athens and the construction of the castle Iolkos Nigeria constitute the center of the tin dominance. The largest damage was Mycenaean element pre 1200 or so, and led to the decline of Mycenaean civilization, and a large number of immigrants to the coast of Asia Minor and Cyprus (the first Greek colony) of the transfer. During the 4th century BC, the emergence of new forces. Philip II and his son, Alexander, the Macedonians began to play a leading role in Greece. Alexander's expedition to the East and the conquest of the Indian occupation of the area near the river has changed the world now has formed a pattern. Because Alexander's death, he founded the empire among his descendants collapse, resulting in the Greek era after the establishment of an independent Kingdom, the prevalence of the situation (3rd century BC to 1st century BC). During this period, the Greek cities also have to retain some autonomy, but before they lost a lot of their rights and prestige. The Romans in 146 BC, the complete occupation of Greece, the Greek final this country into a large map of the Roman Empire. In Rome during the reign (1st century BC to the 3rd century AD), most of the Roman emperor who are the admiration of Greek culture, and promote the Greek city-friendly development, especially in Athens. Through the Apostle Paul in the 1st century BC, during the trip. Christianity, the gradual development of the new religion to the whole Greece. Now many tourists come to Greece can be seen at the behest of hundreds of Greek archaeological history from the Paleolithic to the Roman era of the "fingerprints", distributed in various regions of Greece, the archaeological museum and the collection room. Many monuments from the Byzantine period and saved the Turkish Empire to the present, for example, Byzantine and Post - Byzantine churches and monk homes, Turkish architecture, Byzantine and charming French-style castle, and all kinds of monuments , and so have had their own style. 1830 results mark the Greek War of Independence the formation of the independent Kingdom of Greece, however, very limited land area. In the late 19th and early 20th century period, with the increase in the population of Greece, the Greek territory gradually complete. In 1920, after World War I, the land of Greece has been an extension of the maximum limit, the Prime Minister 维尼泽罗斯 The contribution of the outstanding. Greek form of the then end of the Second World War combined with the Dodecanese Islands. In 1974, after 7 years of dictatorship, a vote by all citizens, the state transition from a monarchy into a republic; 1981, Greece became a full member of the European Community. Public Health In order to ensure the necessary health, from the European Union countries want tourist to travel to Greece to carry proof of good health in Europe (EHIC) or any authority by the local department of social security issue related to the legal proof. Therefore, Greece can provide the following treatment: 1. To the jurisdiction of the IKA (Social Security Institute) Health Sector (United Hospital) or doctor's office for treatment. 2. Local clinic (formerly Village clinic) or public hospitals to health centers. 3. Contract hospital outpatient departments. In order to ensure the necessary health, travelers from countries outside the EU before traveling to Greece to refer to the local social security departments to provide relevant information. Emergency Response Ambulance: 166 SOS: 1016 Duty of hospitals and clinics: 1434 Poisoning: 2107793777 Prescription: 1434 Alcohol or drug help line: 2103617089 |