  • book
  • piece
  • sheet
  • piece of writing
  • (a measure word)
  • chapter
  • article
  • chapter, section, essay, article
  1.   [口]廢話連; 誇誇其談   gas and gaiters
  2.   vt.壓縮(篇幅)   boil
  3. n.  一篇寫得很好的散文   a page of well-written prose
  4. adj.  一篇鼓舞人心的文字.   an inspirational piece of writing
  5. adj.  不變的, 單調乏味的, 一律的, 未改變的, 沒有變化的   unvaried
  6. n.  中篇小說, 中篇小說   nouvelle
  7. n.  中小說, 短或中小說, 新事麯, 短小說   novelette
  8. n.  中小說(常指質量低劣的).   short novel, often of inferior quality
  9. n.  書, 書籍, , , 基督教《聖經》, 歌劇的歌詞, 帳簿, 登記簿, 名册, 樂隊的全部演唱目錄, 劇本, 記載賭註等的帳册, 以賭賽馬為生的人, 裝訂如書的物品, 本子, 說明書, 電話簿, 一捆東西, 給人以教益的東西, 記錄, 記載有關運動員各種資料的簿子, 慣例, 常規, 反芻動物的重瓣胃, 雲母的厚聚體, 象牙筒, 多層固體火箭燃料, 簿册, 帳簿, 工作簿   book
  10. n.  書、 文章、 講話等的)湊幅的材料   unnecessary material in a book, an essay, a speech, etc (
  11. n.  書籍等頁、 章節上端的)標題.   word or words put at the top of a page, section of a book, etc as a title (
  12. n.  今晚我有二十文章要評分數.   I have twenty essays to mark tonight
  13. n.  從報紙上剪下一文章.   clip an article out of the newspaper
  14. n.  他一有機會就長大論講個沒完.   He gets on his soap-box at the first opportunity, ie He is always ready to talk at length
  15. v.  他一直以每周一的速度生拼硬湊廉價的浪漫小說.   He has been grinding out cheap romantic stories at the rate of one a week
  16. v.  他們刪除了我那報道中記述軍隊暴行的內容.   They've sanitized my report on army atrocities
  1. 最近一有關於專傢證人的道德和責任的文章中對專傢證人提出下述資格標準:
    A recent article on the ethics and responsibility of expert witnesses suggests the following criteria for qualification:
  2. 報告激起他的想像力。
    This report quickened his imagination.
  3. 他讀了一文章便興趣大增了。
    His interest is quicken by an article he has read.
  4. 因諷刺性地寫《唐吉訶德》而被紀念的西班牙作傢,影響了長小說的發展(1547-1616)。
    Spanish writer best remembered for "Don Quixote" which satirizes chivalry and influenced the development of the novel form (1547-1616).
  5. 這個富有闖勁的zs歲小夥子〔帶着嚴重的宿醉)臨時代替一位生病的指揮,獲得極大的成功,在《紐約時報》的頭版上和擊沉七艘日本艦艇的美國潛水艇占了同樣大小的幅。
    Filling in for an ailing maestro, the dashing 25-year-old (who had a fierce hangover) was such a smash he got as much front-page space on The New York Times as the American submarines that sank seven Japanese ships.
  6. 講話雜亂無章,毫無條理。
    It was a scrappy, rambling speech.
  7. 馬剋的導師難以將他的草稿改縮成一通順連貫的文章,底稿漫漫地寫了15頁之多。
    Mark's tutor had difficulty in reducing his draft chapter to coherent shape. The orginal had rambled on for fifteen pages.
  8. 我在那文章衹指出,美國軍隊映帶建立規模更小的部隊。因為通過使軍隊更小型化,他們會變得更加靈活,並且你可以用知識來取代集中。
    The paper argued the United States should move toward smaller forces because,by making them smaller they become more agile,and you can substitue knowledge for mass.
  9. 文章被論證得無懈可擊。
    The article is closely reasoned to the king's taste.
  10. 事實上,全家人都認為丹尼·詹姆斯的出生是個奇跡——是卡彭特傢非同一般的關於出生和再生的長故事中最近發生的一大幸事。
    Truth is, the whole family regards little Danny James as a miracle -- the latest blessed event in the Carpenters' extraordinary saga of birth and rebirth.
  11. 第三次袁德生又來,相隔不過十天,這次信上除駡了我們一大外,卻主張紅軍嚮湘東去,又說是“絶對正確”的方針,而且又要我們“毫不猶豫”。
    The third time, barely ten days later, Yuan Teh-sheng came again with a letter which, besides rebuking us at great length, urged that the Red Army should set out for eastern Hunan; This was again described as the "absolutely correct" policy, to be carried out "without the least hesitation".
  12. 當洪水消退後,他們留下的地質特徵在規模上完全是瓦格納式的宏巨製:砂礫和沉積物堆積的沙洲超過250米高;
    When the waters receded, they revealed geological features that are positively Wagnerian in scale: bars of gravel and sediment heaped up more than 250 metres high;
  13. 按照你的勸告,我决定把這文章再讀一遍。
    Acting on your recommendation, I have decided to read the article once more.
  14. 因此,他編劇並執導了這部二千五百萬美元的大片,一描述身心崩潰的史詩,一首情感復燃的頌歌,這就是片長三個多小時的《木蘭花》,已於十二月上映,但時至今日其風潮纔在美國各地高漲。
    Instead, he wrote and directed a $25 million epic of psychological and physical collapse, an ode to emotional reconnection, with the three hours-plus Magnolia, which opened in December but expands across the country today.
  15. “這課文有一千多個字”;他們分發了市長講話印好的。
    there were more than a thousand words of text; they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech; he wants to reconstruct the original text.
  16. 報導為官方人士所斷然否認,他們斷言根本沒有這回事,其內容純屬憑空捏造。
    This report is positively denied in official circles, who affirm that nothing of the kind occurred, but that the story is made out of whole cloth.
  17. 報導為官方人士斷然否認,他們斷言根本沒有這回事,其內容綫性憑空捏造。
    This report is positively denied in official circles, who affirm that nothing of the kind occured, but that the story is made of whole cloth.
  18. 我父親陳晴山所寫的這文章能重新被發現,是因為1994年我們開始編寫傢譜《流芳集》,當時居住在中國的表兄弟特地寄來此文,他們的父親王光波就是我們這些孩子和母親王義宋昵稱的那位“高粱舅”。
    The article, written originally in Chinese by my father Chen Qing-shan, was rediscovered in 1994 when we were preparing the publication of "The Legacy" (The Chen Family Record Liu Fang Ji). It was sent to us by our cousins in China , the children of our maternal uncle Wang Guang-bo who is fondly known as "Uncle Gao-liang" to the children of Qing-shan and his wife Yi-song.
  19. 這篇論文重複過多。
    There is too much redundancy in this essay.
  20. 文章因過多地描述作者那些時髦的朋友而拉得過長。
    The passage was tiresomely padded out with references to the author's fashionable friends.
  21. 小說涉及了什麽;她的講話涉及了很多問題。
    What's this novel all about?; There were lots of questions referring to her talk.
  22. 文章將影響我思考。
    This article will affect my thinking.
  23. 《考剋斯報告》用了很大的幅,在第十章中詳細描述中國航空技術進出口總公司。%$
    Chapter 10 of the Cox Report describes at great length how the China National Aero-Technology Import-Export Corp.
  24. 我的一論文被退回來了。
    One of my papers is reject.
  25. 我還參加了我的指導老師李博士所寫的幾論文準備工作。
    I have also participated in the preparation of several papers which were written by my faculty advisor, Dr. Li.
  26. 她欠我$200;這論文虧欠了他的指導老師。
    She owes me $200; The thesis owes much to his adviser.
  27. 終於在1991年,恩雅發行了她《水印》的續《牧羊人之月》。
    She finally released Shepherd Moons,her follow-up to Watermark,in 1991.
  28. 與本研究相關的一論文是[]發表的。
    A paper relevant to this research was published by []
  29. 這篇文章毫不切題.
    The essay isn't even remotely relevant to the topic.
  30. 用大量象徵手法表現宗教色彩的詩
    Poetry full of religious symbolism
  31. 期待着聽笑話的人是不會欣賞一大道理的。
    No one who has his mouth made up for a laugh is prepared to relish a does of reason.
  32. 我記得讀過這文章。
    I remember reading the article.