  • guess
  • guess
  • suspect
  • guess, conjecture, suppose
  • feel
  1.   (根據現有材料)預測, 出, 解出   dope out
  2.   [口]我猜疑[感到, 想]   something tells me
  3.   [口]猜錯了, 想錯了   have another guess coming
  4.   [喻]散布猜疑的種子   sow the seeds of distrust
  5.   [常用作幽默語]無法出其年令的女士; 中年婦女   a lady of uncertain age
  6.   a.可疑的;猜疑的   suspicious
  7. v.  不信任, 疑惑, 猜疑   mistrust
  8. vt.  不信任,懷疑,猜疑   mistrust
  9.   不明說, 讓人猜   keep sb. guessing
  10. v.  不要猜測結果.   Don't try to second-guess the outcome
  11. n.  專門小組成員, (電臺、電視臺)問答節目的出場者, 公開討論小組成員之一(亦作panellist), 小組辯論, 謎參加者   panelist
  12. n.  主意, 想法, 觀念, 思想, 概念, 意見, 念頭, 計劃, 企圖, 建議, 想象, 感覺, 幻想, 理念, 打算, 印象, 想, 瞭解, 明白, 提議   idea
  13.   亂猜, 瞎猜   wild guess
  14. adj.  他一下子就中了謎底.   He got the answer to the riddle as quick as a flash
  15. n.  他們為什麽到城裏這個地方來飲酒? 我是想看看這窮地方的吧.   What are they doing drinking at this end of town? Slumming, I suppose
  16. adj.  他疑管道裏什麽地方漏了.   He suspected that a leak was present somewhere along the pipe
  1. 我們兩個都在打盹,不料有人來搗亂,那就是約瑟夫放下一個木梯,它經過一個活門直通閣樓裏:我想這就是他上升閣樓之路了。
    We were both of us nodding, ere anyone invaded our retreat, and then it was Joseph, shuffling down a wooden ladder that vanished in the roof, through a trap: the ascent to his garret, I suppose.
  2. 飛機何時要起飛?
    When do you guess the airplane will take off?
  3. 胡亂的瞄準、測、射擊
    A wild aim, guess, shot
  4. 信息傳視技術中的一種顯示模式。在此模式下某些字符顯示為空格,直到用戶選擇要顯露它們時為止。這種功能可以用於遊戲或謎等方面。
    In videotex, a display mode during which certain characters are displayed as spaces until the viewer chooses to reveal them. This facility can be used in games, quizzes, etc.
  5. 哈哈,我猜着了。
    Aha, I've got it.
  6. 一般來說,俱樂部級比賽,用旋轉球拍的辦法(先)。
    Generally speaking, at club level, players spin a racket.
  7. 謠言引起很多猜測。
    The rumor raised much conjecture.
  8. 有三種對焦方式——估,用測距儀及自動對焦。
    There's three types of focusing-guesstimate, rangefinder and autofocus.
  9. 有三種對焦方式——估,用測距儀及自動對焦。
    There are three types of focus- guesstimate, rangefinder and autofocus.
  10. 我猜你是對的
    I imagine you're right.
  11. 合理的爭論;合理的疑。
    a reasonable argument; well-founded suspicions.
  12. (憑測的)估計;瞎估計;瞎
    Estimate made by combining guessing wih reasoning
  13. 結合推理和測的估計。
    an estimate that combines reasoning with guessing.
  14. ①作者註:為方便不擅謎的人,以上標牌包含“性越軌”、“牙醫”’“討厭外國車”、“民主車”、“大象”——共和黨標志和“政府吸奶”等意思。
    CD For the rebus-impaired, the above tags include 'sexual deviate', ' tooth doctor', ' hate foreign trucks', ' Democrat car', ' elephant', a symbol of the Republican party, and 'Government sucks'.
  15. 但是最近有測說,菲亞特集團可能放棄期權,以換取通用汽車公司的現金,調整資本結構。
    But there has been recent speculation Fiat might drop the option in return for cash from GM towards a recapitalization.
  16. 當他們結帳走人時,接待員有點窘迫地笑着,一邊無端地着他們是怎麽避開各自的伴侶過這個周末的。
    As they check out, grinning a little sheepishly, the receptionist wonders idly they've managed to escape their respective spouses for the weekend.
  17. 有人說,我們現在有保守派、改革派,這是測。
    Some people say that we have conservative and reformist factions, but that is only conjecture on their part.
  18. 甚至回到艾薩剋·牛頓時代,科學家就曾測有這樣的物體存在。但今天我們知道利用愛因斯坦廣義相對論,能更好地描述黑洞。
    Even back in Isaac Newton's time, scientists speculated that such objects could exist, even though we now know they are more accurately described using Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.
  19. 後來在議會上應對對手一個接一個的爭論時----他在這門技藝上也許是無人可比的----很少有人想得到他在這樣的場合顯露出的不尋常的準確記憶力,原來是在德雷頓牧區教堂裏他父親的訓練之下培養成功的。
    When afterwards replying in succession to the arguments of his parliamentary opponents--an art in which he was perhaps unrivalled--it was little surmised that the extraordinary power of accurate remembrance which he displayed on such occasions had been originally trained under the discipline of his father in the parish church of Drayton.
  20. 因此我就測到學科或係的附屬課程上去了。
    This made me speculate that it was some adjunct course of study or department.
  21. 主要基於測而不是足夠的證據。
    based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence.
  22. 她活該,我想她是打算利用我來再證明一下這地方鬧鬼罷了。
    she richly deserves it. I suppose that she wanted to get another proof that the place was haunted, at my expense.
  23. 但我測她不是蓋爾的對手。
    But I guess she can't rival Gail.
  24. 我無意間碰見誰了?
    Guess who I stumbled across?
  25. 大傢把老公爵和瑪格麗特的親密關係歸之於老年人貪淫好色,這是有錢的老頭兒常犯的毛病,人們對他們的關係有各種各樣的測,就是未到真情。
    The relationship between the old Duke and the young woman was put down to the salacity which is frequently found in rich old men. People imagined all manner of things, except the truth.
  26. "媽,你我今天在童子軍學什麽啦!"
    “Mom,guess what I learned in Scouts today!”
  27.  第二,迷惑、疑能夠使一個企業變得脆弱,以致讓外敵乘虛而入。
    Secondly, confusion and suspicion will make the organisation vulnerable to external exploitation.
  28. 《考剋斯報告》攻擊中國長時間廣泛“竊缺美國的各種軍事技術,但通篇從頭到尾都用“似乎”、“大概”、“如果”、“可能”、“或許”、“將來或許會”等測性語言,沒有任何實質性證據,沒有任何確鑿的具體的事實,竟然就判定中國有組織地廣泛“竊缺美國敏感技術、危害美國國傢安全,這是十分荒謬的,這種聳人聽聞的結論是站不住腳的。
    The Cox Report attacks China for extensively "stealing" various military technologies of the United States over a long period. But, terms of conjecture such as "seemingly", "presumably", "if", "perhaps", "probably" and "perhaps in the future", can be found throughout the report while offering no substantive evidence. Without any solid, concrete facts, they even claim China "stole" US sensitive technology in an organized and extensive way that threatens the national security of the United States. This is utterly absurd. This sensational conclusion does not hold water.
  29. 可能他出了我的心思,因為他對我說:
    It was as though he sensed my wishes, for he said:
  30. 讀着迪斯尼樂園中那些富有人情味的動物故事長大的絶大多數人,都會認為這兩種測是正確的,而且更使他們確信動物能感受到如人類一般的強烈情感。
    Most people, raised on Disney versions of sentient and passionate beasts, would say that these tales, both true, simply confirm their suspicions that animals can feel intense, humanlike emotions.
  31. 想他是一名退保軍人。
    I guessed that he was an ex-serviceman.
  32. 在我騎着馬走上前去時,看見他的黑眼睛縮在眉毛下忌地瞅着我。而在我通報自己姓名時.他把手指更深地藏到背心袋裏,完全是一副不信任我的神氣。剎那間,我對他産生了親切之感,而他卻根本未察覺到。
    He little imagined how my heart warmed towards him when I beheld his black eyes withdraw so suspiciously under their brows, as I rode up, and when his fingers sheltered themselves, with a jealous resolution, still farther in his waistcoat, as I announced my name.