| - v. 你不知道. 你只管猜! You don't know. You're just guessing
- adj. 你猜得差不多了. You're getting warm
- 你猜得差得太远了. Your guess was a long way out, ie completely wrong
- 你猜我今天碰见谁了. Guess who I ran into today
- 你猜猜是哪个名人说过这句话? =>Usage at which 用法见 which. Guess what famous person said this?
- adj. 你猜错了. You guessed wrong
- v. 你第一次猜得对. Your first surmise was right
- 侥幸猜中, 碰上 a lucky guess
- v. 假设, 假定, 猜测 hypothesize
- adj. 假设的, 假定的, 爱猜想的 hypothetical
- adj. 儿童游戏中)远离隐藏物的, 远未猜中的. not close to finding a hidden object, the correct answer, etc (
- adj. 儿童游戏等)快找到目标的, 快猜中 的 very near the object sought; very close to guessing correctly (
- n. 全凭猜测得出答案. obtain an answer by pure guesswork
- 关于...有许多猜测。 Much speculation is rife concerning [as to about]...
- adj. 凭灵感的猜测(靠直觉而不靠逻辑, 但往往正确). an inspired guess, ie made by intuition rather than logic, but usu correct
- 凭瞎猜; 凭粗略估计; [海俚](船只没有陆标导航)盲目地(驾驶) by guess and by gosh