  • base
  • cause
  • radicel
  • radicle
  • radix
  • root
  • rootage
  • radical (chem.)
  • basis
  • root, base(d on)
  • foundation
  • radical
  1. n.  ' 據《簡·愛》改編的廣播、 電影等   the radio, film, etc version of `JaneEyre
  2.   (與on, upon連用) 站在...位置[崗位]; 站在...立場; 以...為據   take one's stand
  3.   (壓垮駱駝的)最後一稻草; 導火綫; 終於使人忍無可忍的最後一事   the last straw
  4.   (或from)根據...來判斷   judging by
  5.   (據概率統計求得的)估計壽命   expectation of life (=life expectancy)
  6.   (據現有材料)預測, 猜出, 解出   dope out
  7.   (狐狸等)逃入地穴; 追捕; 尋究底   run to ground
  8.   (言論等)沒有, 站不住腳   have not a leg to stand on
  9. vt.  ..加入, 追源), 使密切聯繫, 聯合, 接納...為分支機構, 使隸屬於, 使加入, 使隸屬, 把...收為養子, 認定父親為, 追溯, 尋, 來自   affiliate
  10.   Bill一定是哪筋不對,他的行動真奇怪   Bill must have a screw loose somewhere
  11. n.  DOS命令:允許從101鍵的鍵盤嚮後兼容,及將WINA20.386文件移出目錄   switches
  12. n.  Polynesia産的一種灌木, 由其所製的酒   kavakava
  13. n.  Polynesia産的一種灌木, 由其所製的酒, 醉椒, 卡瓦鬍椒, 卡瓦酒, 卡瓦藥   kava
  14.   [口][用以加強語氣]世界上; 本; 極其   in life
  15.   [口]一點也不在乎, 本不放在心上   not care a thing
  16.   [口]一點也不在乎; 本不放在心上   not care two pins
  1. 鄧:那件事,看起來是壞事,但歸到底也是好事,促使人們思考,促使人們認識我們的弊端在哪裏。
    Deng: That episode looks bad, but in the final analysis, it was also a good thing. Because it set people thinking and helped to identify our failings.
  2. 到了革命據地,就是到了中國歷史幾千年來空前未有的人民大衆當權的時代。
    To come to the revolutionary bases means to enter an epoch unprecedented in the thousands of years of Chinese history, an epoch in which the masses of the people wield state power.
  3. 同志們很多是從上海亭子間⑾來的;從亭子間到革命據地,不但是經歷了兩種地區,而且是經歷了兩個歷史時代。
    A good number of comrades have come here from the garrets of Shanghai, and in coming from those garrets to the revolutionary base areas, they have passed not only from one kind of place to another but from one historical epoch to another.
  4. 使者們驚訝於他們所看到的情景,嚮約翰國王報告說,這些人瘋得厲害本沒法處罰。
    The messengers,alarmed at what they had found,reported to King John that these people were so mad as to be beyond punishment.
  5. 高次代數方程求根
    finding roots of polynomial equation
  6. 含有有理係數的代數等式的
    root of an algebraic equation with rational coefficients.
  7. 本用不着大驚不怪的。
    No cause for alarm at all.
  8. 為提高人類的安全、更好地施政、促進公平發展並尊重人權,聯合國展開各種活動,並通過這些活動來幫助解决戰爭的源問題,給世界增加一份安全。
    Through its activities aimed at promoting human security, good governance, equitable development and respect for human rights, the UN is helping to make the world a safer place by addressing the underlying causes of war.
  9. 遊擊戰爭據地的經濟政策,必須執行抗日民族統一戰綫的原則,即合理負擔和保護商業,當地政權和遊擊隊决不能破壞這種原則,否則將影響於據地的建立和遊擊戰爭的支持。
    The economic policy of the guerrilla base areas must follow the principles of the Anti-Japanese National United Front by equitably distributing the financial burden and protecting commerce. Neither the local organs of political power nor the guerrilla units must violate these principles, or otherwise the establishment of base areas and the maintenance of guerrilla warfare would be adversely affected.
  10. 在股份製合資企業中,利潤和風險的分攤是據合資夥伴在企業中的資産份額而定。
    In an equity joint venture, the profits and risks are shared according to the partners' shares of equity in that venture.
  11. 必須據公平和社會正義的基本原則,以公平承擔有關代價和負擔的方式處理各種全球挑戰。
    Global challenges must be managed in a way that distributes the costs and burdens fairly in accordance with basic principles of equity and social justice.
  12. 福氏金縷梅屬的任何一種落葉的矮生灌木,具有美麗的穗狀花序,花在春季呈白色、秋季火紅色或橙色;産自阿拉巴馬州和阿利尼山脈。
    any of several deciduous low-growing shrubs of the genus Fothergilla having showy brushlike spikes of white flowers in spring and fiery red and orange autumn color; Alabama to Allegheny Mts.
  13. 工程的基本思路是以從本上遏製生態環境惡化,保護生物多樣性,促進社會、經濟可持續發展為宗旨,通過森林分類經營,調整森林資源結構,使經濟及資源平衡服從於生態環境改善,服從於水土保持、水源涵養需要。
    The basic idea for the project, with the purpose of putting the ecological environment deterioration under control, conserving biodiversity and promoting sustainable socioeconomic development, is to subordinate the equivalence of economy and resources to the improvement of ecological environment and the need for water and soil conservation and water resources conservancy through practicing classified management of forest resources and readjusting the structure of forest resources.
  14. 那是來自,呃,記起來了,阿廷。
    It's from, I've nearly got it, er, Argentina.
  15. 那是來自,呃,記起來了,阿廷。
    It's from, I have nearly got it, er, Argentina.
  16. 那是來自,呃,記起來了,阿廷。
    It 's from, I have nearly got it, er, Argentina.
  17. 除,滅絶完全地毀壞或消除;滅絶,
    To destroy or remove completely; eradicate.
  18. 難以或無法除或毀掉的
    Difficult or impossible to eradicate or destroy.
  19. 衹有社會主義制度才能從本上解决擺脫貧窮的問題。
    Only the socialist system can eradicate poverty.
  20. 讓我們一起探索星球,徵服沙漠,除疾患,開發深海,並鼓勵藝術和商業的發展。
    Together, let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce.
  21. 光復後為了除日本殖民文化的影響,二戰後國民政府禁止人民說日語。
    After WWII, to eradicate the lingering influence of Japanese colonialism, the Nationalist government that came to Taiwan banned the speaking of Japanese.
  22. 就以臺灣的語言政策來說,光復後為了除日本殖民文化的影響,國民政府禁止人民說日語;
    Take Taiwanese language policy for example. After WWII, to eradicate the lingering influence of Japanese colonialism, the Nationalist government that came to Taiwan banned the speaking of Japanese.
  23. 中國政府主張,國際社會應加強對話和磋商,開展合作,共同防範和打擊國際恐怖活動,努力消除産生恐怖主義的源。
    The Chinese government is of the view that the international community should strengthen dialogue and consultation and develop cooperation, join hands in preventing and fighting against international terrorist activities, and make efforts to eradicate the root cause of terrorism.
  24. 它反映了在第二次世界大戰勝利後世界人民鏟除法西斯主義、除戰爭禍害和維護人的基本權利的普遍要求,對促進世界人權有巨大的功績。
    It represented the common demand of the people throughout the world to eradicate fascism and the catastrophe of war and safeguard the basic rights of human beings following victory in World War II. In this way it greatly promoted progress in human rights the world over.
  25. 阿拉巴馬人的馬斯剋霍語。
    the Muskhogean language of the Alabama people.
  26. 能夠被除或者消滅。
    able to be eradicated or rooted out.
  27. 難以絶的禍患難以輕鬆解决的、頭緒多的、復雜的問題
    A persistent or multifaceted problem that cannot be eradicated by a single effort.
  28. 這就是菲律賓貪污問題難以除的主要原因之一。
    This is a key reason why rampant corruption in the country cannot be eradicated.
  29. 藝術表演場所的經營者們,不知可有膽量嘗試實行筆者的建議,以及他們想到的其他措施,看看那些阻礙我們成為優雅社會的陋習,能否由此除?
    Would any arts venue operator take up the challenge and give these suggestions, and others that they might think of, a try to see if these potential impediments to our becoming a cultivated society can be eradicated?
  30. 傳染病一次性猛烈的爆發造成的死亡也許沒有一次狂怒的洪水或者一次長期的旱災吞噬的人多,但是它一旦在一個地區生了,就難以除並會蔓延到其它地區。
    It may kill fewer people in one fell swoop than a raging flood or an extended drought, but once it takes root in a community, it often defies eradication and can invade other areas.
  31. 國傢組織、協調有關部門和群衆團體共同實施人口與計劃生育方案,將計劃生育與發展經濟、消除貧睏、保護生態環境、合理利用資源、普及文化教育、發展衛生事業、完善社會保障、提高婦女地位等緊密結合起來,努力從本上解决中國的人口與發展問題。
    The Government organizes and coordinates the relevant departments and mass organizations to implement the population and family planning program, striving to integrate the family planning program with economic development, poverty eradication, protection of ecological environment, rational resource utilization, universal education, advancement of public health and social security, and improvement of women's status. This is aimed at seeking a thorough solution to the problem of population and development.
  32. 看來,這種羞恥觀念深蒂固,不除去它,沒有什麽神奇藥丸能抹去韓國的恥辱。
    Until that stigma is removed, no magic pill will erase Korea' s shame.