| - [口]一点也不在乎; 根本不放在心上 not care a pin
- [口]一点也不在乎; 根本不放在心上 couldn't careless
- [口]一点也不知道; 根本没想到 not have the foggiest
- [口]碰也不想碰某人[某物], 根本不想同某人[某物]沾边 wouldn't touch sth. with a barge-pole
- [口]碰也不想碰某人[某物], 根本不想同某人[某物]沾边 wouldn't touch sb. with a 10-foot pole
- [后接chance, good, use, reason等] 毫无..., 根本没有... no [not an] earthly
- [用于从句前]根据...而...; 随着...而... according as
- [美] 藐视国会(根据美国法律, 应罚款或坐牢) contempt of Congress
- [美、口]彻底打败; 消灭; 根除 knock the hindsight out
- [美、口]彻底打败; 消灭; 根除 kick the hindsight off
- [美、口]彻底打败; 消灭; 根除 kick the hindsight out
- [美、口]彻底打败; 消灭; 根除 knock the hindsight off
- [谚]不要根据树皮判断树木; 不能以貌取人。 You can't judge a tree by its bark.
- [谚]最后添加的一根稻草压断骆驼背脊; 最后凑上的一个细小因素引发一场大祸。 It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
- [谚]真正的表扬必将生根发芽。 True praise takes root and spread.
- a.根本的;激进的 radical