  • ever
  • at any time up to the present
  • already
  • (refers to something that happened previously)
  • at some time in the past
  • before
  • once
  • (surname)
  • great-grand (father)
  • sign of past
  • Tsang
  • Cheng
  • Tseng
  1.   (經)盛極一時, (經)闊氣過   see better days
  2.   (獵犬)聞出(一度錯失的)嗅跡   hit off a fault
  3. n.  .. 經有那麽個時候...   ... there has been a time when
  4. n.  Thebes的英學, 俄狄浦斯(底比斯王子, 破解怪物斯芬剋斯的謎語, 後誤殺其父並娶其母為妻, 發覺後自刺雙目, 流浪而死), 解迷的人, 俄狄浦斯   oedipus
  5.   [俚]經親身經歷過, 經領略過此中滋味   have been there (before)
  6.   [口]你可聽[見]過這樣(怪)事嗎?   Did you ever? (= Did anybody ever? lf ever ! Was there ever? Who'd ever?)
  7. n.  一次, adv.一次, 從前, 經   once
  8.   一種經最流行的文字編輯軟件   WordPerfect
  9. adj.  不受重視的, 無價值的, 不足道的, 不重要或不足珍視的, 未估價的, 無價的, 不能估計的, 未評價過的, 未估價的   unvalued
  10.   不發生;不會 發生;不行   it's no go
  11. adj.  不造作的, 優雅的, 非由自覺努力而獲得的, 自發的, 自然的, 不做作的, 未學習過的, 無知的, 不學無術的, 隨變的, 即席的, 不裝腔作勢的, 非嬌揉造作的, 未學過的, 不懂的   unstudied
  12. adj.  二手(的)(屬於他人的)   previously owned by sb else
  13. v.  亞歷山大大帝率領大軍入侵印度.   Alexander the Great invaded India with a large army
  14. n.  京都, 京都(是日本古都)   kyoto
  15. adj.  人跡不到的, 不外出旅行過的, 人跡未到的, 無人跡的   untravelled
  16. n.  他臨終是否蒙主感召?(尤指受到寬恕後行聖禮)   Did he die in a state of grace? ie strengthened and inspired by God, esp after having been pardoned and given the Sacraments
  1. 阿拉斯加一度是俄國的領土。
    Alaska was once possessed by Russia.
  2. 威洛阿拉斯加州南部、安剋雷奇以北的城鎮。因位於中心位置被申請做新的州府
    A town of southern Alaska north of Anchorage. It has been proposed as a new state capital because of its central location.
  3. 例如,管製員離開崗位後,仍然能從經歷性記憶中敘述出那些發生的睏難的情況下所做出的一係列管製行為和有關的航空器。
    The controller getting off shift, for example, can recount from episodic memory the aircraft involved and the series of control actions taken for any troublesome situation that occurred.
  4. 想當初,羅貝爾·塞納利把巴黎聖母院比做埃費索斯的著名的狄安娜神廟——被古代異教徒奉若神明並使埃羅斯特拉圖斯名字永留於世——,認為聖母院這座高盧人大教堂“在長度、寬度、高度和結構上都遠勝一籌”。
    How far it is from the epoch when Robert Cenalis, comparing Notre-Dame de Paris to the famous temple of Diana at Ephesus, *so much lauded by the ancient pagans*, which Erostatus *has* immortalized, found the Gallic temple "more excellent in length, breadth, height, and structure."
  5. 乍得非洲中北部國傢。為法屬赤道非洲的一部分,1960年獲得獨立。恩賈梅納為首都和最大城市。人口4,405,000
    A country of north-central Africa. Formerly part of French Equatorial Africa, it became independent in1960. Ndjamena is the capital and the largest city. Population,4, 405, 000.
  6. 在二十世紀七十年代早期,天文學家艾拉和裘利·圖木爾就預言那兩個因為有像嚙齒動物一樣的尾巴而被別稱為“老鼠”的相對較近的星係的奇怪形狀可以用發生在兩者之間的奇怪的撞擊來解釋。
    In the early 1970s, astronomers Alar and Jun Toomre predicted that the odd shape of two relatively nearby galaxies, dubbed the Mice after their rodent-like tails, could be explained by a fantastic collision between them.
  7. 是湯姆,即使阿蘭付出所有的激情愛着她。
    Tom had, even though Alan loved her with all the passion.
  8. 喬剋托部落居住在美國密西西比州中部和南部以及亞拉巴馬州西南部的一支美洲土著部落,現在分佈在密西西比州以及俄剋拉何馬州東南部。喬剋托人在19世紀30年代被遷至印第安那地區
    A Native American people inhabiting central and southern Mississippi and southwest Alabama, with present-day populations in Mississippi and southeast Oklahoma. The Choctaw were removed to Indian Territory in the1830's.
  9. 奇剋索部落一支美洲土著部落,最初居住在美國密西西比州東北部和阿拉巴馬州西北部,現在分佈在俄剋拉何馬州中南部。19世紀30年代奇剋索人被趕到印第安那州
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting northeast Mississippi and northwest Alabama, now located in south-central Oklahoma. The Chickasaw were removed to Indian Territory in the1830's.
  10. 加茲登,詹姆斯1788-1858美國外交傢、政治傢和鐵路創辦人,參與加茲登購地的談判
    A city of northeast Alabama northeast of Birmingham. It is an industrial center. Population,42, 523.
  11. 見過一傢商行取名為“新的原料供應商”,就好比把房地産公司取名為“蓋新房子的建築商”,真是“直率坦白”到了極點。
    I have seen a shop with the name “Sin Te (meaning “new”) Material Supplier”. This is akin to a property firm calling itself “Developer of New Homes” - it is just so direct and meaningless.
  12. 歐蓍草一種地中海地區的外形較小的(紫菀科南歐派利吞草)植物,含有一種用於減緩牙痛或面部神經痛的易揮發的油
    A small Mediterranean plant(Anacyclus pyrethrum) containing a volatile oil once used for the relief of toothache and facial neuralgia.
  13. 然而,一部分同志在這個偉大鬥爭中跌下了或跌下過機會主義的泥坑,這仍然是因為他們不去虛心領會過去的經驗,對於中國的歷史狀況和社會狀況、中國革命的特點、中國革命的規律不瞭解,對於馬剋思列寧主義的理論和中國革命的實踐沒有統一的理解而來的。
    Nevertheless, in the course of these great struggles some of our comrades sank into the quagmire of opportunism, or did so at least for a time, and again the reasons were that they did not learn modestly from the experience of the past, did not acquire an understanding of Chinese history and society and of the specific features and laws of the Chinese revolution, and did not have an understanding of the unity between the theory of Marxism-Leninism and the practice of the Chinese revolution.
  14. 移民是件好事,這在大多數人看來衹不過是一種奇特的美國信念。“移民”是80年前來到美國的勇敢的祖輩和祖輩;
    That immigration is "good" is a quaint American belief that, to most people, seems no more than quaint "Immigrants" were the doughty grandparents and great-grandparents who came to America eighty years ago;
  15. 可在那奇妙的假發之下那對光澤明亮的眼睛卻閃着光輝。看來這人在訓練成為臺爾森銀行的那種胸有城府、不動聲色的表情的過程中確飽經磨練。
    A face habitually suppressed and quieted, was still lighted up under the quaint wig by a pair of moist bright eyes that it must have cost their owner, in years gone by, some pains to drill to the composed and reserved expression of Tellson's Bank.
  16. 這些獵鷹早已聲名遠播:它們成功地在機場跑道和軍用基地解决過同樣的問題。因此,橘郡政府纔决定投資4萬美金引進它們,希望它們能從海鷗手中奪回垃圾堆的"領空"。
    After falcons helped to solve similar bird problems at airport runways and military bases, Orange County officials decided to invest $40,000 to see if they could be an protect the airspace over the landfill.
  17. 她自己為人也好,平日間待人接物,都很和藹,沒有一些兒氣,她傢裏有許多祖上的遺産,呼奴使婢,坐着穿吃,真的什麽都不用憂慮,衹有一件缺憾,就是她嫁了幾年,還不生個兒子,總覺得美中不足,雖然旁人沒因此就輕視了她。
    She herself treated others very well. In all her dealings with everyone, she was friendly and completely without airs. Her family had a great deal of inherited wealth, with servants and maids at their beck and call; no one had to work for a living. Truly no one had to worry about anything. There was only one thing of great regret; that is, after several years of marriage, she had not been able to beget a son. She had therefore felt something missed in the midst of plenty, although no one thought any less of her on account of this.
  18. 假如他有過什麽不安的話,他們就會講究實際了。
    If he had had any qualms,they would have been practical.
  19. 厄羅伯用於西班牙語國傢的測量液體的單位,容量不一,但量酒類時約等於16。2公升(17誇脫)
    A liquid measure formerly used in Spanish-speaking countries, having varying value but equal to about16.2 liters(17 quarts) when used to measure wine.
  20. 前聯邦航空局事故調查部門負責人約翰·卡拉漢說,中央情報局官員指示他隱瞞1986年11月18日一架日本民航客機在阿拉斯加州安剋雷奇附近遭遇一不明飛行物的真相。
    John Callahan,a former FAA division chief of accidents and investigations,said he was directed by CIA officers to cover up a Nov.18,1986,incident involving a UFO and a Japanese airliner near Anchorage,Alaska.
  21. 從那時起,公司犯下了某些錯誤,這是事實-筆記本電腦的設計在某點上脫離了常軌,使得戴爾取消了大多數生産綫,導致了公司在1993年一個季度的損失。
    Since then, the company has made mistakes, sure--the design of its notebook computers got so off track at one point that Dell canceled most of the line, leading to the company's only quarterly loss, in 1993.
  22. 長達200萬年的第四紀期間,全球海平面受到兩極地區幾次大冰期的影響,下降至現時海平面之下120米,當時的海岸綫離開現時本港海岸達130公裏。
    During the Quaternary period, spanning the last 2 million years, major glaciations in polar regions affected global sea level, which fell to 120metres below present level, leaving the site of present-day Hong Kong as much as 130 kilometres from the coast.
  23. 碼頭上經有個小旅館。
    There used to be a small hotel on the quay.
  24. 碼頭上經有個小旅館。
    There used to is a small hotel on the quay.
  25. 規劃人員把經人來人往的船碼頭變成了雅皮士的水上活動場所,並且製訂了頗受爭議的恢復唐人街店鋪的條例。
    Planners turned the once-bustling Boat Quay into a yuppie watering hole and set rules for the controversial restoration of Chinatown shop houses.
  26. 我的祖母經見過維多利亞女王。
    My grandmother once saw Queen Victoria.
  27. 數月前剋林頓州長同意與布什先生交手三次,由兩黨組成的總統辯論委員會主辦。布什助選團巧妙地拖延,然後對辯論形式提出異議。委員會根據過去經驗,合情合理地提議由一人主持辯論。但是布什先生堅持由一組記者來發問的笨拙形式。這種方式在過去辯論時窒礙難行。
    Gov.Bill Clinton agreed months ago to three encounters with Mr.Bush, sponsored by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates. The Bush campaign artfully dawdled, then took issue with the debate format. The commission, reacting to past experience, sensibly proposed a single moderator. But Mr.Bush is holding out for the cumbersome format of a panel of journalist questioners that has clotted past debates.
  28. 一位技術人員經告訴她說:"我們在公佈這類照片之前歷來都要修去有關ufo的背景。
    “ We always airbrush them out before we release them to the public,” one technician told her.
  29. 布利剋斯博士一語雙關地說“芥子氣是聞不到的,你衹有用它纔會知道它。”
    Dr. Blix has quipped that, quote, ``Mustard gas is not (inaudible) You are supposed to know what you did with it. ''
  30. 阿涅利先生(通常被稱為詹尼)去年在美國接受前列腺癌的治療,一時關於他要去世的謠言風起,使境況不佳的公司股票迅速攀升,因為人們認為,沒有他的影響,菲亞特集團可能會對想要收購這個虧損企業的通用汽車公司更為順從。
    Mr.Agnelli,usually known as Gianni,was treated in the United States last year for prostate cancer,at the time rumours of his death sent shares in the ailing company rocketing as it was thought that without his influence Fiat would be more compliant when dealing with General Motors which wished to buy the loss-making manufacturer.
  31. 拉菲特,簡1780?-1826?法國海盜首領,作為對官方赦免他罪行的回報,他在1812年戰爭中幫助過美國艦隊
    French pirate leader who aided U.S. troops in the War of1812 in return for an official pardon for his crimes.
  32. 底波拉舊約中的一名法官和先知,幫助以色列人戰勝迦南人
    In the Old Testament, a judge and prophet who aided the Israelites in their victory over the Canaanites.