堅持不懈地打擊各種騙稅、偷稅、逃匯、騙匯、傳銷和走私等違法犯罪活動。 Unremitting efforts must be made to combat such crimes as tax fraud and evasion, evading foreign exchange control, obtaining foreign currency through deception, pyramid selling and smuggling.
但是要真正偷到這筆錢,他先要找到一個超級黑客--此人的才幹能使世界上最無懈可擊的安全係統也變得如同兒戲。 To actually steal the money,however,he'll need a superhacker,someone whose talents make even the most airtight security systems of the world look like child's play.
他偷偷地塞給搬運工人兩角五分錢的硬幣。 He slipped the porter a quarter.
她為偷牌打出q而贏得一墩. She succeeded in finessing her queen.
他們協助警察抓住了小偷。 They aided and abetted in getting the police to catch the thief.
據瞭解,張淑雲在院工作期間,由於其工作表現不好,受到領導和同事批評,後來發現她經常指使由福利院監護養育長大的艾明偷偷地到一些病房拍照. An investigation into Zhang Shuyun's history shows that she was criticized by her leaders and colleagues at the Shanghai children's welfare home due to her work quality. Later it was found that she often directed one of the young orphans at the welfare home, Ai Ming, to take photographs for her in secret.
據瞭解,張淑雲在院工作期間,由於其工作表現不好,受到領導和同事批評,後來發現她經常指使由福利院監護養育長大的艾明偷偷地到一些病房拍照,並在拍照時有意將病童擺弄成某種姿勢。艾明還叫另外兩個大孩子展×和翟×同他一起拍照。 An investigation into Zhang Shuyun's history shows that she was criticized by her leaders and colleagues at the Shanghai children's welfare home due to her work quality. Later it was found that she often directed one of the young orphans at the welfare home, Ai Ming, to take photographs for her in secret. Before taking pictures Ai Ming put sick children in special poses and asked two bigger children Zhan and Zhai to help him.
從1941年至1945年他在美國鐵道上“偷乘火車”旅行了約二萬英裏。 From 1941 to 1945 he “beat his way” about twenty thousand miles on American railroads.
有人把我的雨衣偷走了。 Somebody has walked off with my raincoat.
拉爾夫因偷車被捕,破壞了他上大學的計劃。 When Ralph was arrested for stealing the ear, it played havoc with his plans for going to college.
幾個偷牛賊在偷農場的牛時,被牛仔們抓住,被私下絞死了。 Cattle thieves were stealing the rancher's cattle when the cowboys caught them and had a necktie party.
警方昨天說,小偷把九十一歲內科醫生的診所洗劫一空。在罪犯橫行的哈萊姆區,診所已所剩無幾。 Burglars ransacked the office of a 91-year-old physician who is one of the last private doctors left in crime-ravaged Harlem, police said yesterday.
水庫控製着洪水。小偷用偷來的畫索取贖金 The dam held the floodwaters. Thieves held the stolen painting for ransom.
12月18日,加拿大一夥自稱是"聖誕怪盜格林奇"的小偷綁架了安大略湖一戶人傢前院草坪上的"聖誕老人",還拿這個象徵快樂的肖像勒取贖金。 Canadian thieves calling themselves Grinch Enterprises kidnapped a Santa Claus figure off an Ontario family's front lawn and are holding the jolly icon for ransom on Wednesday.
據主人伊夫琳·於塞說:"我的馴鹿還在那兒,可聖誕老人卻不見了。"這夥小偷讓她傢為當地的食物儲藏室募集罐頭食品,作為聖誕節之前歸還這個膠合板聖誕老人的條件。 The group -- who have struck at the same family home before and demanded a similar ransom -- want the owners to collect canned goods for a food bank in return for getting their plywood Santa back before Christmas Day, Evelyn Hussey said.
據主人伊夫琳·於塞說:"我的馴鹿還在那兒,可聖誕老人卻不見了。"這夥小偷讓她傢為當地的食物儲藏室募集罐頭食品,作為聖誕節之前歸還這個膠合板聖誕老人的條件。這幫傢夥以前也襲擊過她傢,索要的贖金跟這次差不多。 The group -- who have struck at the same family home before and demanded a similar ransom -- want the owners to collect canned goods for a food bank in return for getting their plywood Santa back before Christmas Day, Evelyn Hussey said. "My reindeers are still there but Santa Claus is gone," Hussey said.
在聯邦調查局的犯罪報告所列舉的7項同類重大犯罪項目中,其中4項是個人暴力犯罪殺人、嚴重人身傷害、強姦、搶劫……其餘3項重大犯罪是入室行竊、50美元以上偷竊及盜車。 Of the seven index crimes in the Uniform crime Reports, four are Crimes of personal violence murder, aggravated assault, rape, and robbery… The remaining three index crimes are burglary, larceny of $ 50 or more, and auto theft.
當他被控偷盜時,他憤怒地嚮我表示不滿。 When he was accused of stealing he raved wildly against me.
當他被控犯偷竊罪時,他氣呼呼地把我臭駡一頓。 When he was accused of stealing he raved wildly against me.
我軍乃於蔣、蔡、韓軍和陳、羅軍之間一個二十華裏間隙的大山中偷越過去,由東面回到西面之興國境內集中。 We slipped through in the high mountains that lay in the twenty-li gap between the forces of Chiang Kuang-nai, Tsai Ting-kai and Han Teh-chin on the one side and Chen Cheng and Lo Cho-ying on the other, and thus, returning from the east to the west, reassembled within the borders of Hsingkuo County.
如果他偷竊,他會觸犯法律的。 He will run afoul of the law if he steals.
小偷被警察撞見了。 The thief ran afoul of the policemen.
接受偷來的貨物將其出售 To receive stealed goods to sell
(非正式用語)最近丟失或被偷運。 (informal) recently stolen or smuggled.
查理偷了珠寶以補償他在蒙特卡羅的損失。 Charles stole the diamonds to recoup himself for his losses at Monte Carlo.
車主控告他偷竊,他反過來控告車主。 He recriminated against the owner of the car who charged him with stealing.
在小偷被逮捕後,珍妮可取回被偷的錢。 Jenny could redeem the stolen money from the thiefafter he was arrested.
在小偷被逮住後,珍妮可以取回被偷的錢。 Jenny can redeem the steal money from the thief after he were arrest.
它可獲取財富,它要剝奪競爭對手的財富。信息戰爭與權力有關。控製信息就控製了金錢。信息戰爭與恐懼有關。控製信息的人能讓那些企圖保住自己秘密的人感到恐懼。紐約銀行就經歷了這種恐懼,它在一天裏就丟失了230億美元。信息戰爭與政治有關。當德國政府支持情報機構對美國進行黑客活動時,盟友的含義就需要重新確定了。或者當為擾亂美國經濟伊朗政府暗中支持嚮美國市場投放假幣時,我們應該隱隱察覺到衝突已不同於以往。信息戰爭與生存有關。法國和以色列發展各自的經濟,把全部所有的工業部門都建築在偷竊美國的機密的基礎上。日本和韓國,在他們政府的幫助下,衹要美國的技術一離開設計圖板就把它偷走了。信息戰爭與挑釁和侵犯公民權有關。無論是在發達國傢還是在發展中國傢,從網絡空間的城堡裏走來了不起眼的黑客,他們一無所有而不怕失去。他們瞭解進行信息戰爭的經濟收益。信息戰爭就是要控製信息。隨着網絡空間的擴展和電子無政府狀態的蔓延,現實社會越來越失去控製。從80年代末和整個90年代的情況來看,信息戰爭不可避免。 It's about the acquisition of wealth,and the denial of wealth to competitors. Information Warfare is about power. He who controls the information controls the money. Information Warfare is about fear. He who controls the information can instill fear in those who want to keep their secrets a secret.It's the fear that the Bank of New York felt when it found itself $ billion short of cash in only one day. Information Warfare is about politics. When the German government sponsors intelligence agency hacking against U.S. computers,the concept of ally needs to be redefined. Or when Iran takes aim at the U.S. economy by state sponsored counterfeiting,we should have a glimmer that conflict is not what it once was. Information Warfare is about survival.France and Israel developed their respective economies and based entire industries on stealing American secrets.Japan and Korea purloin American technology as it comes off the drawing boards with the help of their governments. Information Warfare is about defiance and disenfranchisement in both modern and Third World societies. From the inner cities of Cyberspace come fringe? element hackers with nothing to lose. They recognize the economic benefits of waging Information Warfare. Information Warfare is about the control of information.As a society we maintain less and less control as Cyberspace expands and electronic anarchy reigns.Given global conditions of the late 1980s and 1990s, Information Warfare is inevitable.
他的辯詞(根據目前證據似乎可信)是:銀行把它的偷天換日的做法遮掩得天衣無逢,全世界任何地方的監管人員都無法掌握。 His defense, which seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world could get a handle on it.
幸災樂禍偷偷地欣喜或高興,如對他人的錯誤或失敗 To rejoice or exult in secret, as at another's error or defeat.