这一事件理所当然地堪称是国王间谍活动的的独一无二的史诗。 The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage!
若无全国讨汪运动,从都市以至乡村,从上级以至下级,动员党、政、军、民、报、学各界,悉起讨汪,则汪党不绝,汪祸长留,外引敌人,内施破坏,其为害有不堪设想者。 Unless there is a national campaign to denounce the Wang Ching-weis, a campaign in town and country and from top to bottom in which everyone is mobilized, including all political parties, government organs, armed forces, civilian bodies, the press and the educational institutions, the Wang Ching-wei gang will never be eradicated but will persist in its nefarious activities, doing incalculable damage by opening the door to the enemy from without and by subversion from within.
akinto:古斯堪的纳维亚语dengja。 Akin To: Old Norse dengja.
衣服象麦田里的稻草人穿的衣服一样破烂不堪 Clothes as ragged as a scarecrow's.
他想到这件事就痛苦不堪。 He agonized himself with the thought.
用红葡萄、白兰地烈性酒、葡萄干及橘子皮和糖混合而成的斯堪的纳维亚人的一种鸡尾酒。 Scandinavian punch made of claret and aquavit with spices and raisins and orange peel and sugar.
他们的第一辆车破烂不堪 Their first car was a ramshackle affair.
昨天晚上的舞会拥挤不堪。 The dance last night was a rat race.
敌人就在背后,而前面横跨在深谷之上的桥已经腐朽不堪,摇摇晃晃。他处在两难之中,犹豫了起来。 His enemy was close behind him, and the bridge over the ravine was rotten and swaying. Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, he hesitated.
他因自己的诺言受到怀疑而感到难堪。 He felt affronted at having his word doubted.
伊丽莎白本来打算使他难堪一下,这会儿见他那么体贴,倒楞住了。 Elizabeth, having rather expected to affront him, was amazed at his gallantry;
a通过电话落实一下他去堪萨斯城的航班班次 A reconfirms his flight to Kansas City by telephone.
她咂咂嘴唇来掩饰自己一时的难堪。 She took refuge for a moment in licking her lips.
她的拒绝使他狼狈[难堪]。vi。 Her rejection dashed him.
没有休息时间令人疲惫不堪的规定。 an exhausting routine that leaves no time for relaxation.
大队已不在,我一团兵复疲惫不堪,乃决留一部分会同袁、王两部守井冈山,而由我率兵一部往桂东方向迎还大队。 But as the major detachment was away and the one remaining regiment was much too exhausted, it was decided that some men should remain to defend the Chingkang Mountains in co-operation with the two units under Yuan Wen-tsai and Wang Tso, and that I should take the rest to Kueitung to meet the major detachment and to invite it back.
我们对和平和繁荣的梦想粉碎了;先前力量留下的破烂的残余;我那不堪回首的过去。 our shattered dreams of peace and prosperity; a tattered remnant of its former strength; my torn and tattered past.
这些话不堪重复。 The words won`t bear repeating.
他的话不堪重述。 His language will not bear repeating.
他的话实在不堪重复。 His word will not bear repeating.
这个故事不堪重述。 The story does not bear repeating.
他的话不堪重复。 His language won't bear repeating.
青春期是个难堪的中间年龄;在中间的位置;一条线上的中间点。 adolescence is an awkward in-between age; in a mediate position; the middle point on a line.
堪萨斯人,堪萨斯居民 A native or resident of Kansas.
后者则忧伤地,俯首兴叹在大整风下牺牲的那些文学同好而曰:“不堪重忆山阴道,道上难逢薄醉人” Then lowering his head (俯首) , he sadly sighed, ''It's painful to retrace the path to the Orchid Pavilion today; For you'll meet no one who feels not the same sorrowful way.''
我本想透露财务处长下个月的计划使他难堪的,但消息泄漏一事追查到我时,我便搬起石头砸了自己的脚。 I thought I would embarrass the financial director by revealing his next month's projection but I was hoist with my own petard when the leak was traced back to me.
在舞台设计方面他堪称第一。 He rival the best in stage designing.
道奇城位于威奇托城以西的堪萨斯州西南部城市,傍阿肯色河。1872年建城于圣菲小道之上,不久成为野蛮而嘈杂的牛仔城市,居民中有如怀亚特·依尔普及巴特·马斯特尔森这样的传奇人物。人口21,129 A city of southwest Kansas on the Arkansas River west of Wichita. Laid out on the Santa Fe Trail in1872, it soon became a wild and rowdy cow town whose residents included such legendary figures as Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson. Population,21, 129.
他当着她朋友的面对她言辞粗鲁,而且使她难堪的是,他后来又开始嘲笑她。 He spoke very rudely to her in front of her friends and then, to rub salt into her wounds, he began to laugh at her.