·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • meet with
  • meet by chance
  • turn
  • come across
  • encounter
  • suffer
  • befall
  • receive
  • fall down
  • fall through
  • lose out
  • miss
  • mucker
  • sustain
  • incident
  • misfortune
  • allotment
  • calamity
  • catastrophe
  • destiny
  • ills
  • lot
  • tribulation
Chinese English Phrase
  1.   (向女人求爱)到拒绝; 被解雇, 被撵走   get the mitten
  2.   (由于战争或受迫害流离失所、漂泊异国的)难民   displaced person [D.P.]
  3.   (诅咒语)但愿某人瘟[殃]   pest on sb.
  4.   (诅咒语)但愿某人瘟[殃]   pest upon sb.
  5. vt.  ..痛苦, 严惩), 鞭笞, 使受痛苦, 折磨, 使受磨难, 鞭打, 痛斥, 蹂躏   scourge
  6.   [俗] 卷土重来, 恢复过来, (受挫折后)很快恢复   bounce back
  7.   [俚]出事故; 遭到失败   come a howler
  8.   [俚]出事故; 遭到失败   go a howler
  9.   [口](到挫折, 失败之后)以勇敢和乐观的姿态出现   come up smiling
  10.   [口]使某人受到沉重打击; 使某人受到严重挫折; 使某人在感情上受到严重创伤   hit sb. hard
  11.   [口]某人寿数已尽; 轮到某人殃[受罚]   has gone is up
  12.   [口]某人寿数已尽; 轮到某人殃[受罚]   has comeis up
  13.   [口]某人寿数已尽; 轮到某人殃[受罚]   one's number is up
  14.   [罕]大吃一惊, 吓得目瞪口呆, 如晴天霹雳   struck with thunder
  15.   [美俚]搞垮某人, 使某人受不幸   burst sb.'s boiler
  16.   [美俚]到不幸, 受失败, 垮台   burst one's boiler
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 无产阶级在普遍激动的时代、在推翻封建社会的时期直接实现自己阶级利益的最初尝试,都不可避免地到了失败,这是由于当时无产阶级本身还不够发展,由于无产阶级解放的物质条件还没有具备,这些条件只是资产阶级时代的产物。
    The first direct attempts of the proletariat to attain its own ends, made in times of universal excitement, when feudal society was being overthrown, these attempts necessarily failed, owing to the then undeveloped state of the proletariat, as well as to the absence of the economic conditions for its emancipation, conditions that had yet to be produced, and could be produced by the impending bourgeois epoch alone.
  2. 忠心可疑的侨民;他受到良心的谴责,因为他强迫儿子加入性质可疑的联盟-安娜·詹姆士。
    aliens of equivocal loyalty; his conscience reproached him with the equivocal character of the union into which he had forced his son-Anna Jameson.
  3. 整个建筑受了巨大的破坏。
    the house was a wreck when they bought it; thanks to that quack I am a human wreck.
  4. 这架飞机到炸弹的袭击。
    The airplane was attacked by dropping bombs.
  5. 四分卫到防守线球员猛烈攻击
    The quarterback was mobbed by the defensive line.
  6. 前联邦航空局事故调查部门负责人约翰·卡拉汉说,中央情报局官员曾指示他隐瞒1986年11月18日一架日本民航客机在阿拉斯加州安克雷奇附近遇一不明飞行物的真相。
    John Callahan,a former FAA division chief of accidents and investigations,said he was directed by CIA officers to cover up a Nov.18,1986,incident involving a UFO and a Japanese airliner near Anchorage,Alaska.
  7. 少年因损坏了家中唯一的汽车而到严厉的惩罚
    The teenager was drawn and quartered for wrecking the family's only car.
  8. 士兵们到近距离的火力射击。
    The soldiers got fired into at close quarters.
  9. 丈夫遗弃後精神有点失常。
    She was a bit queer after her husband deserted her.
  10. 有些人来自因追求自由而受迫害风暴袭击和警察暴虐狂飙摧残的地区。
    Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality.
  11. 这些空军基地到猛烈的空袭。
    The air bases were subjected to intense air attack.
  12. 革命两面政策是以非法的对敌斗争为主,但又必须善于充分地运用合法形式、合法地位来掩护配合非法斗争,善于利用公开工作来掩护秘密工作,否则,便谈不上在敌占区进行对敌斗争,或者陷于盲动而失败。
    The dual revolutionary policy calls primarily for an illegal struggle against the enemy and full use of legal forms of struggle and any legal status to shield and support the illegal struggle and of overt work to screen covert work. Failure to do so will make it impossible for us to execute the struggle against the enemy in enemy-occupied areas or cause us to act aimlessly and suffer defeat.
  13. 那时奎尔一家人暂时凑合着住在候诊室里,他们的遇引起了一位护士的同情。这护士名叫劳拉·丹尼斯,在詹姆斯患心肌梗塞后一直护理他。
    While the Quills camped out in a waiting room, the family caught the attention and sympathy of a nurse named Laura Danis who had been caring for James since the heart attack.
  14. 在某人鲨鱼攻击後,冲浪者停止一切活动。
    The surfer call it quits after one is nip by a shark.
  15. 在某人鲨鱼攻击后,冲浪者停止一切活动。
    The surfer called it quits after one was nipped by a shark.
  16. 如果我们的敌人胆敢袭击我们,他们以及所有支持过他们的人都将受可怕的后果。
    If our enemies dare to strike us, they and all who have aided them will face fearful consequences.
  17. 他们援助受水灾的灾民。
    They aided flood victims.
  18. 啊!我的孩子,我知道他俩都不幸。他们尝到了人世的悲痛。
    Ah! My child, I know they have both suffered grief. They have has the black ox tread on their feet.
  19. 这对解释某位被分配到另一国家去工作的美国农业学家的不幸遇是有帮助的。
    This helps to explain the unfortunate experience of a certain agriculturist from the U.S. assigned to duty in another country.
  20. 一天中午,无线电人员警告艾米丽雅,她将要遇强风,并问她是否要改变航线,但没有得到回答。
    Sometime within that afternoon the radioman warned Amelia she would be encountering strong winds. He asked her if she would take another route. There was no reply.
  21. 这不是对被判死刑者在精神上所受的极大痛苦的感情上的怜悯,而是对杀灭生灵的恐惧。
    It is not a sentimental compassion mental agony inflicted upon a condemned man but a dread of destroying the miracle of life.
  22. 这样,他们的苦难遇在我脑海中就印下了难以磨灭的印象。
    Thus a indelible picture of their sufferings and agony was impressed upon my mind.
  23. 我遭受牙痛之苦。
    I've suffered agonies with toothache.
  24. 这座桥到连续的暴风雨的破坏,已经不安全了。
    This bridge suffers the destruction of connective rainstorm, and it is dangerous.
  25. 在倾吐自己的不幸遇时,她情绪非常激动。
    She was extremely agitated as she poured forth her tale of woe.
  26. 你现已我们禁锢,要到交出赎金以後,才能放你走.
    You are our prisoner now and we won't release you until a ransom is paid.
  27. 你现已我们禁锢,要到交出赎金以后,才能放你走。
    You are our prisoner now and we wo n't release you until a ransom is paid.
  28. 他们用巨款赎出绑架的孩子。
    They ransomed the kidnaped child with a great sum of money.
  29. 帝国主义的侵略到了全世界人民的强烈反对。
    Imperialist aggression has met with strong opposition from the people throughout the world.
  30. 我们必须时刻准备着保卫祖国,使她免侵犯。
    We must always be ready to defend our country from/against aggression.
  31. (希腊神话)被宙斯变成天鹅强奸的斯巴达王后;特洛伊的海伦是丽达强奸后所生。
    (Greek mythology) a queen of Sparta who was raped by Zeus who had taken the form of a swan; Helen of Troy was conceived in the rape of Leda.
  32. 一位到强奸的年轻姑娘顷刻成了世界注目的焦点。
    A young rape victim who would suddenly become the focus of global attention.