Chinese English Sentence:
  • 林诺控诉他是决心要树一个榜样,让其他强奸和凌辱的受害者也跟着做。
    She was determined to show the way for other victims of rape and abuse.
  • 随着有关对联合国人员攻击事件的报告的改善,仅在2000年,就有830个有关到攻击、强奸、武装抢劫和其他此类攻击的报告。
    With better reporting of attacks against UN personnel, there were more than 830 reports of assault, rape, armed robbery and other such attacks in 2000 alone.
  • 当然,强奸嫌犯不受保护。他的名字被登出来。如果他是肯尼迪家的人,他就会更殃。
    Of course, the alleged rapist has no protection. His name is printed. And if he is a Kennedy, he is dragged through the mud.
  • 在亚洲金融危机不断加剧、受百年不遇的特大洪涝灾害的情况下、中国经济取得这样的成就,保持良好的发展态势,来之不易。
    Under the circumstances of aggravating Asian financial crisis and the huge floods that rarely occur once in every 100 years, it is not easy for China's economy to make these achievements and maintain such a good momentum of development.
  • 在全球需求明显减少,以及美国在九月十一日受恐怖分子袭击的情况下,香港在二零零一年的对外贸易表现备受影响。
    A distinct weakening in global import demand, aggravated by the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, took a heavy toll on Hong Kong's external trade performance in 2001.
  • 只有第五次反“围剿”时全不知初战关系之大,震惊于黎川一城之失,从挽救的企图出发,北上就敌,于洵口不预期遇战胜利(消灭敌一个师)之后,却不把此战看作第一战,不看此战所必然引起的变化,而贸然进攻不可必胜的硝石。
    It was only in the fifth counter-campaign that the importance of the first battle was not recognized at all. Taking alarm at the loss of the single county town of Lichuan, our forces marched north to meet the enemy in an attempt to recover it. Then, the unexpected encounter at Hsunkou, which had resulted in a victory (with the annihilation of an enemy division), was not treated as the first battle, nor were the changes that were bound to ensue foreseen, but instead Hsiaoshih was rashly attacked with no assurance of success.
  • 如果他们落在后面,疾病可能会肆虐农户的作物——就好像1988年夏天发生的情况一样,当时英国和北欧的大麦种植者发现以前的抗性作物突然间受了毁灭性的霉病感染。
    When the breeders fall short, a disease can ravage farmers' crops -- as happened in the summer of 1988, when barley growers in Britain and northern Europe saw their previously resistant crops suddenly succumb to devastating mildew infections.
  • 荒原荒凉、贫瘠或到毁坏之土地
    Land that is desolate, barren, or ravaged.
  • 农作物遭台风毁坏。
    The crops were ravaged by the typhoon.
  • 这一试验一再到失败。
    Again and again the test met with no success.
  • 他自作自受,到了加倍的报应。
    He reaped the whirlwind he had himself stirred up.
  • 铁路工程师们推断,红色本身就提醒人们暂停,或呆在该信号旁边,或停止前进,否则将会受死亡或损毁的后果。
    The color alone, railroad engineers reasoned, should give people cause to pause, to abide by the signal, and to stop or suffer the consequences of death and destruction.
  • 起义到了残酷镇压。
    The rebellion was put down with utmost ferocity.
  • 如果到君主制的压迫,人民就会起来反抗。
    The people would rise in open rebellion if oppressed by a monarchy.
  • 妇女和儿童到叛乱者的屠杀.
    Women and children were butchered by the rebels.
  • 我没有意识到我在她婚姻受挫折后与她交上了朋友,在她忘记了那次破裂的婚姻以后我们成为了亲密的朋友。
    I didn't realize I'd caught her on the rebound but we became close friends once she had got over her broken marriage.
  • 虽然由于今年欧洲经济迟缓影响汽车销售,令peugeot汽车集团受打击,但很多分析家仍然推荐该股票。他们预期一旦欧洲经济开始复苏,peugeot有限公司的销售与利润明年将有相当的回升。
    Although the Peugeot automobile group has taken a beating this year as Europe's economic slowdown has cut into car sales, many analysts are recommending its stock. They expect the sales and profits of Peugeot S.A. to rebound nicely next year, once Europe's economy starts to recover.
  • 她一片好心却到他冷酷的拒绝。
    Her kindness to him is meet with a cruel rebuff.
  • 名古屋日本本州中部一城市,位于伊势湾的顶端、京都以东。是16世纪的一个要塞城镇,在二战受狂轰后被重建。人口2,116,350
    A city of central Honshu, Japan, at the head of Ise Bay east of Kyoto. A fortress town in the16th century, it was rebuilt after heavy bombing in World War II. Population,2, 116, 350.
  • 埃森德意志联邦共和国西部城市,位于鲁尔河和莱茵河交汇处,位于科隆北部建于19世纪,在第二次世界大战受轰炸后重新大规模建起的一座钢铁工业中心。人口625,705
    A city of west-central Germany near the confluence of the Ruhr and Rhine rivers north of Cologne. Founded in the ninth century, it is a major iron and steel center that was largely rebuilt after heavy bombing during World War II. Population,625, 705.
  • 认为人类无敌的普遍看法经常到重新评价人类易犯错误的特点的非难。
    The popular belief in the invincibility of man is constantly rebuked by revaluations of man's fallibility.
  • 当杜克大学的统计学教授瓦伦·约翰逊提出重新计算平均分以给那些评分严格的课程更大的分量时,到了学生和教职员双方的激烈攻击。
    Valen Johnson, a Duke University statistics professor, came under heavy fire from both students and faculty when he proposed recalculating the grade point average to give rigorously graded courses greater weight.
  • 一听到这个声音,阿尔芒像到电击似的往后一缩,并使劲握住我的手,握得我手也痛了。
    At the sound, Armand recoiled as though from an electric shock, and he grasped my hand with such strength that he hurt me.
  • 向查尔斯二世提议要求恢复议会到责难和憎恨的人。
    a signer of a 1679 address to Charles II in which those who petitioned for the reconvening of Parliament were condemned and abhorred.
  • 头部疼痛是她受的许多痛苦之一。
    Pain in the head is among the many affliction she suffer.
  • 刚刚得知你不幸,谨此深表同情。
    Just hear of your great affliction please accept my heartfelt sympathy
  • 他可能从来没有把握从哪儿搞到下一顿饭,但他没有别人受到的千般烦恼。
    He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but it is free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people.
  • 饥饿和战争仍使人类受痛苦。
    Famine and war still afflict mankind.
  • 萨尔瓦多首都和最大城市;已到再次发生的地震的破坏。
    the capital and largest city of El Salvador; has suffered from recurrent earthquakes.
  • 我的工作保不住了(我受到裁减的危险)。
    My job is at risk, ie I may be made redundant.
  • 他们因船触礁而遇海难。
    They were wrecked on the reef.
  • 遭受冰川运动影响
    To subject to or affect by glacial action.