·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • approach
  • force
  • force
  • compel
  • compel
  • coerce, force, compel
  • urgent
  • pressing
Chinese English Phrase
  1.   "船民"(20世纪70年代末期)被越南当局强乘船离境的难民   boat people
  2.   (不管愿不愿意都得听的)被强的听众   captive audience
  3.   (交易所)轧空头, 使卖空者用高价补进   squeeze the shorts
  4.   (在作好准备前)强某人行动[表态]   force sb.'s hand
  5.   (在危险面前)躲起来; (因羞愧或窘)低下头, 转过脸去   hide one's head
  6.   (棒球等游戏中)被退场前还有一次机会   be given a life
  7.   (用严酷手段)强某人(做某事)   dragoon sb. into doing sth.
  8.   (用严酷手段)强某人(做某事)   dragoon sb. into
  9.   (由于战争或遭受害流离失所、漂泊异国的)难民   displaced person [D.P.]
  10.   (被)收回前言, 承认说错   swallow one's words
  11.   (被)收回前言, 承认说错   take back one's words
  12.   (迫切地)想获得   be acquisitive of
  13.   [口](时间)紧; (金钱)短缺   be pushed for
  14.   [美]“忠诚调查” (五十年代美国联邦调查局对政府机关官员及文化界人士所进行的思想害)   loyalty check
  15.   [美]完全支配某人(尤指经济方面; 使某人焦虑, 难堪, 使某人乖乖地听话   have sb. over the barrel
  16.   [美]强迫婚姻   shot-gun wedding
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 半个世纪的经验和教训,联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,和平与发展的时代主题,向我们提出庄严而切的要求。
    Our experience and lessons over half a century, the purposes and principles of the Charter and the epochal theme of peace and development, have all raised solemn and urgent demands on us.
  2. 他对此感到气愤,也有所警觉,就在他张口提出抗议之时,一只巨大的动物忽然出现在飞机的航道上,飞机被逼降在了丛林的树梢上。
    Angry and alarmed,Grant begins to protest when out of nowhere an enormous creature appears in the path of the plane,forcing it to crash into the jungle treetops.
  3. 忠心可疑的侨民;他遭受到良心的谴责,因为他强儿子加入性质可疑的联盟-安娜·詹姆士。
    aliens of equivocal loyalty; his conscience reproached him with the equivocal character of the union into which he had forced his son-Anna Jameson.
  4. 炮兵或击炮在几个信号区内从同一个方向发射。
    artillery or mortar fire delivered in a constant direction at several quadrant elevations.
  5. 由于第一次世界大战,原定于1916年在柏林举行的四年一度的奥林匹克运动会被中断。这次战争历时4年,28个国家卷入其中,近1000万军人在战火中丧生。
    The Olympic quadrennial,scheduled for Berlin in 1916,was interrupted by World War I which had involved 28 countries and killed nearly 10 million troops in four years.
  6. 相反,它们用爪子击打鲸鱼的鼻孔,撕扯它的呼吸道,直至鼻孔被撕烂,白鲸窒息或被不断浮出水面换气。这样熊捕猎起来就容易得多了。
    Instead they pound at a whale's blowhole with their claws, shredding the airway until it becomes so damaged that the beluga either asphyxiates or is forced to continually surface for air,which makes it easier prey for the bears.
  7. 不能等暴乱完全平息,现在就要一面抓彻底平息暴乱,一面清理一下我们过去究竟失误在哪些方面,如何改正,以及现在急需要解决的是些什么问题。
    We cannot wait until we have completely quelled the rebellion. We should, on the one hand, work to do that and, on the other hand, sort out the mistakes we have made, find ways to remedy them and identify the urgent problems.
  8. 1959年叛乱平息后,中央人民政府顺应西藏人民的愿望,在西藏进行了民主改革,废除了极端腐朽、黑暗的封建农奴制度,百万农奴和奴隶翻身解放,不再被作为农奴主的个人财产加以买卖、转让、交换、抵债,不再被农奴主强劳动,从此获得了人身自由的权利。
    After the quelling of the armed rebellion in 1959, the central people's government, in compliance with the wishes of the Tibetan people, conducted the Democratic Reform in Tibet and abolished the extremely decadent and dark feudal serfdom. The million serfs and slaves were emancipated. They were no longer regarded as the personal property of serf-owners who could use them for transactions, transfer, mortgage for a debt or exchange or exact their toil. From that time on they gained the right to personal freedom.
  9. 有些人来自因追求自由而遭受害风暴袭击和警察暴虐狂飙摧残的地区。
    Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality.
  10. 烟道气流以这种方法被强下流的空气
    The air so forced.
  11. 我最怕的是:白天在学塾里板起面孔,恶狠狠的逼我背诵的先生,和晚上放学回来碰着站在巷口拦住我要考问的五孙舍哥。
    There were two things I dreaded most: during the day in school, I had to face the fearsome schoolmaster who bullied me into reciting whole passages; and in the evening after school, I was accosted at the entrance to our lane by Elder Brother 5th Sun-she who insisted on quizzing me.
  12. 我们在这里要谈一谈我们面临的一系列正反对应的挑战,即战争与和平,暴力与非暴力,种族主义与人性尊严,压镇压与自由人权,贫困与脱贫等问题。
    We speak here of the challenge of the dichotomies of war and peace, violence and non-violence, racism and human dignity, oppression and repression and liberty and human rights, poverty and freedom from want.
  13. 我们今天仅仅是作为数百万南非人民的代表站在这里受奖。他们奋起反抗那种本质上就是战争、暴力、种族主义。压、镇压和导致全体人民贫困的社会制度。
    We stand here today as nothing more than a representative of the millions of our people who dared to rise up against a social system whose very essence is war, violence, racism, oppres sion, repression and the impoverishment of an entire people.
  14. 一场苦斗迫在眉捷。
    A hard struggle looms ahead.
  15. 危险可怖地在眉睫。
    Dangers were looming ahead.
  16. 强迫妥协的力量
    Efforts to coerce agreement.
  17. 工作场所的变化正使管理者们从根本上重新审视他们的角色并坚信卓有成效的人员管理是企业求得发展的唯一途径。
    Changes in the workplace are forcing managers to radically reconsider their role and accept that effective people management is the only way forward.
  18. 比如我们在少数民族地区确定不搞减租,不搞土改,但是贵州苗族人要求减租,要求土改,而且比汉人还切。
    For example, we decided not to carry out rent reduction and agrarian reform in minority nationality areas, but the Miao people in Guizhou have demanded rent reduction and agrarian reform and their need is more urgent than that of the Han people.
  19. 工人们被在协议上签了名。
    The workers were railroaded into signing the agreement.
  20. 谁也不能强我购买我根本不想要的汽车!
    I won't be railroaded into buying a car I don't want!
  21. 谁也不能强我购买我根本不想要的汽车!
    I won't is railroaded into buying a car I don't want!
  22. 我将不再使自己被为这个委员会服务。
    I will no longer allow myself to be railroaded into serving on the same committee again.
  23. 任何选民都不可被胁选举某一特定的候选人;他必须自由地选择他想选举的人。
    No voter may be railroaded into giving his vote for any particular person; he must be free to choose whish one he wants to elect.
  24. 在报道天气消息方面,新闻传播媒介也肩负重任,使市民能够及早采取预防措施,应付天气的骤变。每当台风近或暴雨来临前,新闻传播媒介即会提醒市民提高警觉、报道天气情况和劝谕市民采取防御措施。
    The news media play a significant role in precautionary measures against sudden climatic threats - alerting, informing and advising the public of typhoons or rainstorms.
  25. 由于律师提高收费,学校老师也想增加收入,这就使政府提高税收。
    Because the attorneys' rates have gone up, schoolteachers want a raise, which raises our taxes, and on and on and on.
  26. 施瓦茨科夫将军坚持他决心在下令发动地面攻击以前,要从容不。有人问他是否受到炎热天气的来临以及三月间穆斯林度拉玛丹斋月的限制,他回答说:“我不觉得有过分的压力。显然这些都重要,都在考虑中。但有一件事比什么都重要:就是以最少的人命损失来达成我们的目标。”
    General Schwarzkopf insisted he was determined to take his time before ordering a ground attack. Asked whether he was constrained by the approach of hot weather and of the Islamic religious observances of Ramadan in March, he replied:"I feel no hot breath down my neck. All of those things are important, obviously, and we're taking all of them into consideration. But the one thing that's more important than anything else is that we accomplish our objectives with a minimum loss of human life."
  27. 他们强工会接受有利于资方的合同。
    They rammed a pro-company contract down the union's throat.
  28. 不顾地方上的反对,使市议会通过了这个计划
    Rammed the project through the city council despite local opposition.
  29. 那条船被迫靠岸了。
    The ship ran ashore.
  30. 我第一次遇上我未来的女婿兰迪是在男式晚礼服出租店,当时我正在挑我的晚礼服与婚礼上穿的鞋子,仍然想不出来为什么我妻子要花800美元来买一套衣服,而我则被试穿很多人都已穿过的晚礼服和鞋子。这时有3个年轻人走进来与柜台后面的店员说话,他们说他们要挑一些"男式晚礼服"来出席教堂婚礼。
    I first met Randy, my son-in-law to be, at the tuxedo rental shop. I was picking up my tux and shoes for the wedding, still unable to figure out why my wife spent over eight hundred dollars on her dress when I'd be forced to wear a tux and shoes that numerous bodies had been inside, when three young men came in and spoke to the clerk behind the counter. They stated they were there to pick up their " monkey suits" for the Webster wedding.
  31. 据说他曾对政府官员咆哮,指责他们害他。
    There were tales of him ranging at the govermment officials he blamed for persecuting him.
  32. 由于绑架者的恐吓信,这对父母被付出赎金。
    The parents were intimidated into paying the ransom by the kidnapper's threatening notes.