行崧嶺將半下瞰山中一人傢似不與世者凝伫久之因成一絶 Song Ling, under the half-line bird's-eye view In the mountains A close [pocket] borough Like home Stay clear of World who Ning queue For a long times Due to a special skill
徐敬甫出示所居之別南岩圖並壙公題詠欲予同作為賦長韻 Xu Jingfu Presentment The home The other Nanyan Ode To map and to the same public Khouang Beget poetic essay Long Yun
徐天錫歸自玉山昌甫以三詩送之後二篇有及予與徐子融傅岩叟之意且托其轉寄答其意以謝之 Xu Tianxi return from Yushan Chang Fu to three poems to send to after the two have and old man with Zi-Rong Fu, meaning rock, and forward it asked its meaning to thank the A
徐天錫歸自玉山昌甫以三詩送之後二篇有及予與徐子融傅岩叟之意且托其轉寄答其意以謝之 Xu Tianxi return from Yushan Chang Fu to three poems to send to after the two have and old man with Zi-Rong Fu, meaning rock, and forward it asked its meaning to thank the A
徐子融八月四夜見訪值予有出寄詩三絶和韻以謝 Zi-Rong Aug Four nights Your visit Value to those in the Send a poem Ruin To adapt rhymes to a given sound To thank
徐子融八月四夜見訪值予有出寄詩三絶和韻以謝 Zi-Rong Aug Four nights Your visit Value to those in the Send a poem Ruin To adapt rhymes to a given sound To thank
徐子融八月四夜見訪值予有出寄詩三絶和韻以謝 Zi-Rong Aug Four nights Your visit Value to those in the Send a poem Ruin To adapt rhymes to a given sound To thank
許世卿孝亭邂逅為予修琴臨別求詩為賦長句 Xushi Qing Xiao Ting Rencounter Is to repair piano At parting Fu seek Poem Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line
薛玠兩投詩以古風謝之 Xue Jie Shi vote of two to Archaism Thank the
岩叟用前韻相留踐雲岩之約和韻以謝 Rock Marceau Rhyme with the former Yunyan left practice with approximately To adapt rhymes to a given sound To thank
岩叟約觀棲隱檐蔔雨阻和前韻送酒再用韻答之 View habitat hidden rock old man about the rain stop and the front eaves Pu Yun send wine Resume charm A s
葉茂卿寄詩捲賦此以謝之 Ye Maoqing Send a poem Assigned to thank for this paper
一夕夢中得絶句覺時惟記後二句最真因潤色足成之 Overnight Dream gain Quatrains Feel after the two hours but remember the most true for Embellish Feet into the