寄题吴伯丰所居二首·亦爱轩 Send questions wubo feng the home 2 Also love Hin
寄题吴伯丰同荣堂 Send questions Wubo Feng Rong Tong with
寄题吴子似所居二首·读书亭 Send questions like Wu The home 2 Reading book-kiosk
寄题吴子似所居二首·经德堂 Send questions like wu the home 2 The German Church
寄题俞伯南所居·野处 Send questions yu bonan the home Field Office
寄题玉山周晦叔家似贤斋 Send a question Yushan mountains Tert-home week night like Yin Vegetarian
寄题张正国斗斋 Send questions Speak of the Big Dipper fast
寄题张正国斗斋 Send questions Speak of the Big Dipper fast
甲辰九月初访晦庵先生大安道中余正叔韵 restored to health Road Yuzheng Shu Yun
甲申正月答昌甫见寄韵代书 Jiashen The first month of the lunar year Dachangfujian Send a rhyme allograph
甲戌正月从君用弟觅月桂栽 Jia xu the first month of the lunar year From Junyongdimi Laurel fall
甲寅寒食日访徐子融子融同出游晚归志所历二十六韵 Jia Yin Cold food day Visit Zi-Rongzirongtong Outing Coming home Chi by the calendar Score 6 Yun
贾元永寄诗有穷愁之叹和韵宽之 Jia Yuanyong Send a poem have Dejection caused by poverty and sorrow Sigh To adapt rhymes to a given sound Width of
见梅 See Mei
建德道中六言 Jiande Road Six words
贱和一诸友有祝颂语以五十六字谢之 Friends of cheap and a various Wish Language to The number 50 *50 The sixth Xie
节后赴传岩叟之招望日同游棲隐庵华严寺吴岩叟及同游者 Postganglionic old man went to the strokes rock mass The 15th day of a lunar month Hidden Temple Huayansi habitat with travel and with travel by Wu Yan Marceau
九月十八日自双溪还寺车中偶得 september The number 18 daily Temple of the car from Sungai also by chance