宋代 陈文蔚 Chen Wenwei  宋代  
玉山朱文龙有遗经林野二处赵昌甫程德夫皆有诗朱求予同作·遗经 Yushan mountains character on a seal carved in relief long had left by the wildland 2 zhaochang fu cheng defu zhu shi jie you seek to be the same as Left by
再用韵呈赵守 Resume charm Were Y Chao
责己 Responsibility has been
湛溪纳凉 Zhanxi enjoy the cool in the open air
赵河源幼子种莲於盆池一干开双叶戏作小诗时河源二幼子一受命矣 surname River head (source) Cadet Species of lotus in Basin pond Futaba thousand open Humorous Versicle chron- River head (source) twain Cadet uni- Receive instructions final part.
赵湖州东园杂咏和人韵·宾日 surname Huzhou East park garden Zayong And human Yun Bin Day
赵湖州东园杂咏和人韵·隽游 Surname huzhou east park garden zayong and human rhyme Jun Yu
赵湖州东园杂咏和人韵·矍圃 Surname huzhou east park garden zayong and human rhyme Jue Pu
赵湖州东园杂咏和人韵·先春堂 Surname huzhou east park garden zayong and human rhyme First Spring Church
赵湖州东园杂咏和人韵·邀月 Surname huzhou east park garden zayong and human rhyme Invited month
赵湖州东园杂咏和人韵·一勺 surname Huzhou East park garden Zayong And human rhyme at [in] one scoop (=with a scoop)
赵守祷雨有感枕上得句足成五十六字呈赵守 Zhaoshou Prayer for rain Thoughts Pillow May sentence Zucheng The number 50 *50 Sixth Chengzhaoshou
赵忠州雨中赏海棠 surname Chungju Rain admire Chinese cherry apple
中秋后一夕正望浮桥观月 Mid-autumn Are looking after the overnight Pontoon View month
中秋雨作中夜月明科方叔留寓斋宿酒阑随水纵步方叔有诗用韵同赋 Mid-autumn Rain for the Night moon, bringing Minco Fang shu leave (message) Residence Be drunk overnight Lanna with water Stride Fang shu There is a poem with a rhyme with the Fu
重九后一日同公美游灵泉公美举示莲塘纳凉之句后公美和予浮桥观月之韵纪灵泉之游予以老人不愉不暇即开老人既安用渠纳凉韵为谢 Chongjiu public the day after the U.S. tour with the United States and give the public display LT Lingquan enjoy the cool air of the sentence after the public view of the United States and to the pontoon bridge on the old rhyme Ji Lingquan Tour to be unha
古诗 ancient style poetry


