宋代 陈文蔚 Chen Wenwei  宋代  
题傅岩叟悠然阁三章章八句 Tifuyansou Leisureliness Court 3 Chapter 8
题傅岩叟悠然阁三章章八句 Tifuyansou Leisureliness Court 3 Chapter 8
题赵宗教飞霞亭 Zhao title Religion Feixia Pavilion
题郑好古松图和赵国兴韵 Zheng questions Archaism Song Yun Zhao Guoxing map and
题周几道桂轩 Question weeks Jidaoguixuan
天王寺佛塔灯隔林奇绝因成口占 Tennoji Tope Lamp compartment Lynch Must result into to improvise
同彭漫者寄铅山诸友韵送彭归武夷 Peng Man with various friends who send Kanayama Yun Peng return delivery Wu Yi
同余方叔龚南才纳凉于筠谷竹间题五十六字 Tongyu Fang shu Gongnancai Enjoy the cool in the open air Yuyungu Chikuma inscribe The number 50 *50 Liuzi
晚步传氏小园 s Small Garden Garden
晚步清晖不见主人题竹间 Late step Qing Hui Vanish Baas inscribe Chikuma
汪元思遗诗和意以谢 Wang Yuansi Posthumous Poems and intended to thank
望灵山喜而又作 Hope bier mountain to be fond of As well as work
问尘清坐久之归途偶得绝句 Ask the dust Qing sit For a long times Homeward journey By chance Quatrains
武侯像 Wuhou as
戊午正月送赵工部赴江东参谋 Wu Wu The first month of the lunar year Zhao sent (in old china) the ministry of public works attend South of the changjiang river staff
戊寅老人生旦 the fifteenth of the sexagesimal Companion Once students
希颜见寄二绝和韵 Xi Yan Xianjierjue to adapt rhymes to a given sound
夏夜露坐偶书且勉同学子 Summer lucy sat Even the book And Mian with student
辛丑春游金华出东郊 Boxer Spring outing Jinhua to help a joint cause Eastern Suburbs
辛亥春与陈周佐县丞会於涔川旅邸从容三日临别呈周佐 The forty-eighth year in a cycle of sixty years Chun and Chen Zhou Zuo Assistant of county magistrate Will travel Di Chuan Cen Deliberation Three days At parting Was Shusuke
古诗 ancient style poetry


