乙卯正月別子融 YiMao The first month of the lunar year Son rather than the wife's eldest son harmonious
已卯老人生旦 Has d Companion Once students
以山石條環趙昌甫交支廿八字 Central Zhao Changfu cross section to support rocks twenty character eight
以花枝好處安詳折酒盞滿時撋就持為韻贈徐了融 have Dressed squid Account Composure Run off wine cup is full support for the rhyme on Xu of financial gifts
隱將峽口占二絶 Implicit to Col Must account for two
隱將峽口占二絶 Implicit to Col Must account for two
永豐祝子益和予詩見寄許見訪以長句謝之且賢其約 Yongfeng Zhu Ziyi and sent to the poem, see Xu Your visit have Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line Xie and Yin of its approximately
又和清明日兀坐用前韻 Another and Clear tomorrow to sit erect Rhyme with the former
右溪道中偶作 Right River Road Even for
予始生日岩叟酒見過且有壽語賦此以謝之 Yushi A birthday [christmas] gift Yansoujiu Seen Qieyoushouyufuciyixiezhi
雨不止和族叔韻 rain Incessantly And family Shuyun
玉山朱文竜有遺經林野二處趙昌甫程德夫皆有詩朱求予同作·林野 Yushan mountains Character on a seal carved in relief Long had left by the Wildland 2 Zhaochang Fu Cheng Defu Zhu Shi Jie You seek to be the same as wildland