南宋 陆游 Lu You  南宋   (1125~1210)
右吴江 Right Wujiang
迂拙 be impractical and foolish
予出蜀日尝遣僧则华乞签于射洪陆使君祠使君以老杜诗为签予得遣兴诗五首中第二首其言教戒甚至退休暇日因用韵赋五首 I laid out the taste of Sichuan on the Chinese monk begging to sign in Temple Shijun Shijun Lu shehong to sign to get the old Du Qianxing Five Poems for the second ring even retired the first of its precept for Xia Ri Fu five with rhyme
予顷游青城数从上官道翁游暑中忽思其人 I are a few from the Tour Qingcheng Surname Road Lions Tour Summer in Suddenly thought of its people
予十年间两坐斥罪虽擢发莫数而诗为首谓之嘲咏风月既还山遂以风月名小轩且作绝句 I sat two years denounced the crime, although the number and pull out hair Mo poetry that led both of ridicule Wing brothels brothels were also mountain then submitted for Hsuan and quatrains
予十年间两坐斥罪虽擢发莫数而诗为首谓之嘲咏风月既还山遂以风月名小轩且作绝句~又 I sat two years denounced the crime, although the number and pull out hair Mo poetry that led both of ridicule Wing brothels brothels were also Hill then submitted as quatrains - and Hsuan, and
予十许岁即往来云门诸山今复与诸子来追念凄然 To the age of 10 XU Correspondence Yun men Mountains, and this complex The exponents of the various schools of thought during the period from pre-qin times to the early years of the han dynasty arrive Recollect cold
予使江西时以诗投政府丏湖湘一麾会召还不果偶读旧稿有感 To make Jiangxi Time to vote Poetry Minister hidden Hunan A banner will also call In vain accidental Reading the old draft Thoughts
予素不工书故砚笔墨皆取具而已作诗自嘲 Therefore, the book does not work for Yan Su Pen and ink (=pen-and-ink) Were taken with That is all poetry Joked
予宿疾多已失去独气痛时作赋诗自宽 give An inveterate disease Many have been Deprive Independence when gas pain Indite Since the width
予所居南并镜湖北则陂泽重复抵海小舟纵所之或数日乃归 give The home South and Lens lake North is Pei ze Repetition Arrived in the sea Bateau Vertical or a few days is the return of
予所居三山在镜湖上近取舍东地一亩种花数十株强名小园因戏作长句 give The home Three mountain be Lens lake The past Option East acre Floriculture Strong name dozens of strains of Small garden garden mourn for Humorous Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line
予未冠即交诸名胜今无复在者感叹有作 give No crown That cross all Showplace This was no longer in those Bemoan be in (a) condition (to do a thing)
予行蜀汉间道出潭毒关下每憩罗汉院山光轩今复过之怅然有感 disappointed Thoughts
古诗 ancient style poetry


