夜卧久不得寐复披衣起呼灯作草书数纸乃复酣枕明旦作此诗记之 be not allowed Complex sleep soundly To throw on clothes From the call light for Cursive Nap pillow slip Naifu poem in mind for the next Jordan
夜香 Nightsoil
夜兴 Night Xing
夜兴 Night Xing
夜兴 Night Xing
夜兴 Night Xing
夜兴 Night Xing
夜兴 Night Xing
夜兴 Night Xing
夜行 night walk
夜行 night walk
夜行湖上 night walk Lake
夜行宿湖头寺 Night walk Places the first Temple Lake
夜行玉笥樵风之间宿龙瑞 Night walk Jiao Feng Yu trunk Amongst lodge for the night Long Rui
夜行至平羌憩大悲院 Night walk To open flat Qiang (in buddism)the great deliverance of buddha from sufferings and afflictions courtyard