北宋 苏轼 Su Shi  北宋   (1037~1101)
临安三绝·锦溪 Lin'an county Ruin Jin Xi
临安三绝·石镜 Lin'an county ruin Stone Mirror
登玲珑山 ascend Exquisite Mountain
陌上花三首(并引) Mo flower 3 and cited
游东西岩(即谢安东山也。) swim Affair rock namely Xie an Dongshan also
海会寺清心堂 Temple of the sea will Save worry hall
径山道中次韵答周长官兼赠苏寺丞 Pathway mountain Road Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words answer Circumference Su Si Cheng Officer and gifts
汪覃秀才久留山中以诗见寄次其韵 Wang Qin Xiucai Outstay In the mountains See verse sent times the charm
再游径山 again swim Pathway Mountain
洞霄宫 Gong Xiao-dong
初自径山归述古召饮介亭以病先起 Since the beginning of Pathway mountain Go out to drink mediated the ancient call from the kiosk to the patients before
明日重九亦以病不赴述古会再用前韵 Tomorrow The double ninth festival (9th day of the 9th lunar month) Yi Yi ancient disease will not go out Resume Former rhyme
九日寻臻阇梨遂泛小舟至勤师院二首 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Search Zhen Uprising pear satisfy Pan-small Zhou to Qin Teachers 2
九日舟中望见有美堂上鲁少卿饮处以诗戏之 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Boat Saw With the United States The place that elders and betters live in 鲁少卿 drink Inflict The poetry scene
游诸佛舍一日饮酽茶七盏戏书勤师壁 Yu Zhu Buddha house Day Drink tea seven strong that play book handling division wall
九日湖上寻周李二君不见君亦见寻于湖上以诗见寄明日乃次其韵 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Lake Zhou Li Erjun search Vanish Chun See also seeking to Lake Send to poetry see Tomorrow Is the time of its rhyme
送杭州杜戚陈三掾罢官归乡 songhangzhouduqichensanyuanbaguangui Township
次韵周长官寿星院同饯鲁少卿 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Circumference Officer life Xingyuantongjian Lu Shaoqing
次韵述古过周长官夜饮 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Ancient than the above Circumference government-operated porcelain kiln of the Song Dynasty Evening drink
述古以诗见责屡不赴会复次前韵 keep an appointment To repeat over and over--in detail (used mostly in buddhist scriptures) Former rhyme
金门寺中见李西台与二钱(惟演易)唱和四绝句戏用其韵跋之 Golden gate See Lee West Temple Terrace and two Qian weiyan amiable Antiphon four Quatrains Postscript to the opera with its rhyme
古诗 ancient style poetry


