唐代 元稹 Yuan Zhen  唐代   (779~831)
An Elegy I
An Elegy II
An Elegy III
The Summer Palace
Sigui Music
Spring Dove
Spring cicada
Rabbit Wire
Ancient Society
Tung Blossom
Pheasant media
Game God
Big mouth Ukraine
Sihao Temple
Albatron Relay
Yangcheng Relay
Ku Yu
Species of bamboo
Happy and harmonious Fan-day gift classic
Happy and harmonious Day sense Crane
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

The new book title and lee university official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) troubadour head Li in Kabuki

   Yuan Zhen

Hu Jin feast for New Voice to sit in the court of Han Zhen treble broadcast. Teach your children too ancestral music,
Early break to take classes Qunxiong array. Ji Ji Yao save gun frost, thunder cloud steaming drum mill.
Yudi body suspected early start line, the left end of the Constitution as by the scribes. Often stand to listen to the old Emperor,
End of the piece and then the Jade Pro. Now section of a U-turn, closing the wind power do destroy volume _set_back.
Song Jin Cheng female song hair, full house parlor Qi Xuan Oh. Shanshan Pei-yu action waist,
Pearl has always been with the saliva of a cough. Are the Circular Mound see Jiao Si, have positive 旦 pro Chaohe.
Too often prepared Palace Gagaku suspended, nine played the final Bailiao not lazy.惉 lag so hard to distinguish Ji Zha,
Wen Chi Hou lying back, but fear. Engineer, ignorant people do get deaf, did for the kings before.
Song Wei Chuan Tian quarter of taste, and Song Wu phase and suddenly sound. Yan Kou come next October,
Temple, one thousand nine Krupp dust blur. I hear this phrase multiple sobbing sigh, who since ancient times, right from wrong will be Chennai.
Ear rape eloquent voice into the heart, dwarf fed Yi Qi hungry.

【Source】 卷419_9

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