唐代 元稹 Yuan Zhen  唐代   (779~831)
An Elegy I
An Elegy II
An Elegy III
The Summer Palace
Sigui Music
Spring Dove
Spring cicada
Rabbit Wire
Ancient Society
Tung Blossom
Pheasant media
Game God
Big mouth Ukraine
Sihao Temple
Albatron Relay
Yangcheng Relay
Ku Yu
Species of bamboo
Happy and harmonious Fan-day gift classic
Happy and harmonious Day sense Crane
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Yangcheng Relay

   Yuan Zhen

Station operators have Yangcheng, name the state with the Yang Road. Yang did not the public has long been a sense of sharing my tears.
Xiao Xi parent company, Min-chou line and had. Both solitary good brother, brother and and soft.
Overnight does not meet, if the pregnant-year-old worry. Then vow not married, no teeth with the coverlet coverlet.
His brother died the county, no one remains closed. Quarter brother to the public order, public and Chung brother to stay.
Do not actually phase, three with the excursion. Bone were negative foreign land, so the mound back possession.
Habitat Habitat xiayi later, Yi Ren Gou no stealing. Where the length of the race, to ask inferior and superior.
Once the official criminal shame, the short life of public shame. The public is not left cloth, people do not steal from the cattle.
He asked the public to Seoul, the faithful first self-study. Speak when the truth, regardless of the party and the feud.
Hong Xi Xi sound gradually, crowns if Yunfu. Few are from the public school, the old man from the public tour.
Reported that between us the truth, Xian Yin and princes. Name drop Gongqing mouth, Chung recommended boat as waves.
The emperor had heard of it, again and again seek the next book. May saw the book, does not differ from dry Qiu.
Why support for the appointment, by Lin Shu Bo ball. Why support for the defense, and Sima Zhou driving safety.
Fang Bo public speaking, things do not matter Yin weeks. I really shi Shu, food Tang Tianchou.
I heard the emperor recalled, how dare post free. To serve Jianda Fu, Shi Mian tassel overnight.
Xi Yi Tun Thin vulgar, do not offer good density chips. Geniuses who are not Word, who had dark Liao distress.
Please Advisors month pension, Zhu Di the relative plot. Jieyue relatives, the liquor scattered the current depression.
Seoul is not a public cloud, security initiatives have the Ka. The remaining facilities do Gu Jiu, phase offered to pay off.
Not to seek food at sun_set_, spring is still disadvantages fur deep. Good people sad, I'll be happy alone by the by the.
Sadamoto cloud twilight years, the DPRK has curved like a hook. Ben Organisation storm potential, ASE Credit Shield.
Teeth is as sly, dark millet Health Wo Spanish fly. No power to the Secretary for the speaker, meat swallowing the larynx.
No power to pump the Secretary who handles outlining the Gou Li. Nasal complex potential air lock, shall not argue Kaoru Caryopteris.
The public although not significant bridge, and un_set_tling as suffering from tumor. Chapter eighty-nine on the fly, if the beads are dark cast.
Scorching day will be donated, no pumping Liao plot. It is the public is handsome, must admonish with revenge.
Yan Ying Palace door, knocking Court still kowtow. And do not just say, until they Chenjian.
Shangzhi not stop, ordered to pay U.S. language. Lower case into the Department, to serve it as a wart.
Evil heart is not happy, hit barbed spears grind. To the final state for the Road, Heaven actually leisurely.
Reverse this trend is not the speaker, anti-Israeli statement as blunder. Mouthpiece of sitting in a wood, dove into Ying Zhan.
The right to avoid, such as to avoid the tiger, Guanzhi such as crown monkey. His life with me will, the poet known as Ho-kau.
Private to a handle, all fear of falling if the ditch. Gave me no account, must I not Look Back.
Only so students, each with bread, and Hou. Ham made public to carry on, I go wild corner.
Do the public and various health, step by step in line Zou. Animate not tactics, trekking through Min Ou.
So as a teacher, was not as Sage. Road to the state press releases, and inspired songs and sing ballads.
Public Home xiayi past, people such as sex sex gull. Conditions from the provincial governor, How complex drum beam assistance.
Chapter temporary stop AIDS and educate the world Qiu. Yan miasma not old, IAC has suddenly fall.
A bird cry Memorial, no children Yau Tang sad. CD remaining door disciples of pine and catalpa trees.
This came to the relay, if the hanging Miluo Island. Temple taboo Yang Hu Cao, why not this Station Mou.
I would like to avoid the public taboo, named Yin-mail to avoid. The name has meaning, and shelter, especially by Yin days.
I have heard Xuanyuan Education, Sun Moon Ming jiuyou. Quiet shaded shade who never was quiet shade prisoners.


【Source】 卷397_2

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