唐代 元稹 Yuan Zhen  唐代   (779~831)
An Elegy I
An Elegy II
An Elegy III
The Summer Palace
Sigui Music
Spring Dove
Spring cicada
Rabbit Wire
Ancient Society
Tung Blossom
Pheasant media
Game God
Big mouth Ukraine
Sihao Temple
Albatron Relay
Yangcheng Relay
Ku Yu
Species of bamboo
Happy and harmonious Fan-day gift classic
Happy and harmonious Day sense Crane
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Removal disease 10

   Yuan Zhen

Jiang malaria medication preparation, four-side of a baa. How can it be drug-free power, Iraq to the long-Liu Zhi.
Thin solid stranded people, malaria drugs long hard system. Liang has been willing to go on, way back Chennai sight.
He abandoned the term, Cheng public pity I was ill. Three hundred and ninety thousand of money, resources to support the stubborn dark.
What benefits the body cheap kill, deep-reported difficulty ex exhausted. The public of its million years, the world has days Zheng.
Recalling the early juvenile for children, healthy adults envy column. Length of the day tired is boring, read holiday frolic.
To getting this taboo, the Dayton with a heart do not. Speed flying day, good morning also show crumbs.
Swig field in the past, hate speech is sick drunk. Fear of disease to the body alcohol, meaning the beginning of enlightenment to others.
Is not afraid of free wine, no juvenile gas tragedy. Young children pass phrase, cup Mo avoided.
Recalling the beginning of the beginning of the first white, day and night scared ray. And temples and to be gradually, not more than a few.
Prime lightly over, had the prime of life has five. Huafa no longer blue, Lawson actually make any.
Non is not at home, sick, sick mind is also safe. Rotary living nephews, bait older siblings look.
This disease long way brother, returning from their letters difficult. Send words Jiao brother, Mo officer for local administrative officials.
Yanchao official residences, I Seoul all the passengers. Year-end I am left alone, fall deep Eran appropriate.
High winds Chi Yu Chui, Lu Yan Bo separated. Over and over again Yushan Cen, the world gathered narrow.
Ye Lai Kuang Yu eaves, dark Zhiqiu have students. Sad quilt bamboo mat lying cold, disease Enlightenment body light.
Yan faint it not tired, time to talk from the shock. Final overnight hui died of septicemia, air hall days like tomorrow.
Autumn by Jingchu more interesting situation is the early morning. Deep bamboo cicada day wind, dew shirt Green Velvet.
Lufthansa court to see a long illness, to know the number of free fruit. How strong, the public gate on labor greedy.
Home toward the end read, twilight sleep for an empty hall. Do not dream of tears also flow across the dark mark sings pillow.
Wine sent by former worry, this patient safety can drink. Fall for autumn and hibiscus flowers, even from the patients as people.


【Source】 卷402_4

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