Author List of Authors
Guo MoRuoXia ChengdaoLiu XuekaiZhou Tianyou
Yuan HangpeiFang ShimingChen ShangjunWu Zeyu
Zhao ChaoJohn King FairbankQian MuBai Yang
Ge JianxiongYue NaGu ChengYi Zhongtian
Zhou YingQu WeiyingZhang MingLin Yutang
Wu HanSun LiqunZhang YanEryuehe
Yan ChongnianZheng PengnianZhang JianweiZhang Xiaotian
Chen RuhengWang LiqiMa FeibaiZhu Qianzhi
Yang BajunWang MingMa XulunDao Yuanfashi
Yuan KeMi QingyuXin YuanouTao Xisheng
Liu FengwuZhang HenshuiZhou RuchangYu Pingba
Liu XinwuCai YijiangGu PingaoZhou Saiyuan
Zhang AilingHu WenbinLi JieHu Shi
Tang MingwenWang MengNie XinsenCui Yaohua
Liu ShideHuang LinDai DuibangMa Ruifang
Hong Ying
Author  (1962 AD)
Birth Place: 重庆

Quite. China is a country with a splendid catering culture.《我这温柔的厨娘》
describe loving stories (books)《绿袖子》
Black and white Liangdao《上海之死》
Women's fiction《那些绝代佳人》
Net novels《上海魔术师》

Read works of Hong Ying at 小说之家
  Hong Ying: the famous literary world-renowned writer, poet. China's new women representative of the literature. Born in Chongqing in 1962.
  Won the "British first prize of Chinese Poetry", China Taiwan, "the United Daily News," Short Story Award for Poetry Award, New York, "Ritter Fika" magazine "the most outstanding representative of short stories written in Hong Ying Ying Award", three papers have been translated Minister into 21 languages in Europe, America, Israel, Australia
  Asia and Japan, published. Long autobiographical novel "Hunger's Daughter" won the 1997 China Taiwan United Daily News Best Book Award scholar. Authority by the mainland media as popular writers of the 2000 top ten; 2001 China Book Business Daily as the first ten women writers, known as the "matrix powder in the female hero."
  Her full-length "K" by the court sentenced "obscene" crime banned, is the first time in modern Chinese history, "Southern Weekend" as the 2002 annual "controversial" figure.
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