奧地利 Austria   首都:維也納  國家代碼: at   
  奧地利共和國(The Republic of Austria, Republik Österreich)。
  【國旗】 呈長方形,長與寬之比為3∶2。自上而下由紅、白、紅三個平行相等的橫長方形相連而成,旗面正中是奧地利國徽圖案。此旗的來歷可追溯到奧匈帝國時期,據說當時的巴本堡公爵在與英王理查一世激戰時,公爵的白色軍衣幾乎全被鮮血染紅,衹有佩劍處留下一道白痕。從此,公爵的軍隊采用紅白紅為戰旗顔色。1786年約瑟夫國王二世把紅白紅旗作為全軍戰旗,1919年正式定為奧地利國旗。奧地利政府機構、部長、總統等官方代表和政府駐外機構均使用帶國徽的國旗,一般場合不用帶國徽的國旗。
  【國徽】 為一隻鷹。黑色的雄鷹頭戴金冠,兩爪分別握着金色的錘子和鐮刀,胸前的盾面上為國旗圖案,鷹爪上還套有被打斷的鎖鏈。鷹是奧地利的標志,璧形金冠象徵市民,鐮刀和錘子象徵農工,鎖鏈被打斷象徵奧地利人民獲得自由、解放。
  【國歌】 《讓我們拉起手來》
  【國花】 火絨草
  【國鳥】 傢燕
  【國石】 貴蛋白石
  【面積】 83871平方公裏。(資料來源:2004年奧地利統計年鑒)
  【人口】 805.3萬(2002年)。其中外國人75.8萬人,占9.4%。少數民族有斯洛文尼亞人、剋羅地亞人和匈牙利人,約占人口的0.52%。官方語言德語。73%的居民信奉天主教。
  【首都】 維也納(Wien),人口155萬人(2002年)。
  【國傢元首】 總統海因茨·菲捨爾(Heinz Fischer),2004年4月25日當選,7月8日就任。
  奧地利 意為“東方的國傢”。位於歐洲中部,為著名的山國,連綿起伏的阿爾卑斯山橫貫境內,美麗的多瑙河蜿蜒流淌。水力,森林,礦産豐富,經濟發達。石墨,菱鎂礦儲蓄量居世界前列。
  【憲法】 現行憲法1920年11月10日生效。1925年和1929年通過兩項附則。1934年憲法被廢除。1945年奧重建後宣佈1920年憲法和兩個附則繼續有效。憲法規定,奧為聯邦製共和國,總統是國傢元首,由普選産生,任期6年。總理為政府首腦。
  【議會】 由國民議會和聯邦議會組成。國民議會製定法律,主持新政府的就職儀式,通過不信任表决罷免聯邦政府及其成員。聯邦議會代表各州的利益,有權將國民議會通過的法律提案駁回,但如國民議會堅持原案,聯邦議會不得再提異議。國民議會共183席,按比例代表製産生,任期4年。本屆國民議會2002年11月産生,各黨所占席位:人民黨79席,社民黨69席,自由黨18席,緑黨17席。議長任期4年,現任議長安德裏亞斯•科爾 (Andreas Kohl,人民黨)。聯邦議會共62席,由各州按人口比例選派,議長由各州多數黨議員輪流擔任,任期半年。國民議會和聯邦議會聯合組成聯邦會議,主要職能是接受總統就職宣誓以及在必要時决定對外宣戰。
  【政府】2003年2月28日人民黨和自由黨再次聯合組閣。現政府組成如下:總理沃爾夫岡•許塞爾(Wolfgang Schüssel,人民黨),副總理兼交通、創新和技術部長鬍伯特•戈爾巴赫(Hubert Gorbach,自由黨),外交部長烏蘇拉•普拉斯尼剋(Ursula Plassnik,女,人民黨),經濟、勞動部長馬丁•巴爾滕施坦因(Martin Bartenstein,人民黨),財政部長卡爾-海因茨•格拉瑟(Karl-Heinz Grasser,無黨派),內政部長莉澤•普羅科普(Liese Prokop,女,人民黨),國防部長君特•普拉特(Günther Platter,人民黨),司法部長迪特•伯姆多夫(Dieter Boehmdorfer,無黨派),農業、林業和環保部長約瑟夫•普呂爾(Josef Pröll,人民黨),社會保障部長烏蘇拉•豪普娜(Ursula Haubner,女,自由黨),教育、科學和文化部長伊麗莎白•蓋勒(Elisabeth Gehrer,女,人民黨),衛生、家庭與青年部長瑪利亞•勞赫—卡拉特(Maria Rauch-Kallat女,人民黨)。
  【行政區劃】 全國劃為9個州,它們是:布爾根蘭、剋恩頓、上奧地利、下奧地利、薩爾茨堡、施蒂利亞、蒂羅爾、福拉爾貝格、維也納。州以下設市、區、鎮(鄉)。
  【司法機構】 全國有三個法院係統:憲法法院,審理涉及憲法、特別是地方與聯邦政府糾紛的案件,院長卡爾•科裏內剋(Karl Korinek);行政法院,審理涉及官方機構及其工作人員的行政糾紛案件,院長剋萊蒙斯•雅伯倫納(Clemens Jabloner);最高法院,審理刑事和民事案件,院長約翰•雷舒特(Johann Rzeszut)。
  【政黨】 (1)奧地利人民黨(Österreichische Volkspartei):執政黨。前身是1887年建立的基督教社會黨,1945年改用現名。主席沃爾夫岡•許塞爾(Wolfgang Schüssel)。
  (2)奧地利自由黨(Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs):執政黨。1955年成立,前身是“獨立者聯盟”,曾於1983-1986年和社會黨組成聯合政府。主席烏蘇拉•豪普娜(Ursula Haubner, 女)。
  (3)奧地利社會民主黨(Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs):在野黨。1889年成立。1919-1920年執政,1934年被取締。1945年改名為社會黨,1991年6月改現名。主席阿爾弗雷德•古森鮑爾(Alfred Gusenbauer)。
  (4)緑黨(Die Grünen):在野黨。主要組織是“緑色選擇”和“聯合緑黨”。聯邦發言人(主席)亞力山大•梵•德•貝倫(Alexander van der Bellen)。
  (5)自由論壇(Liberales Forum):議會外反對黨。1993年2月由5名原自由黨議員成立,11月成立全國性組織。聯邦發言人(主席)亞歷山大•紮赫(Alexander Zach)。
  (6)奧地利共産黨(Kommunistische Partei Österreichs):議會外反對黨。1918年成立。實行集體領導。聯邦理事會總書記瓦爾特•拜爾(Walter Baier)。
  貨幣名稱:歐元(EURO), 1歐元=100分。
  【資源】 礦産主要有石墨、鎂、褐煤、鐵、石油、天然氣等。森林、水力資源豐富。森林覆蓋率42%,有林場400萬公頃,木材蓄積量約9.9億立方米。
  【工業】  2002年工業産值625.9億歐元,占國內生産總值的28.7%。主要工業部門有采礦、鋼鐵、石化、機械製造、造紙和紡織等。2002年工業從業人員為116.5萬,占從業人員總數的29.6%。
   2000 2001 2002
  鐵礦 185 184.3 194.2
  石油 105.6 105 103.2
  天然氣(億立方米) 18 19.5 20.1
  【農林業】  2002年農林業産值為68.1億歐元,占國內生産總值的1.4%。農林業從業人數21.69萬,占從業人員總數的5.5%。可耕地占全國面積的18%,牧場占27%。農業發達,機械化程度高,農産品自給有餘。主要農産品産量如下(單位:萬噸):
   2000 2001 2002
  小麥和黑麥 150.1 172.8 160.5
  玉米 185.2 149.3 166.7
  馬鈴薯 69.5 69.5 68.4
  甜菜 263.4 277.3 304.3
   2000 2001 2002
  豬 334.8 344 330.5
  牛 263.4 211.8 206.7
  【旅遊業】 旅遊業發達。2002年接待遊客2736萬人次,其中外國遊客1861萬人次。全國有各類旅館70834傢,共有床位103.2萬張。主要旅遊點是剋恩頓州、施蒂利亞州、薩爾茨堡州、蒂羅爾州和上奧州。遊客主要來自德、荷、瑞(士)、英、意等國。
  【交通運輸】 奧地利地處歐洲中部,是歐洲重要的交通樞紐。近年來交通運輸情況如下:
  【財政金融】 2000-2002年財政收支情況如下(單位:億歐元):
   2000 2001 2002
  支出 568 604 618
  收入 528 590 594
  赤字 40 14 24
    2000 2001 2002
  進口額 1052 1112 1104
  出口額 1039 1111 1152
  差額 -13 -1 48
  【對外投資】 1991年成立“東西方基金”,鼓勵到東歐國傢投資,政府擔保風險。2002年奧在國外投資額60億歐元,其中在東歐地區直接投資約30億歐元。
  【發展援助】 2003年發展援助額4.45億美元,占國內生産總值的0.2%。發展援助的重點是農業、水力、衛生、能源、基礎設施、職業培訓、科學合作和提供奬學金等。
  【外國資本】 2002年外國在奧直接投資為16億歐元,比前一年減少75%,達到1995年以來的最低值。共有約400傢企業在奧投資,德國是奧最主要的投資來源國。
  【人民生活】 實行全國社會保險和救濟制度,主要有醫療、失業、退休和事故四大類保險。2001年工人月平均淨工資1701歐元,職員月平均淨工資2090歐元。2000年每千人擁有小汽車688.5輛,電視機970,電冰箱980,電話870部。2000年全國共有專業醫生17445人。醫院312傢,病床72008張。
  【教育】 學齡兒童享受9年義務教育,學費、書費和上學交通費由國傢負擔。凡持有高中畢業文憑可免試上大學。2003年奧教育經費共計57.5億歐元,占總預算支出的9.4%。2002年有各類中小學、職業學校6715所,在校學生123.3萬人,大學19所,大學生19.7萬人。著名的維也納大學創立於1365年,係德語區最古老的大學之一。
  【新聞出版】  2002年全國有各類報紙245種,其中日報31種,主要報紙2002年發行量為:《皇冠報》101.8萬份,《信使報》25.8萬份,《新聞報》12.4萬份,《標準報》11.1萬份。主要雜志三種:《新聞周刊》30.4萬份;《側面》周刊10.6萬份,《趨勢》經濟月刊8.2萬份。
  在奧地利到主人傢作客或應邀赴宴,可着深色裝,也可着淺色裝;較正式的重要場合(例如有較重要的人物參加)應着深色裝,以示莊重,參加婚禮或生日慶祝活動可着淺色裝;聽音樂會、看歌劇須着深色裝。奧地利的餐館以"鴿子"作為餐館的星級標志。"鴿子"越多,餐館越高級,最高為四星級。宴請可分為工作宴請和私人宴請兩種。如係工作宴請禮物可免;私人宴請則需帶禮品。 趣聞: 日食五餐的奧地利人>>>
  維也納國傢歌劇院(State Opera Theatre of Vienna)是世界上一流的大型歌劇院,是“音樂之都”維也納的主要象徵,素有“世界歌劇中心”之稱。建於1869年,原是皇傢宮廷劇院,其前身是17世紀維也納城堡廣場木結構包廂劇院,1869年遷到市區的環行街旁。1918年宮廷劇院變為國有,稱國傢歌劇院。二戰時被炸得衹剩下幾處斷垣殘壁,戰後重建,整修10年,恢復舊觀。外貌古色古香,整個舞臺區完全現代化,配有最先進的音響設備。1955年11月以演出貝多芬的費德利奧慶祝再生。歌劇院為羅馬式宏偉建築。前廳和側廳都用大理石徹成,內部繪有精美壁畫和挂有大音樂傢和名演員照片。觀衆席共有6層,可容有座觀衆1600多人。
  維也納音樂廳(Music Hall Vienna):奧地利維也納最古老也最現代化的音樂廳,是每年舉行“維也納新年音樂會”的法定場所。始建於1867年,1869年竣工。是意大利文藝復興式建築。外墻黃紅兩色相間,屋頂上竪立着許多音樂女神雕像,古雅別緻。1870年1月6日,音樂廳的金色大演奏廳舉行首場演出。1872年到1875年間著名音樂傢勃拉姆斯曾負責組織音樂廳的演奏會。1939年開始,每年1月1日在此舉行維也納新年音樂會,後因戰爭一度中斷,1959年又重新恢復。廳內有收藏館,館分兩室。一間是展覽室,定期舉行收藏品展覽,供人參觀;一間是檔案室,一邊的書架 上放滿大量歷代手寫的、木刻的、鉛印的音樂書籍和樂譜,另一邊是一排鐵櫃,藏有音樂大師的樂稿、書信和其他手跡,其中有莫紮特的樂稿:最後一個交響麯等。屋子中間是一長排桌子,供研究者查閱資料之用。檔案室原為勃拉姆斯的辦公室,他臨終前一再囑咐,要把他珍藏的幾千册音樂書籍和樂譜全部捐獻給檔案室。音樂廳屬於奧地利音樂之友協會,協會擁有會員7000多人,據說是世界上歷史最久、人數最多的音樂組織。
  莫紮特故居(Mozartst Seburtuts)奧地利18世紀著名音樂大師莫紮特出生的地方。它坐落在薩爾茨堡市糧食大街9號。這是一座金黃色的6層樓建築。公元1756年1月27日莫紮特就誕生在這裏,並度過了他的童年。昔紮特14歲被任命為宮廷樂師。1781年,他嚮宮廷提出辭呈,遷居維也納,從而打開維也納古典音樂的大門,直到1791年1月5日逝世。為了紀念他,1917年把這裏闢為莫紮特故居博物館。館內陳列着莫紮特生前使用過的小提琴、木琴和鋼琴、親筆寫的樂譜、書信以及親自設計的舞臺劇藍圖等。館內如今還珍藏着莫紮特的一縷金色頭髮。故居前面是莫紮特全身銅像。莫紮特故居是到薩爾茨堡的遊客們必到之處。在博物館內陳列有莫紮特的一縷金發和少年時使用的小提琴、樂譜。館前的莫紮特廣場上竪有莫紮特全身銅像。廣場附近還有莫紮特音樂專科學校等;連商店出售的巧剋力糖果等也都以莫紮特命名。薩爾茨堡歷史上就以音樂之城聞名,該城每年都舉行國際音樂節活動。包括薩爾茨堡國際音樂節(為期5周),薩爾茨堡復活節音樂節(為期2周),薩爾茨堡國際藝術節(為期5周)。其中薩爾茨堡國際音樂節的前身即1877至1910年舉行多次的莫紮特音樂節。它以維也納國立歌劇院(世界十大劇院)和維也納愛樂管弦樂團(世界三大愛樂管弦樂團之一)為主,廣泛接納世界各國的著名交響樂團、指揮傢、獨奏傢和獨唱傢。薩爾茨堡國際音樂節已成為世界音樂盛會。
  維也納多瑙塔(Donau Tower in Vienna)位於市區北面的多瑙河公園內,於1964年建成。塔高252米,塔底直徑31米。多瑙塔高聳入雲,為維也納市容劃出一條新的空中輪廓綫。塔內設有兩部高速電梯,遊人可乘電梯從塔底直升到165米高的電梯終點。在電梯終點上下各5米處,分別是露天咖啡館和室內咖啡館。登上170米高的露天咖啡館,頓感冷風撲面,寒氣逼人,但俯首下看卻有人上九天之感。進入160米高的室內咖啡館,頓覺溫暖如春。憑窗極目遠眺,遠方巍峨的阿爾卑斯山和穿城而過的藍色多瑙河盡收眼底。由於兩個咖啡館環塔而建,其地板構架同塔軸相連,故能以3種速度圍繞高塔轉動,形成別緻的旋轉咖啡廳,咖啡廳每隔39分鐘自轉一周。隨着咖啡廳的轉動,窗外的景色也隨之慢慢移動。遊人可邊品嚐飲品,邊領略維也納繁華的都市風貌和城郊的田園風光。
  維也納捨恩布竜宮(Schonbrunn Castle in Vienna)捨恩布竜宮位於奧地利首都維也納西南部,亦稱“美泉宮”,是奧地利哈布斯堡王室的避暑離宮。1694年由瑪利亞·特利薩女王下令修建。整座宮殿占地2.6萬平方米,稍遜於法國的凡爾賽宮。宮內共有1400個房間,其中44間是以18世紀歐洲流行的洛可可式建築風格修裝的,纖巧華美、優雅別緻;此外,還有以東方古典樣式裝修的廳堂,如鑲嵌紫檀、黑檀、象牙的中國式和飾以泥金和塗漆的日本式。房間內部的飾品和陳設也與建築風格相一致,在琳琅滿目的陶瓷擺設中,尤以明朝萬歷年間的彩瓷大盤和描花古瓶最為珍貴。宮內有哈布斯堡王朝歷代帝王設宴的餐廳和華麗的舞廳,現在奧地利政府仍在那裏舉行舞會或款待各國外交使節。在宮內,供人參觀的幾輛瑪利亞·特利薩女王加冕大典時使用的鎏金馬車,豪華無比,引人駐足。在長廊上,挂滿了哈布斯堡王朝歷代皇帝的肖像和記錄他們生活場景的圖畫以及瑪利亞·特利薩女王16個女兒的肖像畫,其中最惹人喜愛的是法國國王路易十六的皇后瑪麗·安東涅特少女時代的畫像,其優雅細膩的筆調將當時王朝豪華的盛景和奢麗的生活盡現於畫上。後來,在這座宮殿裏長大的瑪麗皇后同其夫君路易十六一起在法國大革命中被送上斷頭臺。在房間和回廊的拐角處是各種式樣的火爐,其中俄式的大火爐造型最為奇特,堪稱一景。在宮殿後面是一座巴羅特式的大花園,每當百花盛開之際,園中奇花異卉芬芳怡人,令人留連忘返,更增添了離宮之美。拿破侖曾兩次占領過維也納,兩次都居住在這裏。著名作麯傢莫紮特幼年時期也曾在離宮的宮廷舞臺上為女皇演奏過鋼琴。拿破侖戰敗後,1814年9月—1815年6月,這裏曾舉行過有名的瓜分歐洲的維也納會議。當時的奧地利首相梅特涅以其縱橫捭闔的手腕,在歐洲諸列強之間玩弄均勢平衡外交,顯赫一時。
  沃爾夫岡·莫紮特 (Wolfgang Mozart,1756-1791):奧地利偉大的作麯傢,維也納古典樂派的傑出代表。出身於薩爾茲堡宮廷樂師家庭,很小就顯露出極高的音樂天賦,即興演奏和作麯都十分出色,六歲即創作了一首小步舞麯,並在歐洲旅行演出獲得了成功,被譽為“神童”。1773年任薩爾斯堡大主教宮廷樂師,1781年不滿主教對他的嚴厲管束而憤然辭職,來到了維也納,走上了艱難的自由音樂傢道路。莫紮特的全部作品中洋溢着他追求民主自由的思想,並迸發出在巨大社會壓力下的明快、樂觀情緒。他廣泛采用各種樂麯形式,成功的把德、奧、意等國的民族音樂和歐洲的傳統音樂有機的聯繫在一起,賦予它們深刻的思想內容和完美的形式,為西方音樂的發展開闢了嶄新的道路。其創作手法新穎,旋律純樸優美,織體幹淨細緻,配器註重音色效果,發揮了復調音樂的積極作用,對後世音樂創作産生極大的影響。他在短促的一生中共創作了七十五部作品,留下了《費加羅的婚禮》、《唐璜》、《後宮誘逃》、《魔笛》等著名歌劇,使歌劇成為具有市民特點的新體裁。並作有大量交響麯、協奏麯、鋼琴麯和室內樂重奏。
  弗朗茲·舒柏特(Franz Schubert,1797-1828):作麯傢、浪漫主義音樂的開創者之一。生於1797年1月31日,父親是維也納近郊的一所小學的校長,有19個孩子,舒柏特最小。他自幼喜歡音樂,8歲開始隨父、兄學習提琴和鋼琴,11歲時進入免費寄讀的神學院合唱團。1811年創作第一首歌麯《哈加爾的悲哀》,16歲到他父親的小學裏當教員。他一邊教課、一邊進行音樂創作。17歲為歌德的詩篇《紡車旁的葛萊卿》、《野玫瑰》等譜麯。18歲那年,一天午後,他拿起歌德的敘事詩《魔王》來讀,忽然心情激蕩,一小時後,膾炙人口的世界名麯《魔王》誕生了。這首名麯,立即轟動了維也納,使他從此走上音樂創作之路。舒柏特衹活了33歲,但他一生卻寫了634首藝術歌麯。此外,他還寫了8部交響麯、一些重奏、奏鳴麯,即興麯和其他音樂作品,《小夜麯》以其深情、優美為世人所贊賞。舒伯特采用和聲上的色彩變化,用各種音樂體裁形式來刻劃個人的心理活動,富有大自然的和諧和生命力的氣息,他將瞬息間的遐想行之於樂譜,把感受到的一切化為音樂形象,構成了他獨特的浪漫主義的旋律。他很崇拜貝多芬,1822年,舒柏特帶着新發表的作品去見貝多芬,恰好貝多芬出去了。後來貝多芬在病中發現這首麯子,說“這作品充滿了神奇的火花”。可是,當舒柏特再去拜見貝多芬時,貝多芬已病危不能說話了。舒柏特臨終時要求親友將他葬在貝多芬旁邊,現在他倆的銅像並立在維也納廣場上。
  小約翰·施特勞斯(Johann Strauss,1825-1899):老約翰·施特勞斯的兒子,奧地利著名的輕音樂作麯傢。出生在風行跳舞的維也納一個音樂傢家庭,與父親同名。其創作以《藍色的多瑙河》、《維也納森林的故事》、《藝術傢的生活》、《春之聲》等一百二十餘首維也納圓舞麯著稱,被後人冠以“圓舞麯之王”的頭銜。他曾帶領樂隊訪問歐洲各國,使維也納圓舞麯風靡全歐洲。他的圓舞麯獨具特色,旋律酣暢,柔美動聽,節奏自由,生機盎然,是每年維也納新年音樂會的主要麯目。他還作有《雷鳴電閃》等一百二十多首源自捷剋的波爾卡舞麯及幾十首其他舞麯。1870年起創作了《蝙蝠》、《羅馬狂歡節》、《阿裏巴巴與四十大盜》、《吉卜賽男爵》等十六部輕歌劇,對於歐洲輕歌劇的發展有着相當深遠的影響。
  斯蒂芬·茨威格 (stephen zweig1881~1942):奧地利著名小說傢、傳記作傢,出身於富裕的猶太家庭。青年時代在維也納和柏林攻讀哲學和文學。後去世界各地遊歷,結識羅曼·曼蘭和羅丹等人,並受到他們的影 響。第一次世界大戰時從事反戰工作,成為著名的和平主義者。二十年代赴蘇聯,認識了高 爾基。1934年遭納粹驅逐,先後流亡英國、巴西。1942年在孤寂與感覺理想破滅中與妻子雙雙自殺。茨威格在詩、短論、小說、戲劇和人物傳記寫作方面均有過人的造詣,尤以小說和人物傳記見長。代表 作有小說《最初的經歷》、《馬來狂人》、《恐懼》、《感覺的混亂》、《人的命運轉折點》、《一個陌生女人的來信》、《象棋的故事》、《一個女人一生中的二十四小時》、《危險的憐憫》等;傳記《三位大師》、《同精靈的鬥爭》、《三個描摹自己生活的詩人》等。茨威格對心理學與弗洛伊德學說感興趣,作品擅長細緻的性格刻畫,以及對奇特命運下個人遭遇和心靈的熱情的描摹。
  弗洛伊德·西格蒙德(Freud Sigmund 1856-1939):奧地利精神科、神經科醫生、心理學家,精神分析學派的創始人。1856年5月6日出生於摩拉維亞一猶太商人之傢,是其父母八個子女中的長子。他4歲時隨傢人遷居維也納。17歲考入維也納大學醫學院,1881年獲醫學博士學位。後開業行醫,擔任臨床神經專科醫生,終生從事精神病的臨床治療工作。在探尋精神病病源方面,弗洛伊德拋棄了當時占主流的生理病因說,逐步走嚮了心理病因說,創立了心理分析學說(Psychoanalysis,又譯精神分析),認為精神病起源於心理內部動機的衝突。他思考敏銳、分析精細、推斷循回遞進、構思步步趨入,探討問題中,往往引述文學、歷史、醫學、哲學、宗教等材料,揭示出人們心靈的底層。主要著作有:《夢的解釋》(1900年)、《性學三論》(1905年)、《心理分析導論》(1910年)、《文明及其缺陷》(1929年)。1886年與馬莎·伯萊斯結婚,育有三男三女,女兒A·弗洛伊德後來也成為著名的心理學家。
  卡夫卡 (Franz Kafka,1883~1924):奧地利小說傢。1883年7月3日生於布拉格一個猶太商人家庭,18歲入布拉格大學學習文學和法律,1904年開始寫作,主要作品為4部短篇小說集和3部長篇小說。可惜生前大多未發表,3部長篇也均未寫完。卡夫卡是歐洲著名的表現主義作傢。他生活在奧匈帝國行將崩潰的時代,又深受尼采、柏格森哲學影響,對政治事件也一直抱旁觀態度,故其作品大都用變形荒誕的形象和象徵直覺的手法,表現被充滿敵意的社會環境所包圍 的孤立、絶望的個人。成為席捲歐洲的“現代人的睏惑”的集中體現,並在歐 洲掀起了一陣又一陣的“卡夫卡熱”。其最著名的作品有藉小動物防備敵害的膽戰心理,表現資本主義社會小人物時刻難以自保的精神狀態和在充滿敵意的環境中的孤立絶望情緒的短篇小說《地洞》(1923年);通過小職員薩姆沙突然變成一隻使傢人都厭惡的大甲蟲的荒誕情節,表現現代社會把人變成奴隸乃至“非人”的“異化”現象的短篇小說《變形記》(1912年);寫土地丈量員K在象徵神秘權力或無形枷鎖統治的城堡面前欲進不能,欲退不得,衹能坐以待斃的長篇小說《城堡》;藉銀行職員約瑟夫· K莫明其妙被“捕”,又莫明其妙被殺害的荒誕事件,揭露資本主義社會司法制度腐敗及其反人民本質的長篇小說《審判》等。
  【對當前重大國際問題的態度】 關於歐盟一體化問題。認為歐盟應加強共同外交和安全政策建設,盡快建立歐盟獨立安全防務體係,加強歐洲在面臨局部衝突時的幹預能力。歐盟應提高决策和行動能力,製定統一憲法,並最終成為高度一體化的聯邦。強調大小成員國應一律平等,中小國傢衹有結成利益共同體才能更有效地維護各自在聯盟內的利益。主張歐盟各機構間權力平衡,維持歐盟輪值主席製,各新老成員國在歐盟委員會擁有一個表决席位。
  【同中國的關係】 1971年5月28日同中國建立外交關係,建交後兩國關係發展正常。
  中國駐奧地利大使:盧永華。中國駐奧大使館館址:Metternichgasse 4,1030 Wien。電話:(431)714314948。電傳:135794CHINBA。傳真:(431)7136816。商務處電話:(431)714314921。傳真:(431)714314922。簽證處電話:(431)7103648。
  奧地利駐華大使:史偉(Hans Dietmar Schweisgut)。館址:100600,北京建外秀水南街5號。電話:65322061。電傳:22258,傳真:65321505。商務處電話:65321677。電傳:22270,傳真:65321149。簽證處電話:65322061
  【同美國的關係】 重視與美國關係。奧雖對美單邊主義傾嚮時有批評,但認為美是世界唯一超強,歐美有廣泛共同利益,註意在伊戰等問題上不頂撞美,加強與美“夥伴關係”符合奧根本利益。對美貿易額:2002年奧出口40 億歐元,進口37.4億歐元。美是奧在歐盟以外最大的貿易夥伴。
  【同俄羅斯及東歐國傢的關係】 十分看重俄在實現歐洲和平、穩定和發展方面的“關鍵作用”,以及俄市場潛力和自然資源,在推動歐盟與俄建立全面合作關係的同時,謀求加強奧俄雙邊關係。2003年,奧總理許塞爾和外長瓦爾德納相繼訪俄。兩國經貿關係發展較快。2002年奧嚮俄出口9.58億歐元,進口10.32億歐元。俄是奧第17 大出口國和第15大進口國。
  【同歐盟的關係】 1995年正式加入歐洲聯盟,1999年1月1日成為首批歐元國。2000年2月4日奧人民黨與右翼政黨自由黨聯合上臺執政,歐盟14國即對奧采取了凍結雙邊高層往來、降低外交接觸級別和停止在國際機構中對奧人選支持的政治製裁。同年9月,歐盟在對奧內外政策進行評估後解除製裁。奧與歐盟及其成員國關係隨之逐步恢復正常。奧外貿主要集中在歐盟國傢。2002年奧對歐盟貿易出口額為465.17億歐元,占其出口總額的60.1%;進口額為506.78億歐元,占其進口總額的65.7%。
  【同德國的關係】 由於德在2000年奧右翼政黨自由黨入閣一事上在歐盟內帶頭對奧製裁,雙邊關係一度變冷。隨着2001年5月德國總理施羅德訪奧,兩國交往增多,關係逐漸恢復正常。德是奧最大的貿易夥伴,2002年奧與德貿易額占奧外貿總額的36.2%,奧嚮德出口247.8億歐元,從德進口310.9億歐元。

  Austria (German: Österreich) (Österreich (help·info)), officially the Republic of Austria (German: Republik Österreich) (Republik Österreich (help·info)), is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It borders both Germany and the Czech Republic to the north, Slovakia and Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the west. The capital is the city of Vienna on the Danube River.
  The origins of modern Austria date back to the ninth century, when the territory of Upper and Lower Austria became increasingly populated. The name "Ostarrichi" is first documented in an official document from 996. Since then this word has developed into the Österreich.
  Austria is a parliamentary representative democracy comprising nine federal states and is one of six European countries that have declared permanent neutrality and one of the few countries that includes the concept of everlasting neutrality in its constitution. Austria has been a member of the United Nations since 1955 and joined the European Union in 1995.
  The German name Österreich is derived from Old German Ostarrîchi "Eastern Territory". The name was Latinized as "Austria", thus it has no direct etymological connection with the name of Australia, which derives from Latin Australis meaning The South (however, both words ultimately derive from Proto-Indo-European *aust- "dawn"). Reich can also mean "empire," and this connotation is the one that is understood in the context of the Austrian/Austro-Hungarian Empire, Holy Roman Empire, although not in the context of the modern Republic of Österreich. The term probably originates in a vernacular translation of the Medieval Latin name for the region: Marchia orientalis, which translates as "eastern marches" or "eastern borderland", as it was situated at the eastern edge of the Holy Roman Empire, that was also mirrored in the name Ostmark, for a short period applied after the Anschluss to Germany. However, Friedrich Heer, one the most important Austrian historians in the 20th century, stated in his book Der Kampf um die österreichische Identität (The Struggle Over Austrian Identity), that the Germanic form ostarrîchi was not a translation of the Latin word, but both resulted from a much older term originating in the Celtic languages of ancient Austria: More than 2,500 years ago, the major part of the actual country was called Norig by the Celtic population (Hallstatt culture); No- or Nor- meant East or Eastern, whereas Rig is the related to the modern German Reich; realm (among other things). Accordingly, Norig would essentially mean ostarrîchi and Österreich, thus Austria. The Celtic name was eventually Latinized to noricum, when the Romans conquered and Romanized the country that later became Austria. The name of Noricum was then used to designate the Roman province.
  The current official designation is the Republic of Austria (Republik Österreich). It was originally known after the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire from 1918 as the Republic of German Austria (Republik Deutschösterreich) , but the state was forced to change its name to "Republic of Austria" in 1919 by the Treaty of Saint-Germain. The name was changed again during the Austro-fascist regime (1934–1938) , into Federal State of Austria (Bundesstaat Österreich) , but restored after regaining independence and the birth of the Second Austrian Republic (1955–present).
  During the period of monarchy, Austria was known as the Austrian Empire (Kaisertum Österreich) ; however no official designation existed since the empire was strongly multiethnic. After the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867, the empire became known as Austria-Hungary reflecting the dual monarchy character.
  Prehistory and the Middle Ages
  Coats of arms of the Habsburg EmperorSettled in prehistoric times, the central European land that is now Austria was occupied in pre-Roman times by various Celtic tribes. The Celtic kingdom of Noricum was claimed by the Roman Empire and made a province. After the fall of the Roman Empire, of which most of Austria was part (all parts south of the Danube), the area was invaded by Bavarians, Slavs and Avars. Charlemagne conquered the area in 788 and encouraged colonization and Christianity. As part of Eastern Francia, the core areas that now encompass Austria were bequeathed to the house of Babenberg. The area was known as the marchia Orientalis and was given to Leopold of Babenberg in 976.
  The first record showing the name Austria is from 996 where it is written as Ostarrîchi, referring to the territory of the Babenberg March. The term Ostmark is not historically ascertained and appears to be a translation of marchia orientalis that came up only much later.
  The following centuries were characterized by the settlement of the country. In 1156 the Privilegium Minus elevated Austria to the status of a duchy. In 1192, the Babenbergs also acquired the Duchy of Styria.
  With the death of Frederick II in 1246, the line of the Babenbergers went extinct. Otakar II of Bohemia effectively controlled the duchies of Austria, Styria and Carinthia after that. His reign came to an end with his defeat at Dürnkrut at the hand of Rudolf I of Germany in 1278. Thereafter, until World War I, Austria's history was largely that of its ruling dynasty, the Habsburgs.
  Rise of the Habsburgs
  In the 14th and 15th centuries, the Habsburgs began to accumulate other provinces in the vicinity of the Duchy of Austria. In 1438, Duke Albert V of Austria was chosen as the successor to his father-in-law, Emperor Sigismund. Although Albert himself only reigned for a year, from then on, every emperor of the Holy Roman Empire was a Habsburg, with only one exception.
  The Habsburgs began also to accumulate lands far from the Hereditary Lands. In 1477, Archduke Maximilian, only son of Emperor Frederick III, married the heiress Maria of Burgundy, thus acquiring most of the Low Countries for the family. His son Philip the Fair married the heiress of Castile and Aragon, and thus acquired Spain and its Italian, African, and New World appendages for the Habsburgs.
  In 1526, following the Battle of Mohács, Austrian rulers expanded their territories, bringing Bohemia and the part of Hungary not occupied by the Ottomans under their rule. Ottoman expansion into Hungary led to frequent conflicts between the two powers, particularly evident in the so-called Long War of 1593 to 1606.
  Austria as a European Power
  The Congress of Vienna by Jean-Baptiste Isabey, 1819.See also: Congress of Vienna, Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867, and Austria-Hungary
  The long reign of Leopold I (1657–1705) saw the culmination of the Austrian conflict with the Turks. Following the successful defense of Vienna in 1683, a series of campaigns resulted in the return of all of Hungary to Austrian control by the Treaty of Carlowitz in 1699. The later part of the reign of Emperor Charles VI (1711–1740) saw Austria relinquish many of these fairly impressive gains, largely due to Charles's apprehensions at the imminent extinction of the House of Habsburg. Charles was willing to offer concrete advantages in territory and authority in exchange for other powers' worthless recognitions of the Pragmatic Sanction that made his daughter Maria Theresa his heir. With the rise of Prussia the Austrian–Prussian dualism began in Germany.
  Map of Austria-HungaryAustria became engaged in the war with Revolutionary France, which lasted until 1797 and at the beginning proved unsuccessful for Austria. Defeats by Napoleon meant the end of the old Holy Roman Empire in 1806. Just two years before the abolition of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806, in 1804 the Empire of Austria was founded, which was transformed in 1867 into the dual-monarchy Austria-Hungary. However, in 1814 Austria was part of the Allied forces invading France and conquering it. Following the Napoleonic wars Austria emerged from the Congress of Vienna in 1815 as one of four of the continent's dominant powers (together with Russia, Prussia and defeated France). In 1815 the German Confederation, (German: Deutscher Bund) was founded under the presidency of Austria. Austria and Prussia were the leading powers of the German Confederation. Its central institution was the Bundesversammlung in Frankfurt. Because of unsolved social, political and national conflicts some of the German inhabitants took part in the 1848 revolution to create a unified Germany. The Frankfurt Parliament in the St. Paul's Church elected the arch duke Johann of Habsburg as a Reichsverweser, an administrator of the German Empire. For a new German empire would have been possible three options: a Greater Germany, Großdeutschland, with the German-speaking territories of the Habsburg Empire; a Greater Austrian solution, Großösterreich, the German Confederation with the whole Habsburgian territories; and a smaller German solution, Kleindeutsche, the German Confederation without Austria at all. As Austria was not willing to relinquish its German-speaking territories to what would become the German Empire of 1848 the parliament offered the crown to the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm IV. Austria grew out of Germany; Prussia grew in. In 1864 Austria and Prussia fought together against Denmark, to free the independent duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. Austria and Prussia could not agree on a solution to the administration of Schleswig and Holstein, which led to the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. Austria, together with most of the other German states, was defeated by Prussia in the Battle of Königgrätz in Bohemia. Austria had to leave the German Confederation and subsequently no longer took part in German politics. After 1871, it was one of two Empires: the German Empire to the north and Austria-Hungary to the south.
  The Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867, the Ausgleich, provided for a dual sovereignty, the empire of Austria and the kingdom of Hungary, under Franz Joseph I, who ruled until his death on 21 November 1916. The Austrian-Hungarian rule of this diverse empire included various Slav groups such as Poles, Ukrainians, Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Serbs and Croats, as well as large Italian and Romanian communities. As a result, ruling Austria-Hungary became increasingly difficult in an age of emerging nationalist movements. Yet the central government tried its best to be accommodating in some respects; minorities were entitled to schools in their own language, for example.
  World War I and its aftermath
  The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914 by Gavrilo Princip (a member of the Serbian nationalist group the Black Hand) was the immediate cause for the outbreak of World War I, leading to the downfall and the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. War left the country in political chaos and economic ruin, the Central Powers (being Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany and Turkey) having been defeated in 1918. The Empire was broken up - Austria, with most of the German-speaking parts became a republic (see Treaty of Saint-Germain) and the remaining subordinate territories became independent states. However, over 3 million German Austrians found themselves living outside of the Allied inspired borders of the Austrian Republic in the nations of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Hungary and Italy. A particular large German minority was found in the newly-established Czechoslovakia with the entire historic German populations of Bohemia, Moravia and Austrian Silesia cut off from their motherland of Austria. Austria was also deprived of half of Tyrol, which was awarded to Italy as a prize for entering the war on the Allied side. Austria has sustained this loss to the present day and this had been a major source of friction with Italy until the 1980s. Today the situation in Alto Adige/South Tyrol is resolved, serving as a model for inter-ethnic and transnational cooperation in Europe.
  Between 1918 and 1919, Austria was officially known as the Republic of German Austria (Republik Deutschösterreich). Many territories it claimed under its control included regions that were later assigned to neighboring nations. Not only did the Entente powers forbid German Austria to unite with Germany, they also forbade the name; it was therefore changed to the Republic of Austria. The monarchy was dissolved in 1919 and a parliamentary democracy was set up under the constitution of 10 November 1920.
  In the autumn of 1922, Austria was granted an international loan supervised by the League of Nations. The purpose of the loan was to avert bankruptcy, stabilize the currency, and improve its general economic condition. With the granting of the loan, Austria passed from an independent state to the control exercised by the League of Nations. At the time, the real ruler of Austria became the League, through its commissioner in Vienna. The commissioner was a Dutchman not formally part of the Austrian government. Austria had fallen under an international receivership, which had not been seen openly since Lord Cromer became the financial adviser to the bankrupt Khedivial Government of Egypt a little less than half a century earlier.
  Austrofascism and the Third Reich
  The First Austrian Republic, lasted until 1933 when Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss dissolved parliament and established an autocratic regime tending towards Italian fascism, (Austrofascism) in order, partly, to check the power of Nazis who were still advocating union with Germany. The two big parties at this time —the Social Democrats and the Conservatives— had paramilitary armies, which fought each other. The "Heimwehr" (later integrated into the "Vaterländische Front"), the paramilitary arm of the Conservative party supported Dollfuss's Fascist regime; the "Republikanischer Schutzbund", was the military arm of the Social Democrats which was outlawed in 1933 but still existed underground - civil war was to break out.
  After the Austrian Civil War in February 1934, several members of the Schutzbund were executed, the Social Democratic party was outlawed and many of its members were imprisoned or emigrated. In May of that year the Fascists introduced a new constitution ("Maiverfassung") which cemented Dollfuss's power but on 25 July he was assassinated in a Nazi coup attempt.
  His successor Kurt Schuschnigg, struggled to keep Austria independent (even a restoration of the Habsburgs was contemplated), but on 12 March 1938 German troops occupied the country and established a plebiscite confirming union with Germany. Hitler was himself a native of Austria who had lost Austrian citizenship in 1925. Hitler proclaimed the annexation (Anschluss) of Austria by Germany. Austria was incorporated into the Third Reich and ceased to exist as an independent state. The Nazis called Austria "Ostmark" until 1942 when it was again renamed and called "Alpen-Donau-Reichsgaue." Some Austrians joined the resistance, but many more joined the German armed forces (Wehrmacht).
  Vienna fell on 13 April 1945 during the Soviet Vienna Offensive. This was just before the total collapse of the Third Reich, the defeat of Nazi Germany, the fall of Berlin, and the end of the war in May. Karl Renner astutely set up a Provisional Government in Vienna in April with the tacit approval of the victorious Soviet forces, and declared Austria's secession from the Third Reich.
  After the defeat of Germany, Allied Occupation
  Much like Germany, Austria, too, was divided into a British, a French, a Soviet and an American Zone and governed by the Allied Commission for Austria. Largely owing to Karl Renner's action on April 27th in setting up a Provisional Government, however, there was a subtle difference in the treatment of Austria by the Allies. The Austrian Government was recognized and tolerated by the Four Powers. Austria, in general, was treated as though it had been originally invaded by Germany and liberated by the Allies.
  Although the Eastern part of Austria, including the greater Vienna area, lay in the Soviet Zone, the capital itself was equally divided into four occupational zones. Outside of Vienna, however, travel across zone borders, in particular leaving or entering the Soviet zone, was difficult and time-consuming if possible at all. During the time of the Berlin Air Lift, Soviet military pressure was increased further, but could be successfully overcome by skillful military, political and diplomatic influence on the part of the other Allies.
  On 15 May 1955 Austria regained full independence by concluding the Austrian State Treaty with the Four Occupying Powers. On 26 October 1955 Austria was declared "permanently neutral" by act of Parliament, which it remains to this day.
  Recent history
  The political system of the Second Republic came to be characterized by the system of Proporz, meaning that most posts of some political importance were split evenly between members of the Social Democrats (Labour Party) and the People's Party (Conservatives).
  Interest group representations with mandatory membership (e.g. for workers, businesspeople, farmers etc.) grew to considerable importance and were usually consulted in the legislative process, so that hardly any legislation was passed that did not reflect widespread consensus. The Proporz and consensus systems largely held even during the years between 1966 and 1983, when there were non-coalition governments, but this era has now passed.
  Austria today has five major political parties: The SPÖ (Labour Party) , the ÖVP (Conservatives) , the "Greens" (Environmental, social-liberal) and FPÖ/BZÖ (both right-wing, nationalist). SPÖ and ÖVP share about 75% of the parliamentary mandates, while the remaining 25% are divided between the other three parties.
  Austria became a member of the European Union in 1995 and retained its constitutional neutrality, like some other EU members, such as Sweden. The major parties SPÖ and ÖVP have contrary opinions about the future status of Austria's military neutrality: While the SPÖ supports a neutral role in the EU (together with other neutral EU members like Sweden), the ÖVP argues for stronger integration into the EU's security policy; even a future NATO is not ruled out by some ÖVP politicians. Since the "permanent neutrality" forms part of the Austrian constitution, a two-thirds majority in the Austrian parliament would be needed for such a change in policy.
  Austrian Parliament in ViennaMain article: Politics of Austria
  Political system
  The Parliament of Austria is located in Vienna, the nation's largest city and capital. Austria became a federal, parliamentarian, democratic republic through the Federal Constitution of 1920. It was reintroduced in 1945 to the nine states of the Federal Republic. The head of state is the Federal President, who is directly elected by popular vote. The chairman of the Federal Government is the Federal Chancellor, who is appointed by the president. The government can be removed from office by either a presidential decree or by vote of no confidence in the lower chamber of parliament, the Nationalrat.
  The Parliament of Austria consists of two chambers. The composition of the Nationalrat is determined every five years by a general election in which every citizen over 16 years (since 2007) is allowed to vote to fill its 183 seats. A recent extension of that term from four to five years will become effective after the next election. While there is a general threshold of 4 percent for all parties at federal elections (Nationalratswahlen) , there remains the possibility to gain a direct seat, or Direktmandat, in one of the 43 regional election districts. The Nationalrat is the dominant chamber in the formation of legislation in Austria. However, the upper house of parliament, the Bundesrat has a limited right of veto (the Nationalrat can — in almost all cases — ultimately pass the respective bill by voting a second time. This is referred to as 'Beharrungsbeschluss, lit. "vote of persistence"). A convention, called the Österreich -Konvent was convened in June 30, 2003 to decide upon suggestions to reform the constitution, but has failed to produce a proposal that would receive the two thirds of votes in the Nationalrat necessary for constitutional amendments and/or reform. However, some important parts of the final report were generally agreed upon and are still expected to be implemented.
  Recent political developments
  In February 2000 the conservative People's Party formed a coalition with the controversial nationalistic Freedom Party, headed by Jörg Haider. The (at that time) 14 other member states of the European Union - but not the EU itself - condemned Austria's new coalition and froze diplomatic contacts. These measures were commonly referred to as "sanctions" although they were more or less just motions of diplomatic unfriendliness. Given the controversy, Haider chose not to join the government, but he continued to wield influence from the sidelines. This was not, however, the first time that the Republic of Austria had displeased international opinion. In 1986, the population voted for Kurt Waldheim as president despite his revelation that he had been active in the Wehrmacht as an intelligence officer during World War II.
  In September 2002, the coalition between the People's Party and the Freedom Party dissolved after a shake-up in the Freedom Party. In November 2002, the People's Party made large gains in general elections again. After a lot of coalition talks with other parties, the People's Party again formed a government with the Freedom Party in February 2003 with Wolfgang Schüssel as Chancellor.
  After general elections held in October 2006, the Social Democrats emerged as the largest party, whereas the People's Party lost about 8% in votes. Political realities prohibited any of the two major parties from forming a coalition with smaller parties. In January 2007 the People's Party and Social Democrats formed a Grand Coalition with the social democrat Alfred Gusenbauer as Chancellor.
  Foreign policy
  The 1955 Austrian State Treaty ended the occupation of Austria following World War II and recognized Austria as an independent and sovereign state. In October 1955, the Federal Assembly passed a constitutional law in which "Austria declares of her own free will her perpetual neutrality." The second section of this law stated that "in all future times Austria will not join any military alliances and will not permit the establishment of any foreign military bases on her territory." Since then, Austria has shaped its foreign policy on the basis of neutrality.
  Austria began to reassess its definition of neutrality following the fall of the Soviet Union, granting overflight rights for the UN-sanctioned action against Iraq in 1991, and, since 1995, contemplating participation in the EU's evolving security structure. Also in 1995, it joined the Partnership for Peace and subsequently participated in peacekeeping missions in Bosnia.
  Austria attaches great importance to participation in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and other international economic organizations, and it has played an active role in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
  Energy politics
  In 1972, the country began construction of a nuclear-powered electricity-generation station at Zwentendorf on the River Danube, following a unanimous vote in parliament. However, in 1978, a referendum voted approximately 50.5% against nuclear power, 49.5% for, and parliament subsequently unanimously passed a law forbidding the use of nuclear power to generate electricity.
  Austria currently produces more than half of its electricity by hydropower. Together with other renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and biomass powerplants, the electricity supply from renewable energy amounts to nearly 80% of total use in Austria. The rest is produced by gas and oil powerplants.
  The manpower of the Austrian Armed Forces ("Bundesheer") mainly relies on conscription. All males who have reached the age of eighteen and are found fit get recruited for a six months long military service, which can be postponed under some circumstances. Conscientious objection is legally possible and obliges to serve an institutionalized nine months civilian service instead. Only since 1998, women can volunteer to become professional soldiers.
  The main sectors of the Bundesheer are Joint Forces (Streitkräfteführungskommando, SKFüKdo) which consist of Land Forces (Landstreitkräfte) , Air Forces (Luftstreitkräfte) , International Missions (Internationale Einsätze) , and Special Forces (Spezialeinsatzkräfte) ; next to Mission Support (Kommando Einsatzunterstützung; KdoEU) and Command Support (Kommando Führungsunterstützung; KdoFüU). In 2004, Austria expends about 0.9% of its GDP for defense. The Army currently has about 45,000 soldiers, of which about half are conscripts. As head of state, Austrian President (currently Heinz Fischer) is nominally the Commander-in-Chief of the Bundesheer. In practical reality, however, command of the Austrian Armed Forces is almost exclusively exercised by the Minister of Defense, currently Norbert Darabos.
  With the end of the Cold War, and more importantly the removal of the former heavily guarded "Iron Curtain" separating Austria and Hungary, the Austrian military have been assisting Austrian border guards in trying to prevent border crossings by illegal immigrants. This assistance came to an end when Hungary joined the EU Schengen area in 2008, for all intents and purposes abolishing "internal" border controls between treaty states. Some politicians have called for a prolongation of this mission, but the legality of this is heavily disputed. In accordance with the Austrian constitution, armed forces may only be deployed in a limited number of cases, mainly to defend the country and aid in cases of national emergencies, such as in the wake of natural disasters etc. They may generally not be used as auxiliary police forces.
  Despite, or perhaps because of, its self-declared status of permanent neutrality, Austria has a long and proud tradition of engaging in UN-led peacekeeping and other humanitarian missions. The Austrian Forces Disaster Relief Unit (AFDRU) , in particular, an all-volunteer unit with close ties to civilian specialists (rescue dog handlers, etc) enjoys a reputation as a quick (standard deployment time is 10 hours) and efficient SAR unit. Currently, larger contingents of Austrian forces are deployed in Bosnia, Kosovo and, since 1974, on the Golan Heights.
  As a federal republic, Austria is divided into nine states (German: 'Bundesländer'). These states are then divided into districts (Bezirke) and cities (Statutarstädte). Districts are subdivided into municipalities (Gemeinden). Cities have the competencies otherwise granted to both districts and municipalities. The states are not mere administrative divisions but have some distinct legislative authority separate from the federal government.
   State (Bundesland) Capital Population Rank
  1 Burgenland Eisenstadt 280,350 9
  2 Carinthia (Kärnten) Klagenfurt 560,753 6
  3 Lower Austria (Niederösterreich) St. Pölten 1,588,545 2
  4 Upper Austria (Oberösterreich) Linz 1,405,986 3
  5 Salzburg Salzburg 529,085 7
  6 Styria (Steiermark) Graz 1,203,986 4
  7 Tyrol (Tirol) Innsbruck 698,472 5
  8 Vorarlberg Bregenz 364,611 8
  9 Vienna (Wien) Vienna (Wien) 1,660,534 1
  Austria is a largely mountainous country due to its location in the Alps. The Central Eastern Alps, Northern Limestone Alps and Southern Limestone Alps are all partly in Austria. Of the total area of Austria (84 000 km² or 32,000 sq. mi) , only about a quarter can be considered low lying, and only 32% of the country is below 500 meters (1,640 ft). The high mountainous Alps in the west of Austria flatten somewhat into low lands and plains in the east of the country.
  Austria can be divided into five areas. The biggest area are the Austrian Alps, which constitute 62% of Austria's total area. The Austrian foothills at the base of the Alps and the Carpathians account for around 12% of its area. The foothills in the east and areas surrounding the periphery of the Pannoni low country amount to about 12% of the total landmass. The second greater mountain area (much lower than the Alps) is situated in the north. Known as the Austrian granite plateau, it is located in the central area of the Bohemian Mass, and accounts for 10% of Austria. The Austrian portion of the Vienna basin comprises the remaining 4%.
  Phytogeographically, Austria belongs to the Central European province of the Circumboreal Region within the Boreal Kingdom. According to the WWF, the territory of Austria can be subdivided into four ecoregions: the Central European mixed forests, Pannonian mixed forests, Alps conifer and mixed forests and Western European broadleaf forests.
  The greater part of Austria lies in the cool/temperate climate zone in which humid westerly winds predominate. With over half of the country dominated by the Alps the alpine climate is the predominant one. In the East, in the Pannonian Plain and along the Danube valley, the climate shows continental features with less rain than the alpine areas. Although Austria is cold in the winter, in the summer temperatures can be relatively warm reaching 20-35 degrees Celsius.
  The six highest mountains in Austria are:
  Name Height (m) Height (ft) Range
  Großglockner &0000000000003797.0000003,797 &0000000000012457.00000012,457 Hohe Tauern
  Wildspitze &0000000000003768.0000003,768 &0000000000012362.00000012,362 Ötztal Alps
  Weißkugel &0000000000003739.0000003,739 &0000000000012267.00000012,267 Ötztal Alps
  Großvenediger &0000000000003674.0000003,674 &0000000000012054.00000012,054 Hohe Tauern
  Similaun &0000000000003606.0000003,606 &0000000000011831.00000011,831 Ötztal Alps
  Großes Wiesbachhorn &0000000000003571.0000003,571 &0000000000011715.00000011,715 Hohe Tauern
  Modern ViennaAustria is one of the 10 richest countries in the world in terms of GDP per capita, has a well-developed social market economy, and a very high standard of living. Until the 1980s, many of Austria's largest industry firms were nationalised; in recent years, however, privatisation has reduced state holdings to a level comparable to other European economies. Labour movements are particularly strong in Austria and have large influence on labour politics. Next to a highly-developed industry, international tourism is the most important part of the national economy.
  Germany has historically been the main trading partner of Austria, making it vulnerable to rapid changes in the German economy. But since Austria became a member state of the European Union it has gained closer ties to other European Union economies, reducing its economic dependence on Germany. In addition, membership in the EU has drawn an influx of foreign investors attracted by Austria's access to the single European market and proximity to EU aspiring economies. Growth in GDP accelerated in recent years and reached 3.3% in 2006.
  Responsibility for educational oversight in Austria lies partly at the Austrian states (Bundesländer), and partly with the federal government. Optional kindergarten education is provided for all children between the ages of three and six years. School attendance is compulsory for nine years, i.e. usually to the age of fifteen. The Programme for International Student Assessment, coordinated by the OECD, currently ranks Austria's education as the 18th best in the world, being significantly higher than the OECD average.
  Primary education lasts for four years. Alongside Germany, secondary education includes two main types of schools based on a pupil's ability as determined by grades from the primary school: the Gymnasium for the more gifted children which normally leads to the Matura which is a requirement for access to universities and the Hauptschule which prepares pupils for vocational education but also for further education (HTL = institution of higher technical education; HAK = commercial academy; HBLA = institution of higher education for economic business; etc.), where you also get the Matura.
  The Austrian university system had been open to any student who passed the Matura examination until recently. A 2006 bill allowed the introduction of entrance exams for studies such as Medicine. Currently all EU students are charged a fee of about €370 per semester for all university studies. A recent OECD report criticized the Austrian education system for the low number of students attending universities and the overall low number of academics compared to other OECD countries.
  Austria's population estimate in October 2006 was 8,292,322. The population of the capital, Vienna, exceeds 1.6 million (2.2 million with suburbs) , representing about a quarter of the country's population and is known for its vast cultural offerings and high standard of living.
  In contrast to the capital, other cities do not exceed 1 million inhabitants: the second largest city Graz is home to 250,099 inhabitants, followed by Linz (188,968), Salzburg (150,000), and Innsbruck (117,346). All other cities have fewer than 100,000 inhabitants.
  German-speaking Austrians, by far the country's largest group, form roughly 90% of Austria's population. The Austrian federal states of Carinthia and Styria are home to a significant indigenous Slovenian speaking minority with around 14,000 members (Austrian census; unofficial numbers of Slovene groups speak of up to 50,000). In the east-most Bundesland, Burgenland (formerly part of the Hungarian half of Austria-Hungary) about 20,000 Austrian citizens speak Hungarian and 30,000 speak Croatian. The remaining number of Austria's people are of non-Austrian descent, many from surrounding countries, especially from the former East Bloc nations. So-called guest workers (Gastarbeiter) and their descendants, as well as refugees from Yugoslav wars and other conflicts, also form an important minority group in Austria. Since 1994 the Roma-Sinti (gypsies) are an officially recognized ethnic minority in Austria.
  According to census information published by Statistik Austria for the year 2001 there were a total of 710,926 foreign nationals living in Austria. Of these, 124,392 speak German as their mother tongue (presumably immigrants from Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, the Slovenes and also the South Tyrolian part of northern Italy.) The next largest populations of linguistic and ethnic groups are 240,863 foreign nationals from the former Yugoslavia (Serbian being the largest number of these at 135,376, followed by Croatian at 105,487); 123,417 Turkish nationals; 25,155 whose native tongue is English; 24,446 Albanian; 17,899 Polish; 14,699 Hungarian; 12,216 Romanian; 7,982 Arabs; 6,902 Slovenes (not including the autochthonous minority); 6,891 Slovaks; 6,707 Czech; 5,916 Persian; 5,677 Italian; 5,466 Russian; 5,213 French; 4,938 Chinese; 4,264 Spanish; 3,503 Bulgarian. The populations of the rest fall off sharply below 3,000.
  The mother tongue of the population by prevalence, is German (88.6%) followed by Turkish (2.3%) , Serbian (2.2%) , Croatian (1.6%) , Hungarian (0.5%) and Bosnian (0.4%).
  The official language, German, is spoken by almost all residents of the country. Austria's mountainous terrain led to the development of many distinct German dialects. All of the dialects in the country, however, belong to Austro-Bavarian groups of German dialects, with the exception of the dialect spoken in its western-most Bundesland, Vorarlberg, which belongs to the group of Alemannic dialects. There is also a distinct grammatical standard for Austrian German with a few differences to the German spoken in Germany.
  As of 2006, some of the Austrian states introduced standardised tests for new citizens, to assure their language ability, cultural knowledge and accordingly their ability to integrate into the Austrian society.
  Politics concerning ethnic groups (Volksgruppenpolitik)
  An estimated 13,000 to 40,000 Slovenes in the Austrian state of Carinthia (the Carinthian Slovenes) as well as Croats (around 30,000) and Hungarians in Burgenland were recognized as a minority and have enjoyed special rights following the Austrian State Treaty (Staatsvertrag) of 1955. The Slovenes in the Austrian state of Styria (estimated at a number between 1,600 and 5,000) are not recognized as a minority and do not enjoy special rights, although the State Treaty of July 27, 1955 states otherwise.
  The right for bilingual topographic signs for the regions where Slovene- and Croat-Austrians live alongside the Germanic population (as required by the 1955 State Treaty) is still to be fully implemented. Many Carinthians are afraid of Slovenian territorial claims, pointing to the fact that Yugoslav troops entered the state after each of the two World Wars and considering that some official Slovenian atlases show parts of Carinthia as Slovenian cultural territory. The current governor, Jörg Haider, has made this fact a matter of public argument in autumn 2005 by refusing to increase the number of bilingual topographic signs in Carinthia. A poll by the Kärntner Humaninstitut conducted in January 2006 states that 65% of Carinthians are not in favour of an increase of bilingual topographic signs, since the original requirements set by the State Treaty of 1955 have already been fulfilled according to their point of view. Another interesting phenomenon is the so called "Windischen-Theorie" stating that the Slovenes can be split in two groups: actual Slovenes and Windische (a traditional German name for Slavs) , based on differences in language between Austrian Slovenes, who were taught Slovenian standard language in school and those Slovenes who spoke their local Slovenian dialect but went to German schools. The term Windische was applied to the latter group as a means of distinction. This theory was never generally accepted and fell out of use some decades ago.
  Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, also Charles I of Spain, Austrian Habsburg
  ruler and one of the major figures of the Counter-Reformation.At the end of the twentieth century, about 74% of Austria's population were registered as Roman Catholic, while about 5% considered themselves Protestants. Both these numbers have been in decline for decades, especially Roman Catholicism, which has suffered an increasing number of seceders from the church. Austrian Catholics are obliged to pay a mandatory tax (calculated by income —about 1%) to the Austrian Roman Catholic Church, which might (have) act(ed) as an incentive to leave the church.
  About 12% of the population declare that they have no religion. Of the remaining people, about 180,000 are members of Eastern Orthodox Churches and about 8,100 are Jewish. It has to be noted that the Austrian Jewish Community of 1938 – Vienna alone counted more than 200,000 - was reduced to solely 4,000 to 5,000 after the Second World War. The influx of Eastern Europeans, especially from the former Yugoslav nations, Albania and particularly from Turkey largely contributed to a substantial Muslim minority in Austria — around 340,000 are registered as members of various Muslim communities. Buddhism, which was legally recognized as a religion in Austria in 1983 has a following of 20,000 (10,402 at the 2001 census).
  According to the most recent Eurobarometer Poll 2005,
  54% of Austrian citizens responded that "they believe there is a God".
  34% answered that "they believe there is some sort of spirit or life force".
  8% answered that "they do not believe there is any sort of spirit, God, or life force".
  While northern and central Germany was the origin of the Reformation, Austria (and Bavaria) was the heart of the Counter-Reformation in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when the absolute monarchy of Habsburg imposed a strict regime to maintain Catholicism's power and influence among Austrians. The Habsburgs viewed themselves as the vanguard of Roman Catholicism and all other confessions and religions were oppressed. In 1781, Emperor Joseph II issued a Patent of Tolerance that allowed other Christian confessions a limited freedom of worship. Religious freedom was declared a constitutional right in the Austro-Hungarian Ausgleich in 1867 thus paying tribute to the fact that the monarchy was home of numerous religions beside Roman Catholicism such as Greek, Serbian, Romanian, Russian, and Bulgarian Orthodox Christians (Austria neighboured the Ottoman empire for centuries) , and both Calvinist and Lutheran Protestants.
  Austria continued to remain largely influenced by Catholicism. After 1918, First Republic Catholic leaders such as Theodor Innitzer and Ignaz Seipel took leading positions within or close to Austria's government and increased their influence during the time of the Austrofascism —Catholicism was treated much like a state religion by Engelbert Dollfuss and Kurt Schuschnigg. Although Catholic leaders welcomed the Germans in 1938 during the Anschluss of Austria into Germany, Austrian Catholicism stopped its support of Nazism later on and many former religious public figures became involved with the resistance during the Third Reich. After 1945, a stricter secularism was imposed in Austria, and religious influence on politics declined.
  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791).Austria's past as a European power and its cultural environment have generated a broad contribution to various forms of art, most notably among them music. Austria has been the birthplace of many famous composers such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Haydn, Franz Schubert, Anton Bruckner, Johann Strauss, Sr., Johann Strauss, Jr. and Gustav Mahler as well as members of the Second Viennese School such as Arnold Schoenberg, Anton Webern and Alban Berg.
  Vienna has long been especially an important center of musical innovation. Eighteenth and nineteenth century composers were drawn to the city due to the patronage of the Habsburgs, and made Vienna the European capital of classical music. During the Baroque period, Slavic and Hungarian folk forms influenced Austrian music. Vienna's status began its rise as a cultural center in the early 1500s, and was focused around instruments including the lute. Ludwig van Beethoven spent the better part of his life in Vienna.
  Austria's current national anthem was chosen after World War II to replace the traditional Austrian anthem by Joseph Haydn. The composition, which was initially attributed to Mozart, was most likely not composed by Mozart himself.
  Austria has also produced one notable jazz musician, keyboardist Josef Zawinul who helped pioneer electronic influences in jazz as well as being a notable composer in his own right. Falco was an internationally acclaimed pop and rock musician.
  Art and architecture
  The Belvedere Palace, an example of Baroque architecture.Among Austrian Artists and architects one can find painters Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoschka, Egon Schiele and Friedensreich Hundertwasser, photographer Inge Morath or architect Otto Wagner.
  Science, philosophy and economics
  Sigmund Freud in 1938Austria was the cradle of numerous scientists with international reputations. Among them are Ludwig Boltzmann, Ernst Mach, Victor Franz Hess and Christian Doppler, prominent scientists in the nineteenth century. In the twentieth century, contributions by Lise Meitner, Erwin Schrödinger and Wolfgang Pauli to nuclear research and quantum mechanics were key to these areas' development during the 1920s and 1930s. A present-day quantum physicist is Anton Zeilinger, noted as the first scientist to demonstrate quantum teleportation.
  In addition to physicists, Austria was the birthplace of two of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Karl Popper. In addition to them biologists Gregor Mendel and Konrad Lorenz as well as mathematician Kurt Gödel and engineers such as Ferdinand Porsche and Siegfried Marcus were Austrians.
  A focus of Austrian science has always been medicine and psychology, starting in medieval times with Paracelsus. Eminent physicians like Theodore Billroth, Clemens von Pirquet, and Anton von Eiselsberg have built upon the achievements of the 19th century Vienna School of Medicine. Austria was home to psychologists Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, Paul Watzlawick and Hans Asperger and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl.
  The Austrian School of Economics, which is prominent as one of the main competitive directions for economic theory, is related to Austrian economists Joseph Schumpeter, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, Ludwig von Mises, and Friedrich Hayek.
  Other noteworthy Austrian-born émigrés include the management thinker Peter Drucker and the 38th Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  Complementing its status as a land of artists and scientists, Austria has always been a country of poets, writers, and novelists. It was the home of novelists Arthur Schnitzler, Stefan Zweig, Thomas Bernhard, Franz Kafka, and Robert Musil, of poets Georg Trakl, Franz Werfel, Franz Grillparzer, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Adalbert Stifter, and of writer Karl Kraus.
  Famous contemporary playwrights and novelists are Nobel prize winner Elfriede Jelinek and writer Peter Handke.
  Austria's cuisine is derived from the cuisine of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In addition to native regional traditions, it has been influenced above all by Hungarian, Czech, Jewish, Italian and Bavarian cuisines, from which both dishes and methods of food preparation have often been borrowed. The Austrian Cuisine is therefore one of the most multi and transcultural cuisines in Europe.
  Typical Austrian dishes include Wiener Schnitzel, Schweinsbraten, Kaiserschmarren, Knödel, Sachertorte and Tafelspitz. There are also Kasnockn, a macaroni dish with fresh Pinzgauer cheese and parsley, and Eierschwammerl (chanterelle) dishes. The Eierschwammerl are the native yellow, tan mushrooms. These mushrooms are delicious, especially when in a thick Austrian soup, or on regular meals.
  The candy PEZ was invented in Austria. Austria is also famous for its Apfelstrudel.
  Skiing slopes at Sankt Anton am ArlbergThe most popular sport in Austria is alpine skiing and Austria shows constant dominance in the Nations-Cup. Similar sports such as snowboarding or ski-jumping are also widely popular. The most popular team sport in Austria is football. However, Austria rarely has international success in this discipline, though the 2008 UEFA European Football Championship is jointly being held with Switzerland. Besides football, Austria also has professional national leagues for most major team sports including ice hockey and basketball. Bobsleigh, luge, and skeleton are also popular events with a permanent track located in Igls, which hosted bobsleigh and luge competitions for the 1964 and 1976 Winter Olympics held in Innsbruck.

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