名著 classic masterpiece  古典小說 classical novels  歷史小說 a historical novel  兒童文學 children's literature  小說評鑒 Novel Pingjian  鄉土小說 native soil novel  都市小說 city novel  玄幻武俠 Fantasy & Martial Arts  言情小說 romantic fiction; sentimental novel  影視 film and television  戰爭小說 outbreak novel  偵探懸疑 detective cliffhang 

  都市生活 urbanism  職場商界 Zhichang the business circle  黒白兩道 Black and white Liangdao  現實百態 Realistic Fiction
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  Most urban fiction novels that took place in the city, whether ordinary love story or a different city to city comprehension for the novel is urban legend branch, urban fiction because of its modern characteristics, for a more profound description of the feelings in each other Even under the Internet and the Internet. The significance of urban novels are different, that is, the eyes of different generations have different meanings urban novels. Interconnection line in the novel is the male version of the city's romantic novels, these novels often make a boy's world of Urban Fiction unable to extricate themselves, and in the Internet under or in the hearts of the parents of these boys is the description of urban life Urban Fiction novel.

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