  • high
  • tall
  • elevated
  • lofty
  • expensive
  • loud
  • high-priced
  • high-up
  • highness
  • loftiness
  • tallness
  • being tall
  • area of high barometric pressure
  • anticyclone
  • decency and honesty of feeling
  • emotional, moral and intellectual energy, eg as revealed in works of art
  • height
  • loftily
  • at or to a high position or level
  • your
  1.   " gāo mǎi mài " lüè   "high buy low sell" strategy
  2. adj.  &,D{shy} de zuì gāo   shiest
  3. adj.  &,n. kàng gāo xuè de   antihypertensive
  4. n.  &v. zhí xiàn huá jiàng , gāo zhí dào huá xuě , huá xuě zhí xiàn páo dào , gāo zhí xiàn huá xuě   schuss
  5.   (in debt)( zhài tái ) gāo zhù   up to the eyebrows
  6.   (in debt)( zhài tái ) gāo zhù   up to the eyes
  7.   ( jiāo suǒ ) zhá kōng tóu , shǐ mài kōng zhě yòng gāo jià jìn   squeeze the shorts
  8.   ( cóng jiāo huò jiāo wài gāo ) jìn chéng   down town
  9.   ( lìng rén ) gāo shēn , nán zhuō ; jiǎo huá   as deep as a well
  10.   ( jià ) piān gāo [ ]   on the high side
  11.   ( jià ) piān gāo [ ]   on the low side
  12.   ( zuò dìng yòng )( féi liào ) gāo chéngfèn de   high analysis
  13.   ( shēngdǒu děng de ) diàn gāo liǎo de   a raised bottom
  14.   ( luó )《 zhàn 》 ;[ ] chū xiǎng mǎi hòu lái fǎn yuàn chū gāo jià shōu mǎi de dōng   sibylline books
  15.   ( shāng pǐn ) dìng jià guò gāo rén gòu mǎi   price out of the market
  16.   ( yīn huò gāo ào ) bié rén tán huà , rén   not have a word to throw at a dog
  1. tōng huò péng zhàng zhōng de jiē duànjià hěn gāo de zēngzhǎng 'ér huò xùn biǎn zhí
    an episode of inflation in which prices increase at an increasing rate and currency rapidly loses value.
  2. fàxíng gāo guìchuānzhuó yōu de luò · yáng yán zhe luó xuán kuǎn kuǎn zǒu xià de xíng xiàng lìng rén nán wàngrán hòu kāi shǐ xiàng rén men jiè shào 1953 1961 nián jiān měi zhōu chū de yóu zhù yǎn de diàn shì jié
    The image seems indelible:Loretta Young,elegantly coiffed and dressed, sweeping down a spiral staircase to introduce each episode of her weekly 1953~ 1961 TV show.
  3. xìng de shè huì zǒng yīnggāi zài zhèng dāng yíng bào xuē zhī jiān yòu tiáo jiè xiànfǒu suǒ luó men de jìliǎng fǎn 'ér huì bèi zūn wéi zuì gāo zhì huì xìng zhī
    A rational society should draw a line between legitimate profit-making and exploitative profiteering, lest the likes of George Soros be hailed as the epitome of wisdom while rationality gets booted out the window.
  4. xiǎng dāng chūluó bèi 'ěr · sài céng shèng yuàn zuò 'āi fèi suǒ de zhù míng de 'ān shén miào héng héng bèi dài jiào fèng ruò shén míng bìng shǐ 'āi luó míng yǒng liú shì héng héngrèn wéi shèng yuàn zhè zuò gāo rén jiào táng zài cháng kuān gāo jié gòu shàng yuǎn shèng chóu
    How far it is from the epoch when Robert Cenalis, comparing Notre-Dame de Paris to the famous temple of Diana at Ephesus, *so much lauded by the ancient pagans*, which Erostatus *has* immortalized, found the Gallic temple "more excellent in length, breadth, height, and structure."
  5. shì zuì měi hǎo de shí dài shì zuì zāo gāo de shí dài shì zhì huì de nián tóu shì mèi de nián tóu shì xìn yǎng de shí shì huái de shí shì guāng míng de jié shì hēi 'àn de jié shì wàng de chūn tiān shì shī wàng de dōng tiān men quándōu zài zhíbèn tiān táng men quándōu zài zhíbèn xiāng fǎn de fāng xiàng -- jiǎn 'ér yán zhī shí gēn xiàn zài fēi cháng xiāng xiàngmǒu xiē zuì xuān 'áo de quán wēi jiān chí yào yòng xíng róng de zuì gāo lái xíng róng shuō hǎoshì zuì gāo deshuō hǎo shì zuì gāo de
    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age offoolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so. far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
  6. dāng men miàn lín jīng kǒng de miàn shí men de nǎo huì shì fàng chū shèn shàng xiàn huà xué zhìzhè xiē huà xué zhì huì dǎo zhì men xīn tiào jiā xuè zēng gāo ( shǐ xuè liú xiàng men de ròu nǎo )、 xiāo huà fàng màn men huì gǎn dào nèi néng liàng zhèn kuài yǒng liú
    When confronted by an alarming situation,our brain releases adrenaline and other chemicals which causes our heart rate and blood pressure to increase(moving blood to our muscles and brain),our breathing to become faster,our digestion to slow down,and we feel a sudden rush of energy.
  7. duō xīng děng gāo
    multistar equal altitude method
  8. gèng ràng rén gǎn dào 'ān de shì zhè xiē hěn duō shì jiā xiǎo rén men suǒ xìn lài de gōng ér shè xián de jìng shì gōng de zuì gāo céng jué zhě
    This scandal is all the more alarming because the companies implicated were mostly trusted household names and the perpetrators were their highest level executives.
  9. men bān gāo .
    They are of equal height.
  10. shì chǎng hángqíng zhèng chù zhuǎn zhé diǎnzhòng shuō fēn yúnyòu de shèn zhì bǎo chí gāo jǐng
    The market is at turning point so that all appear some comments even highly alarming.
  11. děng hǎi gāo hǎi píng miàn shàng de gāo xiāng děng
    Equality of elevation above sea level.
  12. shì chǎng hángqíng zhèng chù zhuǎn zhé diǎnzhòng shuō fēn yúnyòu de shèn zhì bǎo chí gāo jǐng
    Market at turning point to all appearance some comment even highly alarming
  13. gěi yōu zhě tiáo jiàn zài yīng guó gāo ěr qiú zhōng wéi jūn děng shèng huìràng yōu děng xuǎn shǒu jìn xíng zhàng 'ài xìng qiú huò ràng děng xuǎn shǒu qiú shù jiǎn de yòu huì
    In Great Britain, a golfing handicap of one stroke given to a superior player or an advantage of one stroke taken away from an inferior player's score in order to equalize the chances of winning.
  14. měi nián yòu shù bǎi rén gāo [ jǐng fěi ] zhuī zhúqíng kuàng yuè lái yuè lìng rén jǐng quán guó jǐng chá dān wèi zhōu lián bāng guānzhèng zài xiàn zhì fēng kuáng de hǎo lāi shì de zhuī zhú …。
    Increasingly alarmed by high-speed pursuits that are killing hundreds of people every year, police departments around the country, as well as state and Federal lawmakers, are clamping down on the wild, Hollywood-style chases…
  15. lùn biān huò shèngwǒdōu tóng yàng gāo xīng
    Whichever side won, I was equally pleased.
  16. men néng gāo wén zhí rén yuán de xīn shuǐ tóng jīng men de xīn shuǐxiàng bìng lùn
    We cannot equate the salaries of higher civil servants to those of business executives.
  17. gāo dài shù fāng chéng qiú gēn
    finding roots of polynomial equation
  18. kōng dàng dàng de fáng ràng gāo liǎo jǐng
    The empty house alarmed him.
  19. xià liǎng sān diǎn zhōng de shí hòuyīn dāng chù chì dào jìn yòu zhèng shì 1 yuè xià xún de jiésuǒ wēn gāo 90 huá shì shàng
    It was midafternoon, and being near the equator in late January, it was above 90 degrees.
  20. wěi xiànwěi juàn chì dào píng miàn píng xíng qiě huán rào qiú yòng lái biǎo míng wěi gāo de duō jiǎ xiǎng xiàn zhōng de rèn tiáo
    Any of the imaginary lines representing degrees of latitude that encircle the earth parallel to the plane of the equator.
  21. duì liú céng dǐng wèi duì liú céng píng liú céng zhī jiān de jiè xiàn gāo cóng liǎng de yuē 8 gōng ( 5 yīng zhì chì dào shàng yuē 18 gōng ( 11 yīng
    The boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere varying in altitude from approximately8 kilometers(5 miles) at the poles to approximately18 kilometers(11 miles) at the equator.
  22. ǎi rényóu zhǐ rén zhǒng píng jūn shēn gāo 5 yīng chǐ( 127 de rén zhǒng zhōng de yuányóu shì zhǐ chì dào fēi zhōu zhōu dōng nán de 'ǎi rén
    A member of any of various peoples, especially of equatorial Africa and parts of southeast Asia, having an average height less than5 feet(127 centimeters).
  23. xīn jiā duō zhōng guó rén huì lián xiǎng dào gāo xiào zhèng liáng hǎo zhì měi shí yóu shèng héng héng zhè xiē zhèng miàn de biāo qiān bèi shǎo yóu suí kǎo chá bào gào tiē zài liǎo zhè jiē jìn chì dào de dǎo guó shēn shàng
    TO MANY people in China, Singapore is associated with efficient government, good order, tasty foods, and tourist's attractions héng attributes given to the equatorial island-state by numerous travels, essays, and inspection tour reports.
  24. bèi : rèn wéi chǎn de hòu shì zhì guān zhòng yào de : zài chì dào fēi zhōu huò lán de hǎi 6000 huò 7000 yīng chǐ gāo de shēng chǎn de chá yòu dìng de pǐn wèizhè néng shì yóu hòu liáng shuǎng de yuán huò shì hǎi gāo de yuán yīnér zài hǎi chù shēngzhǎng de chá jiù xíng liǎodàn shì……
    I think that the climate plays probably the largest part here, and the tea, for example, that grows at 6000 or 7000 feet in equatorial Africa or in Ceylon, produces a certain flavor, possibly because of the coolness of the climate or the elevation itself, which is not available in tea which is grown in a lower elevation, but ...
  25. men de shù dōuhěn gāo chāo
    They all showed extraordinary equestrian skill.
  26. shēng xué fāng miàn de chéng niú dǎo jiào bǐng 'ān suān zhuǎn táng suān de rén gōng chéngnóng xué fāng miàn de jiāo shuǐ dào gāo néng fāng miàn de zhèng diàn duì zhuàng yuán dànqīng dàn měi miǎo 1 yùn suàn de xíng suàn děng de yán zhì,“ cháng zhēng 3 hàoyùn zài huǒ jiàn de shèwèi xīng tōng xùn chāo dǎo yán jiū děngzhè xiē fāng miàn dōuyǐ yuè huò jiē jìn guó xiān jìn shuǐ píng
    In biological science, Chinese scientists succeeded in making synthetic bovine insulin and in converting yeast alanine into synthetic ribonucleic acid (RNA); in agricultural science, experiments in hybrid paddy rice have been successful; in high-energy physics, an electron-positron collider was constructed; other achievements in high technology are represented by the successful explosion of atomic and hydrogen bombs, the making of super-computers capable of 100 million calculations per second, the launching of the Long March III carrier rocket and the research in satellite telecommunications and superconductivity. In all these fields, China has either reached or approached advanced world levels.
  27. dìqiào jūn héng dìqiào de jūn héng shǐ xiàng tái gāo de xiàng jiàng de bǎo chí píng héng
    Equilibrium in the earth's crust such that the forces tending to elevate land masses balance the forces tending to depress land masses.
  28. gāo céng jiàn zhù dài diàn de duō céng jiàn zhù
    A multistoried building equipped with elevators.
  29. guó wáng kàn jiàn 'ā dīng gōng zhù fēi cháng gāo xīng
    The king was glad when he saw Aladdin and Princess.
  30. tuī dòng jiàn gōng zhèng de guó zhèng zhì jīng xīn zhì wéi rén lèi píng zhǎn de chóng gāo shì zuò chū yīngyǒu de gòng xiàn
    We will work to expedite the establishment of a just and equitable new international political and economic order and make our due contribution to the lofty cause of peace and development of mankind.
  31. wéi gāo rén lèi de 'ān quángèng hǎo shī zhèng jìn gōng píng zhǎn bìng zūn zhòng rén quánlián guó zhǎn kāi zhǒng huó dòngbìng tōng guò zhè xiē huó dòng lái bāng zhù jiě jué zhàn zhēng de gēn yuán wèn gěi shì jiè zēng jiā fèn 'ān quán
    Through its activities aimed at promoting human security, good governance, equitable development and respect for human rights, the UN is helping to make the world a safer place by addressing the underlying causes of war.
  32. jiān chí zhǎn jīng kòng zhì rén kǒu liǎng shǒu zhuā kòng zhì rén kǒu zēngzhǎng gāo rén kǒu zhì fēn rén kǒukāi rén yuán kāi zhàn lüè de zǒng guī huá
    The policy of slow-down population growth, enhancement of population quality, equitable distribution of population, and the development of human resources should be incorporated into the said strategy so that a coordinated development of economy and population can be reached.