  • obiit
  • abruptly
  • hurriedly
  • soldier
  • servant
  • at last, finally
  • die
  1. n.  zhòngfēng , zhōng , dǎo , gān bìng , zhòngfēng   apoplexy
  2.    huà yóu huǒ   Emulsified oil quenching
  3.   qián shì huǒ   Dry quenching
  4. n.  diǎndàng , , rén zhì , bīng , , zhǎo , zǒu , qīng shēng qīng zhòng de rén huò ,( guó xiàng debīng , qián , shòu rén yòng de xiǎo rén , diǎn , dāng , , bīng , zhǎo , bèi rén yòng de rén   pawn
  5. v.   , shì shì   obiit
  6. vi.   , shì shì   obiit
  7.    zhōng zuò ( zhòngfēng )   ictus sanguinis
  8.    dǎo bìng   sotto disease
  9.   shuāngchóng huǒ   Double quenching
  10.   pēn huǒ   Fog quenching
  11. n.  guó xiàng zhōngshǐ shēng biàn wéi hòuzhì duì fāng xiàn zhě) .   into a queen by moving it across the board to the opponent's end (
  12. n.  zài quán dǒu zhēng zhōng men zhǐ shì xiǎo .   We are mere pawns in the struggle for power
  13. n.  āi · jiǎn · dùn ,1865 nián .Cf cān kàn b.   Emily Jane Clifton d 1865
  14.    nǎo zhōng   cerebral crisis
  15.    nǎo zhōng   cerebral apoplexy
  16.   jiā huǒ   Die quench
  1. chéng wáng zài guó xiàng zhōng chéng wéi wáng
    To become a queen in chess.
  2. wéi sān zhàn yīn wéi liào rén jīng guò 'èr zhàn me cǎn bài zhī hòuxīn de jìn gōng lái me kuài jiǔ sān nián yuè sān shí men jié shù 'èr fǎn wéi jiǎo de zuò zhàn yuè jiǎng jiè shí jiù kāi shǐ liǎo men de sān wéi jiǎo”), hóng jūn cāng rào dào zhōngjiù nòng shí fēn láo
    It was only during the third campaign that the Red Army was very fatigued by the detour it had hastily had to make in order to reassemble, because we had not expected the enemy to launch a new offensive so quickly after suffering such a crushing defeat in the second campaign (we ended our second counter-campaign on May 31, 1931, and Chiang Kai-shek began his third "encirclement and suppression" campaign on July 1).
  3. kǎi jié 1450 yīng guó fǎn pàn zhě, 1450 nián lǐng dǎo liǎo fǎn kàng hēng shì de shī bài gào zhōng
    English rebel who led an unsuccessful rebellion against Henry VI(1450).
  4. shēng jiǔ nián jiǔ 'èr nián
    As far as I can recollect, he was born in 1898 and died in 1972.
  5. néng liú chàng shuō chū suǒ yòu yīng guó guó wáng de shēng nián fèn
    He can reel off the date of the king of england.
  6. zhè shì diūzúbǎojū
    This was sacrificing a pawn to save a rook.
  7. lài tuō 1658 yīng guó guó huì jūn jūn guāncéng lǐng dǎo jūn duì jìn guó huìbìng zhú liǎo fǎn duì gěi chá shì dìng zuì de zhǎnglǎo pài bǎo huáng pài yuán( 1648 nián), qiān shǔ liǎo chá shì de xíng zhí xíng lìng
    English Parliamentarian who led a regiment to Parliament and expelled Presbyterian and Royalist members who opposed the condemnation of Charles I(1648). He was a signatory of Charles's death warrant.
  8. suō shì shēng 1564 nián 'ér 1616 nián
    Shakespeare's dates are 1564 to 1616.
  9. men zhǐ guò shì míng xiǎo
    They is mere nobody.
  10. men zhǐ guò shì míng xiǎo
    They are mere nobody.
  11. duì tiān lóu yòu suǒ gǎn xìng rèn shí shì zài měi guó
    Was it in the United States you first had some idea what a skyscraper looked like?
  12. xiǎng chū míng míng xiǎo dāng liǎo
    He wants to be famous---he is tired of being nobody.
  13. zhì jūn rénqiè jiàn jiàngshuài shì shíduō shǐ men men 'ér yòu qiè wéi 'ěr rén zhī zūn zhòng hūn yīn shǐ bān shì bīng gèng wéi bēi jiàn
    For soldiers, I find the generals commonly in their hortatives,put men in mind of their wives and children: and I think the despising of marriage amongst the Turks, maketh the vulgar soldier more base.
  14. zài hái shì míng xiǎo shí xiàn zài yào yǒu hǎo tǎo rén huān duō
    Before he became the top banana he was a much friendlier and most likable person.
  15. yuán cháo jiàn hòuzài zhǎn shè huì jīng de tóng shízài fān shè xíng 'àn chá hòuyòu zài fān děng jiàn jiāo chāo ( yìn chāo gòu ) jiāo chāo děng gòushè zhìbié shī yuán shuài zǒng guǎn pài wǎng gāi dexīn bīng” ( yuán cháo jiàng de nán sòng shì chéng de jūn duì ) tún kěn shì pài bīng dào tiánqiě děng tún tiánzài bié shī shè chǎng zhù nóng ”。 zài wèi 'ér ( yuán cháo chēng huí wéiwèi 'ér” ) shí xíng shū shuì”。
    After the Yuan Dynasty was proclaimed, while giving attention to socio-economic development in the Western Regions, it appointed a judicial commissioner in the Turpan region. Later, a treasury and printing house for banknotes were established there, together with a Bexibalik Command to administer the Turpan area, which was garrisoned by soldiers of the vanquished Southern Song Dynasty army, who were also there to open up wasteland. At the same time, the Yuan court sent soldiers to Hotan and Qiemo for garrison and reclamation duties, set up a foundry in Bexibalik to make farm tools, and instituted a land tax system in the Uighur areas.
  16. dàn shì zuì zhòng yào de shìzhè xiē yǐngpiān de chéng gōng shuō míng fēi měi guó yǎn yuán yòu néng zài yín píng shàng zào hǎo huài cān bàn de rén xíng xiàngér jǐn jǐn xiàng shí nián qián yàng zhǐ néng chū yǎn xìng piān zhí dān de xiǎo rén qīng zhòng de 'è gùnhuá xiào de míng xiǎo huò zhě hǎo lāi huáng jīn shí dài yǐngpiān zhōng xíng wéi gāo shàng dàn shì bǎo shòu bēi cǎn mìng yùn zhé de hēi rén hēi rén bǎo
    But mostly, they showed that African-Americans could be portrayed onscreen as complex human beings - part good, part bad - rather than the bigot-fodder of decades ago: the cardboard villains, comical personas or long-suffering saints and mammies of Hollywood's Golden Age.
  17. guǒ zhí zhù bīng de sǔn shī jiě liǎo rén dào de jīng shénzhǐ yòu ràng kǒng zhù fènzǐ zuò jiāng dǎo zhì gèng de bēi
    Do not misinterpret the meaning of humanitarianism and be bogged down by concern over the loss of lives which may be inevitable. To allow terrorists to grow stronger is to invite worse disasters for ourselves and cause even greater loss of lives.
  18. yīn gōng xùn zhízhèn wángzhàn bào
    Die with one's boots on
  19. guó xiàng yòu chēxiànghòuwáng
    Chess includes rook, knight, bishop, queen, king and pawn.
  20. " chuán shuō gāi shū zuò zhě yuē shēng líng líng nián , sān líng nián。 "
    The author of this book was said to be born circa 1080 and die in 1130.
  21. yuē shēng líng liù líng nián nián
    She was born circa 1060 and died in 1118.
  22. rén ruò jié jìn quán jiāng yǒng yuǎn shì míng xiǎo
    If a person doesn't do his utmost, he will be a permanent cog in the machine.
  23. jìn guǎn yuē hàn rèn wéi shēn zhòng rèndàn shí zài zhǐ shì míng xiǎo zhè gōng hěn ér zhǐ hěn xiǎo de mén
    Although John thinks he has an important job, he is really only a cog in the wheel. The company is very big, and he is responsible for only one small department.
  24. wéi de
    He is responsible for the precipitation of his own demise.
  25. fēn zhǒng liánglāo xiā shǐhuò chū mài fēn láo dòng miǎnqiǎng wéi chí shēng huó jiān nán jié jué zhī zhōngcún liáo suì zhī xiǎng
    To make up their deficit they cultivate side crops, catch fish or shrimps, raise poultry or pigs, or sell part of their labour power, and thus eke out a living, hoping in the midst of hardship and destitution to tide over the year.
  26. bīngxiǎo jià zhí zuì xiǎo de xiàng qián fāng huò zài liǎng zhǐ néng chī duì fāng kào duì jiǎo xiàn qián fāng de dāng dào shí shēng wéi chú wáng wài de rèn
    A chess piece of lowest value that may move forward one square at a time or two squares in the first move, capture other pieces only on a one-space diagonal forward move, and be promoted to any piece other than a king upon reaching the eighth rank.
  27. dàn shì méi yòu wéi jiǎoér bèi wéi shíhái biǎo xiàn liǎo yīngyǒu de cāng cóng shì
    When we were compelled to break through the enemy's encirclement after the failure to smash his fifth campaign, we showed an unjustifiable haste.
  28. yuán lái yuè zhōng xún nán rén jūn shàng qīn níng gāngzài jìn yǒng xīnqiú zhàn jūn cóng jiàndào chū zhí), wèi qún zhòngcāng jīng lián huā tuì huí chá líng
    Originally, in mid-July, the Eighth Army from Hunan, under Wu Shang, had invaded Ningkang, penetrated to Yunghsin, sought battle with us in vain (our men tried to attack them from a side road but missed them) and then, being afraid of the masses who supported us, hurriedly retreated to Chaling via Lienhua.
  29. jiān kānshǒu zhǎng guǎn jiān yàoshì de rén
    The keeper of the keys in a prison; a jailer.
  30. bái lán guó wáng( 1040 1057 nián), zài zhàn dǒu zhōng shā biǎo xiōng guó wáng dèng kěn 1040 niánhòu wèi duó quán tǒng zhì de chuán shuō gòu chéng liǎo suō shì bái de zhù yào chǔ
    King of Scotland(1040-1057) who ascended the throne after killing his cousin King Duncan(died1040) in battle. Legends of his rise to power and reign are the basis of Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth.
  31. xiǎng gěi zhè yàng de míng xiǎo tóu
    I'm not going to kowtow to a mere nobody like him.
  32. shì míng xiǎo
    He is a nothing.