  • inner
  • inside
  • internal
  • interior
  • innermost
  • inscribed
  • planted
  • inside
  • interior
  • within
  1.   " wéi nèi " tóu biāo   restricted tender
  2.   ( jìn yóu [ ] nèi de ) yóu [ ] chǐ   ullage rule
  3.   ( cóng dǐng qián shì nèi xíng qiè de ) fēi zéi   a cat burglar
  4.   ( xiǎo shù zhī tián zài gōu cáo nèi , shàng miàn 'ér xíng chéng de ) pái shuǐ 'àn gōu   spray drain
  5.   ( xìn jiànbāo guǒ děng ) méi yòu zhù míng rén xìng míng zhǐ nèi róng ; yòng méi yòu zhù míng shāng hàozhuāng yòu de fēng dài yóu   under plain cover
  6.   ( dǎng pài děng ) shēng fēn liè huò nèi hòng   a house divided against itself
  7.   ( nèi róng ) yán jǐn de shū   a solid book
  8.   ( nèi huò wài yòng ) yào , yào gāo   medicinal preparations
  9.   ( nèi rán ) kāi shǐ huǒ , dòng   kick over
  10.   ( chuán shuō zhōng de ) luò zhàn zhēng ( shǐ shī 》 Iliad zhàn zhēng wéi zhōng xīn nèi róng )   Trojan War
  11.   ( zài shí jiān huò shàng ) shǎo ; zài ... zhī nèi   inside of
  12.   ( guān yuán ) zhù zài ( rèn ); zhù zài guān ;( xué jiào zhí rén yuán ) ( xiào nèi )   in residence
  13.   ( zhèng dǎng nèi ) jìn pài de yuán ; guǎn jiào de xiǎo hái [ qīng nián ]   Young Turk
  14.   ( jiào táng nèi ) chàng bàn zòu fēng qín   choir organ
  15.   ( yòu guān zhàn de dài děng de ) nèi xié dìng   the Geneva Conventions
  16.   ( xiào nèi de ) guān jiào xué   school visitation
  1. zǒng jiào táng zhù jiào guǎn nèi de jiào tángshè yòu zhù jiào zuò wèi
    The principal church of a bishop's diocese, containing the episcopal throne.
  2. tiān zhe tóu máo zǒu dào sài nèi shì shì zuò lǎo de zhù jiào chéng
    One day he arrived at Senez, which is an ancient episcopal city. He was mounted on an ass.
  3. nèi bèi jiāng qiānglín guǎn xuè guǎn de biǎn píng shàng bāo de báocéng
    A thin layer of flat epithelial cells that lines serous cavities, lymph vessels, and blood vessels.
  4. shuō aggressive bìng méi yòu zhōng wén zhè shuō míng zài zhōng guó wén huà nèi méi yòu lèi “” de zuò fēng huò tài
    The epithet has no Chinese equivalent, he noted, probably because "aggressive" ways and attitudes are missing in Chinese culture.
  5. dāng men miàn lín jīng kǒng de miàn shí men de nǎo huì shì fàng chū shèn shàng xiàn huà xué zhìzhè xiē huà xué zhì huì dǎo zhì men xīn tiào jiā xuè zēng gāo ( shǐ xuè liú xiàng men de ròu nǎo )、 xiāo huà fàng màn men huì gǎn dào nèi néng liàng zhèn kuài yǒng liú
    When confronted by an alarming situation,our brain releases adrenaline and other chemicals which causes our heart rate and blood pressure to increase(moving blood to our muscles and brain),our breathing to become faster,our digestion to slow down,and we feel a sudden rush of energy.
  6. xìng bié píng děng de shēng zhōng yòu shǎo liàng xiāng máo dùn de nèi róng
    Claims of gender equality are laced with contradictions.
  7. shāo zuò xiē tiáojié jiù huì shǐ liǎng jiān fáng nèi de wēn xiāng děng
    A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two room.
  8. jīng kǒng wàn zhuàngzhǔn bèi yíng zhàn zhè qún réndàn shì zhōng de shì xiàng shuō:“ yào chā shǒu men de nèi zhàn。”
    Cadmus, alarmed, prepared to encounter a new enemy, but one of them said to him,"Meddle not with our civil war."
  9. chì dào nèi shǐ
    history of Equatorial Guinea
  10. chì dào nèi gòng guó
    The Republic of Equatorial
  11. chì dào nèi shǐ yòng de huò dān wèi
    monetary unit in Equatorial Guinea.
  12. 'ào fèi 'ěr nán duō chì dào nèi de dǎowèi nèi wān
    An island of Equatorial Guinea in the Gulf of Guinea.
  13. fāng rén zhù zài jiā péngchì dào nèi mài lóng de rén
    A member of a people inhabiting Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and Cameroon.
  14. nèi hǎi wān nèi de dǎo shì chì dào nèi de fēn
    an island in the Gulf of Guinea that is part of Equatorial Guinea.
  15. wěi nèi ruì jiā chì dào nèi guī bān shǐ yòng de zhù huò dān wèi
    a fractional monetary unit of Venezuela and Costa Rica and Equatorial Guinea and Paraguay and Spain.
  16. chì dào nèi shǒu zuì chéng shìwèi nèi wān de 'ào dǎo
    the capital and largest city of Equatorial Guinea on the island of Bioko in the Gulf of Guinea.
  17. shèng suō bèi chì dào nèi de shǒu zuì chéng shìwèi nèi wān de 'ào 。 1827 nián yóu yīng guó rén jiàn chéngrén kǒu 30, 710
    The capital and largest city of Equatorial Guinea, on Bioko in the Gulf of Guinea. It was founded by the British in1827. Population,30, 710.
  18. xīng xīng de shòu mìng cháng 50 niányuán chǎn nóng de dài lín zhī zhōng liàng shēng huó zài fēi zhōu xiē guó jiā zhōngzhù yào shì mài lóngjiā péngchì dào nèi zhōng fēi gòng guó
    Western lowland gorillas can live to about 50 years and come from areas of dense rain forest and swamp in African countries including Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and the Central African Republic.
  19. shēng xuérén nèi suān jiǎn de zhèng cháng píng héng
    (physiology) the normal equilibrium between acids and alkalis in the body.
  20. nèi píng héng shēng huò bāo tōng guò tiáozhěng shēng guò chéng cóng 'ér bǎo chí nèi píng héng de néng huò shì
    The ability or tendency of an organism or a cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.
  21. ā lún qióng zài liǎng fēn zhōng nèi páo wán juàn
    Alan Jones lapped in under two minutes.
  22. ā lán xiǎng zhe nèi xiàng de xìng
    Alan thought about his introverted personality.
  23. zài 'ā zhàn zhōng mǎn 'èr bǎi rén de shǒu jūn zài shí 'èr tiān nèi tuì liǎo qiān rén yòu de jìn gōng
    In the Alamo battle, less than two hundred defenders repulse the attack by thousands of Mexican in twelve days.
  24. xiāng gǎng tōng guò běn de zhèng quàn zhài shì chǎngxié zhù nèi chóu guó jīn
    Hong Kong has also facilitated the Mainland's overseas fund-raising activities via its equity and debt markets.
  25. xiāng gǎng tōng guò běn de zhèng quàn zhài shì chǎngxié zhù nèi chóu guó jīn
    Hong Kong has also facilitated the Mainland's overseas fund-raising activities via the SAR's equity and debt markets.
  26. měi guó dōng nán tōng cháng bāo kuò zhōuzuǒ zhì zhōu 'ān zhōu zhōu nán luó lái zhōuzài měi guó nèi zhàn qián zhè xiē zhōu shēng chǎn mián huā zhī chí zhì
    the southeastern region of the United States: South Carolina and Georgia and Alabama and Mississippi and Louisiana; prior to the American Civil War all these states produced cotton and permitted slavery.
  27. zài shí nèi chéngfèn zhī jiànhuò zhě zài tóng shí zhī jiān biǎo xiàn chū tóng děng xìng huò zhě xiāng yìng xìng
    exhibiting equivalence or correspondence among constituents of an entity or between different entities.
  28. ruò xiǎng duì liǎng duì xiàng de shí nèi róng shì fǒu xiāng tóngyòu gāi cāo zuò
    What if you want to compare the actual contents of an object for equivalence?
  29. děng děng shì yòng suǒ yòu nèi jiàn de shù lèi xíngdàn jiào shì yòng boolean lèi xíng
    Equivalence and nonequivalence works with all built-in data types, but the other comparisons won t work with type boolean.
  30. kǎi 'ā zhōu běi chéng shìwèi míng hàn běi de tián shànggāi chéng zuì chū de fēn jiàn zhùzài nèi zhàn zhōng bèi cuī huǐrén kǒu 48, 761
    A city of northern Alabama on the Tennessee River north of Birmingham. Most of the original city was destroyed during the Civil War. Population,48, 761.
  31. ā zhōu nèi de tiáo liúnán liú xíng chéng 'ěr de tiáo zhī liú
    a river in Alabama that flows southwestward to become a tributary of the Mobile River.
  32. yīn jiān jué qīng yóu rén bāngdài dào dǎng nèi lái de zhèng zhù cháo zài dǎng nèi xīn chū xiàn de xíng xíng de chǎn jiē yóu zhù cháo
    Therefore, we must resolutely eradicate the trend towards anarchism that was introduced into the Party by the Gang of Four as well as the trend towards various kinds of bourgeois liberalism that is emerging within the Party.