  • summit
  • Top
  • bump
  • jolt
  • fall
  • inverted
  • Dian
  1. vi.  &n.昏暈, 暈倒, 着迷, 神魂倒, 昏暈, 驚訝, 酣睡   swoon
  2.   (大不列及北愛爾蘭)聯合王國   the United Kingdom
  3.   (大不列和北愛爾蘭)聯合王國(略 the U. K.)   the U-Kingdom
  4.   (船)前後左右顛簸   walk turkey
  5.   (馬)顛簸而行   jog trot
  6.   [口]相反的, 顛倒過來   very much the other way
  7.   [口]相反的, 顛倒過來   all the other way
  8.   [口]相反的, 顛倒過來   quite the other way
  9.   [廢]“海上霸王”(舊時不列帝國的別稱)   Queen of the seas
  10.   [美俚]被戀愛弄得神魂倒   in a suction
  11.   vt. 使反轉,使倒,使轉化   invert
  12. n.  三叉戟(尼普頓海神及不列女神所執, 為海權象徵).   spear with three points (carried by Neptune and Britannia as a symbol of powerover the sea)
  13. vi.  上下震動,顛簸,搖撼   jounce
  14. n.  不列頓人, 大不列人, 英國人, 二千年前羅馬人入侵時不列南部的凱爾特人, 不列人, 英聯邦人   briton
  15. n.  不列顛, 英國   britain
  16.   不列之獅(英國的別稱); 英國人(獅為英國的國徽)   British Lion
  1. 葛:在香港上空碰上暴風雨,飛機簸得很厲害,大傢都暈機了。
    We ran into a thunderstorm over Hongkong, and the airplane was so tossed about that everyone got airsick.
  2. 這架單翼飛機,衹要一靠近地面就簸得像怒海中的一隻小船,但是哈梅爾充分展示了他出色的駕駛技巧。
    The monoplane, so long as it was near the earth, was thrown about like a small boat on an angry sea. But Hamel gave a splendid exhibition of airmanship;
  3. 英國皇傢空軍是不列戰役中的英雄。
    RAF pilots were the heroes of the Battle of Britain.
  4. 大不列arson術語用fire-raising代替。
    the British term for arson is fire-raising.
  5. 哲學史上有所謂“唯理論”一派,就是衹承認理性的實在性,不承認經驗的實在性,以為衹有理性靠得住,而感覺的經驗是靠不住的,這一派的錯誤在於倒了事實。
    In the history of philosophy there is the "rationalist" school that admits the reality only of reason and not of experience, believing that reason alone is reliable while perceptual experience is not; this school errs by turning things upside down.
  6. 倒單詞和短語字母後而構成的單詞和短語。
    a word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
  7. 傑剋·芒羅是不列哥倫比亞森林聯盟一個伐木貿易組織的主席,他在報紙上發表文章說,“不列哥倫比亞人衹需要看一看邊界那邊的那種人為造成的荒蕪狀態,那都是由於衹考慮到必須保護瀕危物種但缺乏鎮密分析的行為造成的。
    Jack Munro, chairman of the Forest Alliance of British Columbia, a logging trade group, wrote, "British Columbians only have to look across the border to see the kind of human devastation that can result from poorly reasoned actions considered necessary to protect endangered species.
  8. 一種光學錯覺,大氣中的一層熱空氣通過折射扭麯或倒了遠處物體的影像。
    an optical illusion in which atmospheric refraction by a layer of hot air distorts or inverts reflections of distant objects.
  9. 飛機突然開始簸起來。
    The aeroplane suddenly starts to jerk.
  10. 在大不列,君王君臨而不統治。
    In Great Gritain the king reign but do not govern.
  11. 在大不列,君王君臨而不統治。
    In Great Britain the king reigns but do not governs.
  12. 在大不列,君王君臨而不統治。
    In Great Britain the king reigns but does not govern.
  13. 他主張不列顛加盟。
    He advocate that britain shall join the alliance.
  14. 通過法庭獲得解釋或者改變或者覆法令的過程。
    a proceeding brought to obtain an explanation or an alteration or a reversal of a decree by the court that rended it.
  15. 這座舉世聞名的莊園建築共4層,實際上是模仿不列群島上的鄉村房屋設計的。它經受了時間的考驗,但其間也經歷了一些變化。
    The world renowned four story manor, actually designed after a country house of the British Isles, has stood the test of time, but not without changes.
  16. 鞏固國防,抵抗侵略,製止武裝覆,保衛國傢的主權、統一、領土完整和安全。
    Consolidating national defense, resisting aggression, curbing armed subversion, and defending state sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and security.
  17. --鞏固國防,抵抗侵略,製止武裝覆,保衛國傢的主權、統一、領土完整和安全。
    -- Consolidating national defense, resisting aggression, curbing armed subversion, and defending the state's sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and security.
  18. 一種機讀目錄,用於通過blaise(英國大不列圖書館自動化信息係統)和sdc(係統發展公司)信息檢索係統檢索數據庫。machinereadablecatalog,libraryofcongress的縮寫。
    A machine readable catalog designed for retrieval of a database through the BLAISE and the SDC information retrieval system.
  19. 簸搖動的運動或節奏
    A jogging movement or rhythm.
  20. 玩具機器人一地走得很快。
    The toy robot moved forward with quick jerky steps.
  21. 顛簸搖晃
    To pitch and roll.
  22. 不列在前羅馬、羅馬以及艾弗烈大帝統治(871-899年)前的早期盎格魯-撒剋遜人統治時期的大不列島。名字來源於布列塔尼亞,羅馬人用它來指他們占領的那部分島嶼
    The island of Great Britain during pre-Roman, Roman, and early Anglo-Saxon times before the reign of Alfred the Great(871-899). The name is derived from Brittania, which the Romans used for the portion of the island that they occupied.
  23. 在古羅馬人入侵不列之後
    After the Romans invaded Britain
  24. 這是浪漫主義的峰時期。
    This period was the hightide of Romanticism.
  25. 那樹等使他顛躓。
    The root tripped him.
  26. 可譽稱他是不列帝國的「林白」。
    I was attending a banquet one night given in Sir Ross’s honor;
  27. 在崎嶇地帶的一段簸路程
    A jittery ride over rough terrain.
  28. 具有無粗糙、無簸、無規則部分的表面或無突起的表面的。
    having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities.
  29. (布列)一種主要的大道。
    (Brit) a major or main route.
  30. 協約國(俄國法國大不列意大利美國日本羅馬尼亞塞爾維亞比利時希臘葡萄牙)跟同盟國(德國奧匈帝國土耳其保加利亞)在1914到1918年間的戰爭。
    a war between the Allies (Russia France British-Empire Italy US Japan Rumania Serbia Belgium Greece Portugal Montenegro) and the Central Powers (Germany Austro-Hungary Turkey Bulgaria) from 1914 to 1918.
  31. 巴裏莫爾尚未到為粉刺發愁的年齡就已處在電影界的峰,此時她在1984年走了長長一段下坡路--酗酒,接着又吸食大麻、可卡因,還曾企圖自殺。
    On top of the cinematic world before she was old enough to worry about acne, Barrymore embarked on a long downward spiral in 1984 a drunker,then came marijuana,cocaine and an attempt to suicide.
  32. 我的自行車在凹凸不平的車轍道上簸簸.
    My bike bumped over the ruts.