  • blame
  • have to
  • oppose
  • evildoing
  • non-
  • un-
  • not
  • very
  • wrong
  • negative
  1. n.  &adj.甾類化合物,類固醇   nonsteroid
  2. n.  &adj.非重組體   nonrecombinant
  3.   (與吉普賽人結夥, 能說吉普賽話的)吉普賽人   Romany rye
  4.   (與填充題、是題相對而言的)問答題   essay question
  5.   (東西)常滑, 抓不住; (人)常狡猾   slippery as an eel
  6.   (假藉上帝名義)為做歹, 做壞事   serve the devil (for God's sake)
  7.   (刊登試驗性文藝作品的商業性)小雜志, 同人刊物   little magazine
  8.   (北非)無尾猴; 彌猴   Barbary ape
  9.   (因幹預某事而)招來麻煩; 招惹是   put one's head into a hornet's nest
  10.   (聲音)非常沙啞[刺耳]   (as) hoarse as a raven
  11.   (對...)常有效, (對...)大有幫助   go a good way
  12.   (對...)常有效, (對...)大有幫助   go a great way
  13.   (對...)常有效, (對...)大有幫助   go a long way
  14.   (對...)常有效, (對...)大有幫助   go a good way with
  15.   (對...)常有效, (對...)大有幫助   go a great way with
  16.   (對...)常有效, (對...)大有幫助   go a long way with
  1. 常特殊的、危急的atc形勢,比如一次危險接近,能在經歷性記憶中保持很長時間。就象我們個人發生的危險經歷保存在經歷性記憶中一樣。
    Episodic memories of highly specific, critical ATC situations, such as a near mid-air collision, can persist for years, just as do our episodic memories for critical personal experiences.
  2. 最糟糕的詞,也是在任何場合下都不能用的詞,就是以“n”)開頭的種族修飾詞,除說話者自己就是個黑人。
    The worst word of all, one that should never be used under any circumstances, is the racial epithet beginning with 'n', unless the speaker actual-ly is one.
  3. 破袋情況常嚴重,買主抱怨,集裝箱貨物包裝不良,速電告檢查結果。
    Break bag alarmingly frequent buyer complaint of incomplete packing for containerized delivery surfeit report soon..
  4. 是一個時代的一切力量通力合作的凡産物,每塊石頭上都可以看到在天才藝術傢熏陶下,那些訓練有素的工匠迸發出來的百般奇思妙想;
    prodigious product of the grouping together of all the forces of an epoch,where, upon each stone, one sees the fancy of the workman disciplined by the genius of the artist start forth in a hundred fashions;
  5. 那是最美好的時代,那是最糟糕的時代;那是智慧的年頭,那是愚昧的年頭;那是信仰的時期,那是懷疑的時期;那是光明的季節,那是黑暗的季節;那是希望的春天,那是失望的鼕天;我們全都在直奔天堂,我們全都在直奔相反的方向--簡而言之,那時跟現在常相象,某些最喧囂的權威堅持要用形容詞的最高級來形容它。說它好,是最高級的;說它不好,也是最高級的。
    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age offoolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so. far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
  6. 值得慶幸的是他雙親性情常溫和.
    It's lucky that his parents are so equable.
  7. 非零的不等於零的
    Not equal to zero.
  8. 常獨特、沒有相等的事物。
    radically distinctive and without equal.
  9. 在執行緊急任務時,禁止使用警報器。
    It is forbidden to use the alarming sirens unless when urgent tasks are performed.
  10. 發怒時身體膨脹的大型洲蝰蛇。
    large African viper that inflates its body when alarmed.
  11. 赤道附近的洲森林中有些智能的樹棲類人猿。
    intelligent somewhat arboreal ape of equatorial African forests.
  12. 赤道洲西部的大型深色帶條紋的大羚羊。
    large dark striped eland of western equatorial Africa.
  13. 普通的傢養灰色鸚鵡,紅色和黑色尾巴,白臉;原産於靠近赤道的洲。
    commonly domesticated gray parrot with red-and-black tail and white face; native to equatorial Africa.
  14. 乍得洲中北部國傢。曾為法屬赤道洲的一部分,1960年獲得獨立。恩賈梅納為首都和最大城市。人口4,405,000
    A country of north-central Africa. Formerly part of French Equatorial Africa, it became independent in1960. Ndjamena is the capital and the largest city. Population,4, 405, 000.
  15. 矮人(尤指俾格米人)一種平均身高低於5英尺(127釐米)的人種中的一員,尤其是指赤道洲和亞洲東南部地區的矮人
    A member of any of various peoples, especially of equatorial Africa and parts of southeast Asia, having an average height less than5 feet(127 centimeters).
  16. 大猩猩棲居在赤道洲的最大的類人猿(大猩猩),體型粗壯,頭髮很粗,呈深棕色或黑色
    The largest of the anthropoid apes(Gorilla gorilla) native to the forests of equatorial Africa, having a stocky body and coarse, dark brown or black hair.
  17. 西部低地大猩猩的壽命可以長達50年,原産於濃密的熱帶雨林之中,大量生活在洲一些國傢中,主要是尼日利亞、喀麥隆、加蓬、赤道幾內亞和中共和國。
    Western lowland gorillas can live to about 50 years and come from areas of dense rain forest and swamp in African countries including Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and the Central African Republic.
  18. 剛果洲中西部一國傢,在大西洋海岸有很短的海岸綫。它在1960年獨立前是法屬赤道洲的一部分。布拉柴維爾是其首都也是最大城市。人口1,912,429
    A country of west-central Africa with a short coastline on the Atlantic Ocean. It was part of French Equatorial Africa before becoming independent in1960. Brazzaville is the capital and the largest city. Population,1, 912, 429.
  19. 貝達得:我認為産地的氣候是至關重要的。例如:在赤道洲或錫蘭的海拔6000或7000英尺高的地區生産的茶葉具有一定的品味,這可能是由於氣候涼爽的緣故,或是海拔高度的原因,而在那裏低海拔處生長的茶葉就不行了,但是……
    I think that the climate plays probably the largest part here, and the tea, for example, that grows at 6000 or 7000 feet in equatorial Africa or in Ceylon, produces a certain flavor, possibly because of the coolness of the climate or the elevation itself, which is not available in tea which is grown in a lower elevation, but ...
  20. 亞洲和洲東北部的幾種顔色純淨的馬科哺乳動物。
    any of several plain-colored equine mammals of Asia and northeast Africa.
  21. 於是阿拉丁叫神怪把他送去洲,帶到房子和公主所在的地方。
    Then Aladdin asked the Genie to take him to Africa where he saw his house and the Princess.
  22. 國王看見阿拉丁和公主常高興。
    The king was glad when he saw Aladdin and Princess.
  23. 我們承諾建立一個開放的、公平的、有章可循的、可預測的和歧視性的多邊貿易和金融體製。
    We are committed to an open, equitable, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory multilateral trading and financial system.
  24. 但是,她發誓要以取得法律學位來拯救哥哥的這種途徑對她來說是一個常嚴峻的挑戰,當時,貝蒂·安妮住在羅得島的東格林威治,衹有普通同等學歷證書。
    But her vow to help him by getting a law degree posed a daunting challenge for Betty Anne, then living in East Greenwich, R.L., who had only a General Equivalency Diploma.
  25. 常明確地闡述自己的觀點。
    Er views very definitely.
  26. 目前,中國基本禁絶了法種植毒品原植物。
    As a result of all this, China has virtually eradicated the illegal cultivation of mother drug plants.
  27. 27.我們支持鞏固洲的民主,並幫助洲人為實現持久和平、消除貧窮和促進可持續發展而鬥爭,從而將洲納入世界經濟的主流。
    27. We will support the consolidation of democracy in Africa and assist Africans in their struggle for lasting peace, poverty eradication and sustainable development, thereby bringing Africa into the mainstream of the world economy.
  28. -采取特別措施來應付洲消除貧窮和促進可持續發展的挑戰,包括取消債務,改善市場準入條件,增加官方發展援助,增加外國直接投資的流入量以及轉讓技術。
    To take special measures to address the challenges of poverty eradication and sustainable development in Africa, including debt cancellation, improved market access, enhanced Official Development Assistance and increased flows of Foreign Direct Investment, as well as transfers of technology.
  29. 態度的明顯改變;原稿上常明顯的塗抹痕跡;舉止的明顯改變。
    a discernible change in attitude; a clearly evident erasure in the manuscript; an observable change in behavior.
  30. 常茂密的一種金字塔形百慕達杉;杉樹中相當巨大的一種。
    ornamental densely pyramidal juniper of Bermuda; fairly large for a juniper.
  31. 有毒的金屬元素,有多種同素異形體,穩定且有金屬特性的灰色同素異形體用於光電池,其在亮處的導電性比在暗處好,見於硫化物礦石中。
    a toxic nonmetallic element related to sulfur and tellurium; occurs in several allotropic forms; a stable gray metallike allotrope conducts electricity better in the light than in the dark and is used in photocells; occurs in sulfide ores (as pyrite).
  32. 東南亞常大的蟒蛇。
    very large python of southeast Asia.