  • sum up
  1.   Budd-Chiari綜合徵   Budd-Chiari syndrome
  2.   Canada-Cronkhite綜合徵   Canada-Cronkhite syndrome
  3.   Crigler-Najjar綜合徵   Crigler-Najjar syndrome
  4.   Cruveilhier-Baumgarten合徵   Cruveilhier-Baumgarten syndrome
  5.   Dubin-Johnson綜合徵   Dubin-Johnson syndrome
  6.   Ehlers-Danlos綜合徵   Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
  7.   Mallory-Weiss綜合徵   Mallory-Weiss syndrome
  8.   Peutz-Jegher's綜合徵   Peutz-Jegher's syndrome
  9.   Plummer-Vinson綜合徵   Plummer-Vinson syndrome
  10.   Zollinger-Ellison綜合徵   Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
  11.   [美]錯復雜, 誰也分解不開   enough to puzzle a Philadelphia lawyer
  12.   n.合成;綜合,綜合物   synthesis
  13.   n.綜合消息   round-up
  14.   《綜合英漢詞典》   A C-English-Chinese Dictionary
  15. adj.  一般的, 普遍的, 普通的, 合的, 全體的, 總的, 全面的, 大概的, 大體的, 籠統的, 首席的, 首要的, 屬於共同本質的, 大衆的, 大致的, (用於官職)總…, …長, 概括的   general
  16.   三聯綜合徵   trilogy
  1.  為了保護公民身心健康,維護社會治安秩序,最終消除毒品危害,中國政府高度重視並大力開展禁吸戒毒工作,采取強製戒毒與社會幫教相結合的合戒毒治療康復措施,努力教育輓救吸毒人員。
    To protect the physical and mental health of Chinese citizens, maintain public order, and wipe out once and for all the scourge of drugs, the Chinese government attaches great importance to and vigorously carries out the work of drug prohibition and the rehabilitation of addicts. To this end, it has adopted comprehensive measures for the rehabilitation of addicts, and their treatment and recovery, integrated with compulsory measures and social help and education, in a concerted effort to eradicate drug abuse and save drug addicts.
  2. --在優化結構和提高效益的基礎上,國內生産總值到二0二0年力爭比二000年翻兩番,合國力和國際競爭力明顯增強。
    -- On the basis of optimized structure and better economic returns, efforts will be made to quadruple the GDP of the year 2000 by 2020, and China's overall national strength and international competitiveness will increase markedly.
  3. 環境質量綜合評價
    environmental quality comprehensive assessment
  4. 復雜的量子物理學使我頭疼。
    The details of quantum physice make my brain hurt.
  5. 以經濟和科技為主的合國力競爭進一步加劇,世界範圍內圍繞市場和資源等經濟權益的鬥爭日趨激烈,經濟全球化的加快和區域集團化的加深使一國的經濟發展更容易受到外來因素的影響和衝擊。
    The competition to excel in overall national strength, focused on economy and science and technology, is being further intensified; globewide struggles centered on markets, natural resources and other economic rights and interests are daily becoming sharper; and the quickening of economic globalization and intensification of the formation of regional blocs render the economic development of a country more vulnerable to outside influences and impacts.
  6. 綜合航空電子係統
    unified aircraft electronic system
  7. 半減期被活的有機體攝入的放射性元素經過生物衰減及放射性衰變過程合,其劑量減至一半所需要的時間
    The time required for the radioactivity of material taken in by a living organism to be reduced to half its initial value by a combination of biological elimination processes and radioactive decay.
  8. 工農業商品合比價指數
    aggregate index of price parities between industrial and agricultural products
  9. 區域綜合發展規劃
    regional aggregate development planning
  10. 綜合利潤率價格
    price based on ratio of composite profit
  11. 其原因是這種企業內部或企業之間的電子網絡大大提高了生産、統籌、信息合和資料交換的效率,使業務迅速合理化,不僅促進了生産,也大幅度地降低了成本。
    The reason for this transformation is that intra- and inter-business electronic links greatly increase the efficiency of production, planning, the collecting of information and data exchange. As the business is rapidly being rationalized, production figures go up while costs come down.
  12. 這樣,上所述,今日損壞着峨特建築藝術的有三種災禍。
    Thus, to sum up the points which we have just indicated,three sorts of ravages to-day disfigure Gothic architecture.
  13. 第二十二條 在水力侵蝕地區,應當以天然溝壑及其兩側山坡地形成的小流域為單元,實行全面規劃,合治理,建立水土流失合防治體係。
    Article 22 In a water-eroded region, by taking a small river basin comprising the natural ravines and flanking hill slopes as a unit, a comprehensive system for the prevention and control of soil erosion shall be set up on the basis of overall planning and comprehensive rehabilitation.
  14. 繁復的法律用語;錯復雜的推理
    Convoluted legal language; convoluted reasoning.
  15. 隨着本地成本/價格繼續調整,以及整體進口價格回落,一九九九年的合消費物價指數下跌4.0%。
    With the domestic cost/price adjustments proceeding and with import prices also receding in overall terms, the Composite Consumer Price Index fell by 4.0 per cent in 1999.
  16. 在軍官組訓方式方面,部分生長軍官先在合院校完成本科學歷教育和軍事基礎訓練,再根據即將擔任的職務在專業院校完成專業訓練;
    Some officer candidates, who have received regular college education and basic military training at comprehensive educational institutions, will then receive professional training at specialized institutions in accordance with their future posts.
  17. 在軍官組訓方式方面,部分生長軍官先在合院校完成本科學歷教育和軍事基礎訓練,再根據即將擔任的職務在專業院校完成專業訓練;
    Some officer candidates, who have received regular (four-year) college education and basic military training at comprehensive educational institutions, will then receive professional training at specialized institutions in accordance with their future posts.
  18. 近五十年來,通過植樹造林和興修水利等合措施,西藏的水土流失得到有效治理。
    Over the past 50 years, soil erosion has been effectively controlled by afforestation and construction of water conservancy projects.
  19. 馬勒伯朗士,尼古拉斯·德1638-1715法國哲學家,試圖把笛卡爾學說的形而上學與新柏拉圖主義及聖奧斯汀的哲學思想合起來
    French philosopher who sought to reconcile the metaphysics of Descartes with Neo-Platonism and the philosophy of Saint Augustine.
  20. 為使私人機構能在應付房屋需求方面發揮最大作用,當局正擬訂試驗計劃,鼓勵私人發展商以長者可以負擔的價格,為長者提供特別設計的居所,並附設合護理服務。
    To enable the private sector to make the fullest possible contribution towards meeting the demand for housing, a pilot scheme is being developed to encourage the private sector to provide affordable, purpose-built accommodation with integrated care services for elderly persons.
  21. 第二步,是合感覺的材料加以整理和改造,屬於概念、判斷和推理的階段。
    The second step is to synthesize the data of perception by arranging and reconstructing them; this belongs to the stage of conception, judgement and inference.
  22. 1999年軍隊院校進行體製編製調整改革,撤銷、合併、改建了部分院校,將原來培養指揮軍官和技術軍官的兩大類院校,調整為培養生長軍官和在職軍官的兩大類院校,並新組建了國防科學技術、信息工程、理工、海軍工程和空軍工程5所合大學。
    In the structural reform in 1999, the PLA's system of academies and schools underwent a structural reform, canceling, merging and reconstructing some institutions. As a result, the original two categories of institutions for training commanding and technical officers have been replaced by two categories of institutions for training officer candidates and in-service officers. Five universities have been established - the universities of national defense science and technology, information engineering, science and engineering, naval engineering, and air force engineering.
  23. 公共生活的毀壞和重建是人們每日所做的種種個人决定的合結果。
    The demolition and reconstruction of public life is the result of personal decisions made every day:the decision to give up a seat on the bus;
  24. xdsl是像isdn(合服務數字網),一樣的端到端數字技術因此不需要在數字與模擬方式之間來回轉換信號。
    XDSL is an end-to-end digital technology like ISDN, so there is no converting and reconverting signals between digital and analog.
  25. 堅持標本兼治、合治理的方針,逐步加大治本的力度。
    We must adhere to the principle of addressing both symptoms and root causes of corruption and taking comprehensive measures to rectify both while devoting greater efforts gradually to tackling the latter.
  26. 帶着匈牙利母語口音,他輕聲地說,現在是修改所謂的"華盛頓共識"的時侯了。他指的是國際貨幣基金組織15年來宣揚的自由化、私有化和財政透明的合體製。
    In a soft voice which bears the traces of his native Hungary, he argues that it is time to rewrite the so-called Washington consensus--the cocktail of liberalisation, privatisation and fiscal rectitude which the IMF has been preaching for 15 years.
  27. 工業固體廢物合利用率達到80%,危險廢物全部安全處理處置。
    80% of the industrial solid wastes should be reused or recycling and all the hazardous wastes should be safely treated and disposed.
  28. 第十一條 國務院有關部門和地方各級人民政府應當合理規劃工業佈局,對造成水污染的企業進行整頓和技術改造,采取合防治措施,提高水的重複利用率,合理利用資源,減少廢水和污染物排放量。
    Article 11 Relevant departments under the State Council and local people's governments at various levels shall make rational plans for the geographical distribution of industries, subject those enterprises that cause water pollution to rectification and technological updating, adopt comprehensive prevention and control measures, increase the rate of water recycling, utilize resources rationally and reduce discharge of waste water and pollutants.
  29. 為改善效率和善用警政大樓對開空地,合重建警察總部的策劃已展開。
    Planning has begun for the comprehensive redevelopment of Police Headquarters to improve efficiency and more fully utilise the Arsenal Yard site.
  30. 市建局會采取全面合的方式,藉着重建、修復和保存文物古跡等方法,更新舊區面貌。
    The URA would adopt a comprehensive and holistic approach to rejuvenate older urban areas by way of redevelopment, rehabilitation and heritage preservation.
  31. 第二十七條 城市舊區改建應當遵循加強維護、合理利用、調整佈局、逐步改善的原則,統一規劃,分期實施,並逐步改善居住和交通運輸條件,加強基礎設施和公共設施建設,提高城市的合功能。
    Article 27 In the redevelopment of existing urban areas, the principles of good maintenance, rational utilization, readjustment of the layout and gradual improvement shall be adhered to. Redevelopment shall be carried out by stages on a unified plan. The residential and transportation conditions in the existing urban areas shall be improved step by step, and special attention shall be given to the construction of the infrastructure and public facilities so as to enhance the multiple functions of the city.
  32. 第二十三條 城市新區開發和舊區改建必須堅持統一規劃、合理佈局、因地製宜、合開發、配套建設的原則。
    Article 23 In the development of new urban areas and the redevelopment of existing urban areas, the principles of unified planning, a rational layout, consideration of local conditions, comprehensive development and the coordinated construction of support facilities must be adhered to.