  • present
  • tip
  • invest
  • grant
  • sustain
  • let
  • leave
  • furnish
  • vouchsafe
  • accommodate
  • fit out
  • admit
  • issue
  • lay on
  • permit
  • set up
  • store
  • suffer
  • stock
  • presume
  • give
  • allow
  • do sth (for sb)
  • (passive particle)
  • supply
  • provide
  • supply
  • to
  • for
  • for the benefit of
  • Here it is.
  • Here you are.
  • Here you go.
  1. vt.  (=hang one on sb.)猛擊某人一拳, 某人重重一擊   hang one on
  2.   (為給別人讓位)挪一挪   ease up
  3.   (事情)臨到某人頭上; (財産)遺留某人   come to sb.
  4.   (企業予職工的)優厚的解聘金   golden handshake
  5.   (賣出貨物時)足分量; [喻]予充分的報酬   give full [good] measure
  6.   (因匆忙或動作不靈)跌跤; 拼命趕; 渴望(for); [口]弄糊塗了   fall over oneself
  7.   (女人)拒絶求愛, 碰釘子; 被解雇, 攆走   give sb. the mitten
  8.   (對居民等)實行配供應製   put on rations
  9.   (工資以外)一切供給   all found
  10.   (工資以外)一切供給   everything found
  11.   (把所欠的債等)全部還某人; 分攤財政負擔; 繳納應納稅款; 納教區稅   pay sb.'s scot and lot
  12.   (指女方)與...訂婚, 被許配...   be promised to
  13.   (新郎於婚後第二天早上送新娘的)晨禮(歐洲舊俗)   morning gift
  14.   (舊時英國)每戶每年呈羅馬教皇的一便士獻金; 天主教徒獻羅馬教皇的年金   peter pence
  15.   (舊時英國)每戶每年呈羅馬教皇的一便士獻金; 天主教徒獻羅馬教皇的年金   Peter's pence
  16.   (遊戲時)丟手帕某人要他追自己; [喻]中意某人, 接受對方的追求   throw the handkerchief to sb.
  1. 至於主教的額外開支,以及請求提早婚禮費、特許開齋費、嬰孩死前洗禮費、宣教費、為教堂或私立小堂祝聖費、行結婚典禮費等等,這位主教都到有錢人身上去取來窮人;取得緊也得急。
    As for the chance episcopal perquisites, the fees for marriage bans, dispensations, private baptisms, sermons, benedictions, of churches or chapels, marriages, etc., the Bishop levied them on the wealthy with all the more asperity, since he bestowed them on the needy.
  2. 她母親每周她寫一封長信.
    Her mother sends her a long epistle every week.
  3. 障礙賽在速度方面的比賽或對抗中為了競賽者以相同的獲勝機會,他們規定不同的條件的比賽
    A race or contest in which advantages or compensations are given different contestants to equalize the chances of winning.
  4. 讓步在比賽中事先較弱一方一定數量的比分,以使所有參賽者獲勝機會均等
    A certain number of points given beforehand to a weaker side in a contest to equalize the chances of all participants.
  5. 優者不利條件在英國,高爾夫球中為均等取勝機會,讓優等選手進行障礙性擊球或讓低等選手擊球數減一次的有利機會
    In Great Britain, a golfing handicap of one stroke given to a superior player or an advantage of one stroke taken away from an inferior player's score in order to equalize the chances of winning.
  6. 他把財産平分子女。
    He divided his property equally among his children.
  7. 詩神並不一視同仁地賜所有詩人靈感。
    The muse does not inspire all poets equally.
  8. 他把他的財産平均分子女。
    He willed away his property equally to his children.
  9. 她把自己的財物平均分了她的四個孩子。
    She divided her possessions equally between her four children.
  10. 她把錢均分兩個孩子。
    She portioned out the money equally between both children.
  11. 從觀測者所在的子午綫到定天體的子午綫沿着天赤道的角距離。
    the angular distance along the celestial equator from the observer's meridian to the hour circle of a given celestial body.
  12. 我們敲起了警鐘。
    This sounded the alarm for us.
  13. 海龜剛恢復平衡,第二衹海豚又到了,又它啪一擊。
    He no sooner recovers his equilibrium than the next porpoise comes along and hits him another crack.
  14. 如果在表面變冷失去的熱量小於所加的熱量,溫度將會上升直至達到一個平衡狀態。
    If the cooling at the surface is less than the heat added, the temperature will rise until an equilibrium is reached.
  15. 鼻疽病一種傳染性的,通常是馬和馬科動物的致命疾病,由細菌引起的鼻疽桿菌,它的徵兆是淋巴結腫大,流鼻涕以及呼吸道和皮膚潰瘍。這種疾病會傳染其它哺乳動物,包括人類
    A contagious, usually fatal disease of horses and other equine species, caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas mallei and symptomized by swollen lymph nodes, nasal discharge, and ulcers of the respiratory tract and skin. The disease is communicable to other mammals, including human beings.
  16. 配備更好武器…配備更好的武器裝備
    To equip with better weapons.
  17. 工廠或車間更新裝備。
    re-equip a factory or plant.
  18. 給(鬥雞)縛上距鐵
    To equip(a gamecock) with a gaff.
  19. 機動車輛裝備武裝和盔甲。
    equip with armed and armored motor vehicles.
  20. 汽車尾部安裝突起裝飾物。
    equip with fins, as of a car.
  21. 給…裝上發動機
    To equip with an engine or engines.
  22. 武裝起來自己提供或裝備武器
    To supply or equip oneself with weaponry.
  23. 女兒買的靴子合腳嗎?
    Did she equip her daughter with the correct boots?
  24. …裝上把手把…裝入一個把手或柄中或…裝上把手或柄
    To fit into or equip with a hilt or handle.
  25. 因此,把華文教好,也就是學生多一種思考的工具。
    Therefore, teaching Chinese language well is to equip children with another thinking tool.
  26. …裝鉸鏈,用鉸鏈接合
    To attach by or equip with or as if with hinges or a hinge.
  27. 記住阿拉莫吧;記住每天都要你媽媽打電話。
    Remember the Alamo; Remember to call your mother every day!; Think of the starving children in India!
  28. 於是,他就一直等着阿拉丁離開那幢房子,然後他對公主說:“把你的舊燈我,我你新燈。”
    When he waited till Aladdin went out of the house, he said to the Princess, "Give me your old lamps and I will give you new lamps."
  29. 阿拉丁把燈他母親看:“我們可以把燈賣了,拿錢買食物。”
    Aladdin showed the lamp to his mother, "We can sell this and bring food with the money."
  30. 魔術師把它打開了一條縫,說道:“把燈我,阿拉丁。”
    The Magician opened it a little. He said, "Give me the lamp, Aladdin."
  31. 說着,他又了阿拉丁一隻戒指,說道:“洞裏有危險。
    Then he gave Aladdin a ring. He said, "There's danger in that hole.
  32. 無供的未被提供,裝飾或裝備的
    Not supplied, furnished, or equipped.