  • about
  • agreement
  • arrange
  • make an appointment
  • pact
  • weigh
  • appointment
  • arrange
  • restrict
  • approximately
  1.   (1907 年的英、法、俄)三國協; 三個協國   the(Triple) Entente
  2.   (也可稱 Sir John, 但不可稱作 Sir White) 翰·懷特爵士   Sir John White
  3.   (盧梭等所主張的)社會契說, 民論(20世紀70年代英國工黨提出的社會合同)   social contract compact
  4.   (受約)做某人的徒弟   be bound apprentice to sb.
  5.   (天主教中)受教規束的神職人員   canon regular
  6.   (束縛瘋人或暴戾囚犯用的)緊身衣; [轉]束物   strait waistcoat
  7.   (紐約的)華僑(界)   the Chinese community
  8.   (經簽字並蓋章, 通常為有關房地産的)契據; 契書   deed of covenant
  9.   (美國紐市作傢等聚居的)格林威治村   Greenwich Village
  10.   (美國紐市最繁華的)第五號街   Fifth Avenue
  11.   (西方政治結構中為防止濫用職權, 在立法、司法、行政三權之間或在政府各部門之間實行相互牽製的)製衡原則; 與平衡   check and balance
  12.   (規定財産權等的)結婚契   marriage articles
  13.   (金衡,=480格令, 31.1025)   troy ounce
  14.   1923年國際海港制度公   Convention on the International Regime of Maritime Ports
  15.   1976年國際油污損害民事責任公議定書   clc protocol 1976
  16.   1976年國際海事衛星組織公   convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization 1976
  1. 耶穌的使徒;翰的兄弟;在《新聖經》中《詹姆士使徒書》的作者。
    disciple of Jesus; brother of John; author of The Epistle of James in the New Testament.
  2. 會時間的一個小時前打她的手機是典型失禮行為。
    Calling her on her cellpho ne an hour before your date is the epitome of bad manners.
  3. adams在1981年的時候與a&m唱片公司簽並與年底推出了他的處女作,但遺憾的是,該專輯並不十分成功,甚至沒有能夠成為打榜專輯。
    Adams landed a solo record contract with A&M Records in 1981,releasing an eponymous album by the end of year;it failed to make the charts.
  4. 我喜歡和翰一起工作,因為他性情沉着穩重。
    I like working with John because he's so calm and equable.
  5. 而在收入最平均的州,居住在城裏的居民衹占一半。
    In states with the most equality, only about half does.
  6. 使者們驚訝於他們所看到的情景,翰國王報告說,這些人瘋得厲害根本沒法處罰。
    The messengers,alarmed at what they had found,reported to King John that these people were so mad as to be beyond punishment.
  7. 赤道以北大23度的緯綫。
    a line of latitude about 23 degrees North of the equator.
  8. 赤道以南大23度的緯綫。
    a line of latitude about 23 degrees South of the equator.
  9. 赤道以北,大百分之六十一的表面為水所蓋。
    North of the equator about61 percent of the surface is covered by water.
  10. 對流層頂位於對流層和平流層之間的界限,其高度從兩極的8公裏(5英裏)至赤道上18公裏(11英裏)
    The boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere varying in altitude from approximately8 kilometers(5 miles) at the poles to approximately18 kilometers(11 miles) at the equator.
  11. 翰遜任命艾倫博伊德為第一人交通部長。
    Johnson appointed Alan S. Boyd as the first Transportation Secretary.
  12. 翰的祖父雖然年近八十,但動作仍很敏捷。
    Although John's grandfather was almost eighty years old, he still moved with alacrity.
  13.  (4)選舉執行委員會委員時,大會應適當註意公平的地理分配,以及組成執行委員會的國傢中有與本聯盟有關係的專門協定的締國的必要性。
    In electing the members of the Executive Committee, the Assembly shall have due regard to an equitable geographical distribution and to the need for countries party to the Special Agreements established in relation with the Union to be among the countries constituting the Executive Committee.
  14. 基本上有兩種合資企業:股權式合資企業和契式合作企業。
    Basically there are two types of joint equity joint venture and contractual joint venture.
  15. 托管人的違(或欺騙或疏忽)。
    violation (either through fraud or negligence) by a trustee of a duty that equity requires of him.
  16. 皮埃蒙特山麓高原美國東部一高原地區,從紐州延伸至阿拉巴馬州,位於阿巴拉契亞山脈和大西洋沿岸平原之間
    A plateau region of the eastern United States extending from New York to Alabama between the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic coastal plain.
  17. 維多利亞時代回來了;翰·阿普蒂剋的‘兔子歸來’。
    the Victorian era redux; `Rabbit Redux' by John Updike.
  18. 湯比格比河一條長644公裏(400英裏)的河流,發源於美國密西西比州東北部,大致流嚮為嚮南,在阿拉巴馬州匯阿拉巴馬河形成莫比爾河
    A river, about644 km(400 mi) long, rising in northeast Mississippi and flowing generally southward through western Alabama to join the Alabama River and form the Mobile River.
  19. 尊敬的旦副首相穆罕默德·哈拉伊格閣下,
    Your Excellency Mohammed Al-Halaiqah, Deputy Prime Minister of Jordan
  20. 翰花了數小時纔把資料輸入了電子計算機,但電源一斷便擦去了機器中的存儲量,他的一切全白費了。
    John had spent hours keying data into the computer, but it all went down the drain when a power cut erased the machine’s memory.
  21. 我們兩個都在打盹,不料有人來搗亂,那就是瑟夫放下一個木梯,它經過一個活門直通閣樓裏:我猜想這就是他上升閣樓之路了。
    We were both of us nodding, ere anyone invaded our retreat, and then it was Joseph, shuffling down a wooden ladder that vanished in the roof, through a trap: the ascent to his garret, I suppose.
  22. 在埃及大有80座金字塔。
    There are around 80 pyramids in Egypt.
  23. 嚮奬學金得主詢問毀的可能性,如同在婚禮上不懷好意詢問新人離婚的機率。
    Actually, quizzing the scholars about the probability of their bond-breaking is akin to asking a pair of newlyweds how likely it is that they will end up divorcing.
  24. 加竜河位於法國西南部的一條河,流程563公裏(350英裏),大致源於西班牙比利牛斯山西北部,與波爾多灣北部的多爾多涅河匯集形成吉倫特海灣
    A river of southwest France flowing about563 km(350 mi) generally northwest from the Spanish Pyrenees to join the Dordogne River north of Bordeaux and form the Gironde estuary.
  25. 在2001-2002年期間,三次世界會議討論了這些問題:第四次世界貿易組織部長級會議(卡塔爾多哈)、發展籌資問題國際會議(墨西哥蒙特雷)和可持續發展問題世界首腦會議(南非翰內斯堡)。
    During 2001-2002, these issues were addressed at three world conferences: the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (Doha, Qatar); the International Conference on Financing for Development (Monterrey, Mexico); and the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, South Africa).
  26. 在這條走道中間,第22排。
    About halfway down this aisle, row 22.
  27. “那麽,就該把這一切鬧個底朝天!”翰·弗羅洛接着說。
    “Very good,” returned Jehan Frollo, “we’ll quadruple the devil for them.
  28.  (三)臨時通過中國領陸、領水、領空的外國運輸工具,依照其所屬國同中國簽訂的協議或者共同參加的國際條,或者依照互惠原則,為運輸工具自身需要而在其裝置和設備中使用有關專利的;
    Where any foreign means of transport which temporarily passes through the territory, territorial waters or territorial airspace of China uses the patent concerned, in accordance with any agreement concluded between the country to which the foreign means of transport belongs and China, or in accordance with any international treaty to which both countries are party, or on the basis of the principle of reciprocity, for its own needs, in its devices and installations;
  29. 這些鍵總是按照由uddi操作入口站點委員會的算法所定的統一格式編碼的,衹有tmodel的鍵值是例外的,它的格式是帶有一個"uuid:"格式的urn修飾符前綴,之後纔是uuid的值。
    These keys are always formatted according to an algorithm that is agreed upon by the UDDI Operator Council with the one exception being tModelKey values, which are prefixed with a URN qualifier in the format "uuid:" followed by the UUID value.
  30. 然而即在《舊》之中,如諦聽大衛底琴音,就一定可以聽見與歡頌一般多的哀歌;並且聖靈的畫筆在形容伯底苦難上比在形容所羅門底幸福上致力得多了。
    Yet, even in the Old Testament, if you listen to David's harp, you shall hear as many hearselike airs,as carols: and the pencil of the Holy Ghost hath laboured more, in describing the afflictions of Job, than the felicities of Solomon.
  31. 翰遜沒有通過當醫生的資格考試,决定從事教學工作。
    Johnson , having failed to qualify as a doctor , decided to take up reaching.
  32. [20]在洛杉磯以東6o英裏的一個乾燥、多塵的城市——桑伯納迪諾市裏,一批體育專傢通過“旁門左道”使學校的體育課程成了典範,給孩子們的體格健康水平帶來了可觀的提高。
    [20] In San Bernardino, a dry, dusty city about 60 miles east of Los Angeles, a team of PE specialists used a side-door entrance to turn the school PE programme into a model that has produced quantifiable improvements in children's fitness levels.