  • state
  • say
  • brand
  • address
  • fit
  • call
  • praise
  • weigh
  • estimate
  • consider
  • address
  • name
  • suit
  • commend
  • call
  • name
  • brand
  • steelyard
  • balanced
  • well-off
  • suitable
  1. n.  ' 大人, 閣下, 爵爺, 老爺(呼或提到有爵位身分的人時用的敬)   title used in speaking to or about a man of the rank of `Lord
  2.   (與...)相稱[成比例]   in scale (with)
  3.   (也可 Sir John, 但不可作 Sir White) 約翰·懷特爵士   Sir John White
  4.   (天主教徒對)教皇的尊; (基督教)聖父(指上帝)   Holy father
  5.   (或my lord)大人, 老爺(對貴族、主教、法官等的尊)   My Lord
  6.   (舊時)土耳其皇帝的呼   the Grand S-
  7.   (略GOP或G.O.P)美國共和黨的別   Grand Old Party
  8.   (秤)(因重量過輕)使的一頭翹起; 較不重要; 被壓倒; 毫無辦法   kick the beam
  9.   (秤)(因重量過輕)使的一頭翹起; 較不重要; 被壓倒; 毫無辦法   strike the beam
  10.   (物時)補足重量的添頭   make weight
  11.   (羅馬 Diana)的別; 月亮(亦作 Queen of night 或 Q-of the tides)   Artemis
  12.   (羅馬 Juno)的別 ②【宗】聖母瑪麗亞 ③希臘月神   Hera
  13.   (羅馬稱 Venus)的別稱   Aphrodite
  14.   (英國倫敦的)海德公園(因常舉行政治性集會而著)   Hyde P-(=the P-)
  15.   (表示親密的呼)老朋友, 弟兄們   my lads
  16.   3型不對稱數字用戶綫   ADSL-3
  1. 副主教用作對英國國教或蘇格蘭聖公會的副主教的一種尊
    Used as a form of address for an archdeacon in the Anglican Church or the Episcopal Church.
  2. 這一事件理所當然地堪是國王間諜活動的的獨一無二的史詩。
    The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage!
  3. 但是人們不把他們為旅行者,而是為遊客,世界各地都有他們的蹤跡:有的沿亞馬孫河順流而下,有的乘船到阿拉斯加去,有的從了伯剋都飛往伊斯特島,還有的去拍攝挪威的教堂和巴基斯坦人的服飾。
    But instead of being called travelers, they are known as tourists and they are seen all over the world floating down the Amazon , cruising to Alas-ka, flying from Timbuktu to Easter Island, and taking pictures of Norwegian churches and Pakistani costumes.
  4. 這整部作品為“一個藝術傢的生活片斷”,並說那是“他熾烈的激情的展現”。
    He called the whole work Episode in the Life of an Artist, and referred to it as the development of his infernal passion.
  5. 微絨毛;微小突起物;指狀突起一些上皮細胞表面上突起的微小發狀結構的總,尤指小腸上的
    Any of the minute hairlike structures projecting from the surface of certain types of epithelial cells, especially those of the small intestine.
  6. 描述性的名字;別稱
    A descriptive name; an epithet.
  7. 名稱,稱號
    A name or descriptive epithet.
  8. 加力力地區的居民(耶穌基督的號)。
    a resident of Galilee (an epithet of Jesus Christ).
  9. 類,屬分類學中介於科和種之間的特級,由包含顯示相似特點的種所組成的群。在分類學術語中,屬被單獨使用或後面跟一個拉丁形容詞或定語,來形成一個種的名
    A taxonomic category ranking below a family and above a species and generally consisting of a group of species exhibiting similar characteristics. In taxonomic nomenclature the genus name is used, either alone or followed by a Latin adjective or epithet, to form the name of a species.
  10. 哎呀,我的死跟我的身份不相呢。
    Alas, I am dying beyond my means.
  11. 這聽起來輕鬆平常,實際上卻完全可以作劃時代的。
    That sounds soft and mushy and commonplace, but in fact it can legitimately be called epochal.
  12. 羅慕勒斯是成為rome名由來之古羅馬建國者。
    Romulus was the eponymous founder of Rome.
  13. 由於全國被監禁的人數爆漲,管教官員和情緒不正常的人的傢屬對把精神病患者關進監獄所帶來的問題感到擔憂,被專傢們為精神病犯罪的情況已經發展成為一個嚴重問題。
    What experts call the criminalization of the mentally ill has grown as an issue as the nation's inmate population has exploded and as corrections officials and families of the emotionally disturbed have become alarmed by the problems posed by having the mentally ill behind bars.
  14. 平衡重量、關係、或情感力量分配上相等;相
    Equality in distribution, as of weight, relationship, or emotional forces; equilibrium.
  15. 對稱核積分方程
    integral equation with symmetric kernel
  16. 在二十世紀七十年代早期,天文學家艾拉和裘利·圖木爾就曾預言那兩個因為有像嚙齒動物一樣的尾巴而被別為“老鼠”的相對較近的星係的奇怪形狀可以用發生在兩者之間的奇怪的撞擊來解釋。
    In the early 1970s, astronomers Alar and Jun Toomre predicted that the odd shape of two relatively nearby galaxies, dubbed the Mice after their rodent-like tails, could be explained by a fantastic collision between them.
  17. 一種重物的平衡物。
    an equivalent counterbalancing weight.
  18. 表尊的葡萄牙頭銜;相當於英語中的先生。
    a Portuguese title of respect; equivalent to English `Mr'.
  19. 法語中表禮貌的呼用語;相當於英語中的先生。
    used as a French courtesy title; equivalent to English `Mr'.
  20. 北印度語的謙恭的呼用語;相當於英語中的先生。
    used as a Hindi courtesy title; equivalent to English `Mr'.
  21. 我的名字叫亞歷山大,簡“亞爾”。
    My name is Alexander, "Al" for short.
  22. 針對卡塔爾半島電視臺播放的據是“基地”組織發言人講話的錄音帶內容,格雷厄姆說:“我們看到的是令人不安的情形,即'基地'組織正在重新集結成形,並重新顯示了發動恐怖主義襲擊的意願和能力。”
    Reacting to the tape news which a spokesman for bin Laden's al-Qaeda network told Qatar-based television, Graham said that " what we have seen is a disturbing pattern of the reformulation of al-Qaeda and their renewed willingness and capability to conduct terrorist attacks."
  23. 在蘇州附近的太湖上的木瀆地方,有這種柏樹四棵,其名是“潔”、“罕”、“古”、“怪”。
    At Mutu, a point on the Taihu Lake near Soochow, there are four such cypress trees which have been given the four respective names "Pure," "Rare," "Antique" and "Quaint."
  24. 新教教派;一般為公誼會。
    a Protestant sect; commonly called Quakers.
  25. 選舉人合格選舉人的總
    A body of qualified voters.
  26. 他們聲他的意見是錯誤的。
    They qualified his opinion as erroneous.
  27. 從技術上講,它不是一個屬性,正式的呼是命名空間修飾符。
    Technically, it isn’t an attribute, but is formally called a namespace qualifier.
  28. (語法)指或修飾限定另外一個句子成分。
    (grammar) referring to or qualifying another sentence element.
  29. (質因數)在算術中因數為質數者之為素因數。
    the prime factors of a quantity are all of the prime quantities that will exactly divide the given quantity.
  30. 量子數的均衡從數學含義來描述對性的量子數+1(偶)或-1(奇)
    A quantum number, either+1(even) or-1(odd), that mathematically describes this property.
  31. 原子潛艇“鸚鵡蠃”號的誕生不折不扣地使海底戰爭的範圍大為擴大……。有些海軍將領們甚至之為“突破性的進展”,其重要性不亞於由帆船到蒸汽機的進步。
    The birth of the Nautilus literally added a new dimension to undersea warfare… some admirals to so far as to call it a "quantum jump" comparable to the shift from sail to steam.
  32. 新生代的屬於、隸屬於或呼地質史上最新的時代的,包括第三紀和第四紀,其特徵為現代大陸的形成、冰川作用以及哺乳動物、鳥類和植物的多樣化
    Of, belonging to, or designating the latest era of geologic time, which includes the Tertiary Period and the Quaternary Period and is characterized by the formation of modern continents, glaciation, and the diversification of mammals, birds, and plants.