氣候資料對於各類活動,從康樂活動、工程設計、環境影響分析、以至法律訴訟等,皆有應用價值。 Climatological information finds applications in activities ranging from recreation through engineering design and environmental impact analysis to litigation.
美麗的落日使得每個人皆為之出神。 The beauty of the sunset fille everybody with rapture.
凡事皆事出有因。 Everything happens for a reason.
窩主竊賊皆盜匪。 Both are thieves, the receiver as well as the steal.
人人皆知以多勝少是最好的辦法,然而很多人不能做,相反地每每分散兵力,原因就在於指導者缺乏戰略頭腦,為復雜的環境所迷惑,因而被環境所支配,失掉自主能力,采取了應付主義。 Everybody knows that the best way is to use a large force to defeat a small one, and yet many people fail to do so and on the contrary often divide their forces up. The reason is that such military leaders have no head for strategy and are confused by complicated circumstances; hence, they are at the mercy of these circumstances, lose their initiative and have recourse to passive response.
(一)成熟的用材林應當根據不同情況,分別采取擇伐、皆伐和漸伐方式,皆伐應當嚴格控製,並在采伐的當年或者次年內完成更新造林; 1) For mature timber stands, the approaches of selection cutting, clear cutting and shelterwood cutting shall be applied respectively in light of different situations. Clear cutting shall be put under strict controls and the reforestation shall be completed in the same or next year of the cutting;
第十六條 采伐林木必須因地製宜地采用合理采伐方式,嚴格控製皆伐,對采伐區和集材道采取防止水土流失的措施,並在采伐後及時完成更新造林任務。 Article 16 Felling of forest trees must be carried out in a rational manner and in line with the local conditions, and clear felling shall be strictly controlled. Preventive measures against soil erosion f shall be adopted in the felling areas and on skid trai1s, and reforestation shall be accomplished in good time after the felling.
本規則皆須遵守。 This regulation is binding on everybody.
這傢公司有口皆碑而且可靠. This company is well-established and reliable.
所有人的人體像皆係高浮雕。 All those figures are in high relief.
有過皆可補。 No wrong without remedy.
敵軍連戰皆北。 The enemy suffered repeated defeats.
有一首盡人皆知的兒歌:倫敦橋要塌落。 "One of our favorite Nursery Rhymes—I'm sure everyone knows ""London Bridge is falling down""."
凡是皆有分工,壞事亦燃;有些人慣於動壞腦筋,另一些人則慣於行動。 There is a division of labor, even in vice; some persons addict themselves to the speculation only, others to the practice.
薔薇朵朵皆有刺。 No rose without thorn.
賣主皆誇已貨好。 Every salesman boast of his own ware.
辦公室裏人人皆知他是個有婦之夫,但他卻一直和一位秘書有來往密切,而那個女孩又瘋勁十足。於是,一位推銷員就說服她給她的男友開一個愚人節的玩笑,說她懷孕了。 He had been fooling around with a secretary. He was married and everyone in the office knew about it. The girl was a bit crazy, a real screwball, and one of the other salesmen persuaded her to tell her boy friend she was pregnant as an April Fool joke.
他認為那些指責皆屬不實之詞,因而十分氣憤。 He was terribly indignant at what he saw as false accusation.
他認為那些指責皆屬不實之詞,因而十分氣憤。 He is terribly indignant at what he see as false accusation.
杜卡基斯先生有一次曾坦白地說他喜歡一本關於瑞典土地使用計劃的書。像這樣一位候選人,在到處皆是德國及斯堪的那維亞人的州裏,是容易被接受的。這些人很多仍崇信社會民主政治中的一個觀念-公理是有計劃、有秩序的。 A candidate like Mr. Dukakis, who once confessed to enjoying a book on Swedish land use planning, went down well in a state full of Germans and Scandinavians, many of whom still adhere to the notion of planned, orderly justice that is embodied in social democracy.
那孩子的惡作劇與其說讓他責駡,倒不如說讓他啼笑皆非,然而,他還是起來進行了必要的懲戒。 He felt more like laughing at the child's escapade than scolding him, but, solemn as an owl, he got through the necessary reprimand.
在他任職的最後三年中,他已衰老了。由於他德高望重,他的同事認為值得為其隱瞞。這事現在已經人人皆知了。 It's public property now that during his last three years of office the man was senile, but his name carried so much weight his colleagues thought it worthwhile to cover up for him.
第一局蘇聯隊曾憑藉威風凜凜的主攻手羅蒙·亞考勤夫以21比20領先,在第二局中雙方又一度戰成22平,但這兩局最終皆被南斯拉隊拿下了。 The Russians, behind sensational hitter roman yakovlev, led 21-20 in the first game and were tied at 22 in the second, but Yugoshavia pulled away both times.
對一個德國出生的猶太人來說,這樣青雲直上,又有實權又有盛名,即使是在一個霍雷肖·阿爾傑比比皆是的國傢裏,也是無與倫比的。 For a German-born Jew,it was a unique rise to power and fame even in a country where Horatio Algers abound.
父親人皆有之。 Everyone has a father.
你來信說要長袖的背心,此係錯誤,中國話“背心”的含義,就是無袖的衣服,若有了袖,無論長袖、短袖,皆不得名為“背心”,但無論怎樣,媽已明白你的意思了。 You letter said that you would like a "long sleeved vest" which is an erroneous expression. In Chinese, the term bei xin (vest) already connotes that it's a sleeveless garment. If it has sleeves, it will no longer be called a vest, irrespective of whether the sleeves are long or short. But whatever, mother understands what you mean.
問題皆有兩面。 There are two sides to every question.
一着不慎,滿盤皆輸。 One false move may lose the game.
有個好習慣,事事皆不難。 Custom makes all things easy.
偶然發現一個皆大歡喜的解决方法 Alight on a happy solution.
出門看夥伴夥伴皆驚惶。 Then she comes out to see her former mate, Who stares at her in amazement great.
我應卡內基先生的請求,做這20年研究工作期間,分析過不下數百位士紳名援,他們多半承認,巨額的財富皆是藉助卡內基的秘訣纔得以纍聚,其中有: While I was performing the twenty year task of research, which I had undertaken at Mr. Carnegie's request, I analyzed hundreds of well known men, many of whom admitted that they had accumulated their vast fortunes through the aid of the Carnegie secret; among these men were: