  • appoint
  • clique
  • dispatch
  • faction
  • group
  • pie
  • school
  • style
  • school of thought, sect, branch
  • school of thought
  • send
  • dispatch
  • assign
  1.   (等)發生分裂或內訌   a house divided against itself
  2.   (對天主教而言的)基督教; (對路德而言的)基督教新教(喀爾文)   The Reformed Church
  3.   (政黨內)激進的一員; 不服管教的小孩[青年]   Young Turk
  4.   (正派的)好人   a nice guy
  5.   (美國東北部哈佛、哥倫比亞等八個名牌大學的)常春藤聯合會; 屬於該組織的名牌大學或其師生; 名牌大學頭   I-League
  6.   (英國教會的)廣教(不註意教義和儀式)   Broad Church
  7. adj.  Arius阿裏烏斯的, 阿裏烏斯的   arian
  8. n.  Carmel的托鉢僧, 卡默利特平紋薄呢, 卡邁爾教的男女修士   carmelite
  9. adj.  Carmel派的托鉢僧的   carmelite
  10. adj.  Jefferson派的   jeffersonian
  11. adj.  Mendel的, 孟德爾法則的, 孟德爾定律的, 孟德爾學的, 孟德爾式的, 孟德爾的, 孟德爾(遺傳)學的   mendelian
  12.   [-ries] 在人前炫耀自己是正人, 裝作理直氣壯   make broad one's phylactery
  13.   [俚]嬉皮士的一個流(尤指年輕的嬉皮士, 因配帶花朵以象徵和平與愛情, 故名)   flower people
  14.   [俚]嬉皮士的一個流(尤指年輕的嬉皮士, 因配帶花朵以象徵和平與愛情, 故名)   flower children
  15.   [軍]指派, 派遣   detail off
  16.   [口]均分, 分派[攤]   go snacks
  1. 我是蘇格蘭主教教會的成員,這教會多災多難,現已幾乎不存在了。
    I am a member of the suffering Episcopal Church of Scotland—the shadow of a shade now.
  2. 英國國教的,英國聖公會的,美國聖公會的英國聖公會或與其起源和教有關的教,如英國主教教會的,與其有關的或具有其起特徵的
    Of, having to do with, or characteristic of the Church of England or any of the churches related to it in origin and communion, such as the Protestant Episcopal Church.
  3. 從1890年到1963年任職的十二位總統所屬的教如下:兩位衛理公會教徒,兩位長老會教徒,兩位浸禮會教徒,一位唯一神教徒,一位荷蘭新教徒,一位公理會教徒,一位公誼會教徒,一位聖公會教徒,一位羅馬天主教徒。
    The twelve presidents who held office from 1890 to 1963 represented religious denominations as follows:two Methodists,two Presbyterians,two Baptists,one Unitarian,one Dutch Reformed,one Congregationalist,one Quaker,one Episcopalian,and one Roman Catholic.
  4. 從1890年到1963年任職的十二位總統所屬的教如下:兩位衛理公會教徒,兩位長老會教徒,兩位浸禮會教徒,一位唯一神教徒,一位荷蘭新教徒,一位公理會教徒,一位公誼會教徒,一位聖公會教徒,一位羅馬天主教徒。
    The twelve presidents who held office from 1890 to 1963 represented religious denominations as follows: two Methodists, two Presbyterians, two Baptists, one Unitarian, one Dutch Reformed, one Congregationalist, one Quaker, one Episcopalian, and one Roman Catholic.
  5. 剋斯,羅薩生於1913美國民權領導人,她因在美國阿拉巴馬州蒙哥馬利的公共汽車上拒絶讓座給一個白人,而引起了全市範圍汽車公司的聯合抵製,激起了全國的民權運動
    American civil rights leader. Her refusal to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama, resulted in a city-wide boycott of the bus company and stirred the civil rights movement across the nation.
  6. 比如說文藝界的宗主義吧,這也是原則問題,但是要去掉宗主義,也衹有把為工農,為八路軍、新四軍,到群衆中去的口號提出來,並加以切實的實行,才能達到目的,否則宗主義問題是斷然不能解决的。
    Take, for instance, the sectarianism in literary and art circles. This too is a question of principle, but sectarianism can only be eradicated by putting forward and faithfully applying the slogans, "For the workers and peasants!", "For the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies!" and "Go among the masses!" Otherwise the problem of sectarianism can never be solved.
  7. 歐蓍草一種地中海地區的外形較小的(紫菀科南歐利吞草)植物,含有一種曾用於減緩牙痛或面部神經痛的易揮發的油
    A small Mediterranean plant(Anacyclus pyrethrum) containing a volatile oil once used for the relief of toothache and facial neuralgia.
  8. 此外,礦務及石礦部又處理采礦和探礦申請,員巡視礦場、探礦區、石礦場、爆石工地、爆炸品儲存庫,以及使用煙火的舞臺表演及電視製作活動。
    It processes mining and prospecting applications and inspects mining and prospecting areas, stone quarries, blasting sites, explosives stores, and theatrical performances and film productions using pyrotechnics.
  9. 畢達哥拉斯古希臘哲學家和數學家,在意大利南部創立學,強調對音樂和諧及幾何的研究:他證明了畢達哥拉斯定理的廣泛有效,性並且被認為是世界是第一位真正的數學家
    Greek philosopher and mathematician who founded in southern Italy a school that emphasized the study of musical harmony and geometry. He proved the universal validity of the Pythagorean theorem and is considered the first true mathematician.
  10. 還有索拜學堂,半是神學院半是寺院,衹幸存下來令人贊賞不已的中堂,即聖馬太教那四邊形的美麗隱修院;
    the Sorbonne, half college, half monastery, of which so admirable a nave survives; the fine quadrilateral cloister of the Mathurins;
  11. 禮拜堂作為公衆聚會的建築物,尤指新教徒或教友進行宗教儀式的禮拜堂
    A building used for public meetings and especially for Protestant or Quaker religious services.
  12. 考芬,萊維1789-1877美國廢奴主義者,他的“在印度的貴格教徒鄉村”是“幫助黑人逃跑的地下渠道”的重要部分
    American abolitionist whose Quaker village in Indiana was a significant part of the Underground Railroad.
  13. 新教教;一般稱為公誼會。
    a Protestant sect; commonly called Quakers.
  14. 伯麥的神秘主義神學教條影響了教友
    the mystical theological doctrine of Jakob Boehme that influenced the Quakers.
  15. 教友信徒相信的一種可以開啓引導靈魂的神聖力量。
    a divine presence believed by Quakers to enlighten and guide the soul.
  16. 阿萊恩斯美國俄亥俄州東北部一城市,位於揚斯敦西南部,1805年教友教徒定居此地,人口23,376
    A city of northeast Ohio southwest of Youngstown. It was settled by Quakers in1805. Population,23, 376.
  17. 俄羅斯隊出他們的大明星斯韋特蘭娜·霍爾金娜打頭陣,她以39.005的最高分數壓倒了所有36位獲得星期四個人全能决賽資格的運動員。
    Russia's team effort was led by their superstar Svetlana Khorkina, who scored 39,005 points to lead 36 all-around qualifiers for Thursday's individual final.
  18. 行為科學主義心理學的一個流,着重研究行為中可以觀察到的、可以量化的方面,排除主觀現象,如感情或動機
    A school of psychology that confines itself to the study of observable and quantifiable aspects of behavior and excludes subjective phenomena, such as emotions or motives.
  19. 我已經安排好一個職員到飛機場接你。
    I have arranged that one of my staff will meet you at the airport.
  20. 此外,又審核製造、儲存、運輸和使用爆炸品的申請,員巡視石礦場、爆石工地和爆炸品儲存庫。
    It processes applications for the manufacture, storage, conveyance and use of explosives and inspects stone quarries, blasting sites and explosives stores.
  21. 宿營將部隊分到臨時營房中
    Assignment of troops to temporary quarters.
  22. 目前,廉署負責就地區內共同關註的事情出版季刊,發予各反貪機構。
    The ICAC now produces a quarterly newsletter on matters of mutual interest for anti-corruption agencies in the region.
  23. 兩年後,清朝平定伊斯蘭教白山首領大、小和卓(大和卓波羅泥都、小和卓霍集占)叛亂,鞏固了對西域各地的軍政統轄。
    Two years later, it quelled a rebellion launched by the Islamic Aktaglik Sect leaders Burhanidin and Hojajahan, thus consolidating its military and administrative jurisdiction over all parts of the Western Regions.
  24. 頽廢文藝尤指19世紀末期法國和英國的一個文學運動,以文雅的美學、技巧和追求新感覺為特徵
    A literary movement especially of late19th-century France and England characterized by refined aestheticism, artifice, and the quest for new sensations.
  25. 那些風、溜以及搞“地震”的人,那些錯誤嚴重而又態度很壞的人,那些有問題沒有查清的人,也不能讓他們進領導班子。
    Those who always sail with the wind, who continually slide away from their mistakes, or who cause serious disturbances; those who have made grave mistakes and have a bad attitude; and questionable persons whose cases have not been cleared up.
  26. 在兩個別之間實現和平;毫無意義;沒有達到定額
    Made peace between the two factions; not making sense; didn't make the quota.
  27. 設在華盛頓的改革教會彌迦會堂的拉比但以理.g.澤梅爾便是轉變立場的人之一。
    Rabbi Daniel G. Zemel of Temple Micah, a Reform congregation in Washington, was one of those who switched positions.
  28. 他的私人助理弗蘭剋·亨利去充當麥剋達德的副手,以便在他進入並熟悉這個新領域以前業務可以照常進行。
    He had sent his personal aide, Maj. Frank Henry, to serve as McDade's second-in-command and to “keep things going till McDade could get his feet wet.”
  29. 總統出他的高級助手去組織安排對立別之間的和平談判。
    The president has sent his top aide to master-mind peace negotiations between the opposing factions.
  30. 那臺新機器究竟什麽用場?
    What's that new machine in aid of?
  31. 我們不要毫無目的地去分援助物資。
    let's not purposelessly dispense the aid.
  32. 他滿面笑容,神采煥發,整個身子露出幸福的氣
    He was smiling, beaming, and his whole figure was radiant with happiness.