自從我們安裝了傳真機,與總部的溝通更快了。 Communicate with head office has been quicker since we installed the fax.
自從我們安裝了傳真機,與總部的溝通更快了。 Communicate with head office have is quicker since we install the fax.
本地各種族之間互相溝通,這是事實; The reality : bonds between different races here exist.
人工水道建設以輸送水源或利用其能量的人工溝渠;水道 An artificial channel built to transport water and use its energy; a raceway.
沿着屋頂或屋檐的一個溝;它能把水集起來並排走。 a channel along the eaves or on the roof; collects and carries away rainwater.
雨水沿著排水溝流入了路邊的陰溝格柵。 The rainwater run along the gutter into a grating at the side of the road.
舊街道的中央有一條溝渠來排放雨水。 There's a channel in the middle of the old street to help rainwater flow away.
碎磚放入溝內並夯實,作為混凝土的基礎。 Broken bricks were rammed down in the trench to make a base for the concrete.
橫墻城墻或壕溝的防禦性阻擋物,如用於抵擋敵人縱嚮射擊的用挖出的土構築的土堆 A defensive barrier across a rampart or trench, as a bank of earth thrown up to protect against enfilade fire.
如同那種地面的形狀所呈現出的一樣,為了要防護城墻,重重的壕溝環繞着一座城堡。 Just like a ground-plan for successive moats that in concentric circles bind their center and serve to protect the ramparts of the castle.
另一次的忽略是在英華學校求學時期,英華是英語源流學校,我在英華的歲月裏,似乎從未跟華文老師有溝通。 Then was English-stream schooling in ACS, during which Ifailed to establish rapport with our Chinese-language teacher.
另一次的忽略是在英華學校求學時期,我在英華的歲月裏,似乎從未跟華文老師有溝通。 Then was English-stream schooling in ACS, during which I failed to establish rapport with our Chinese-language teacher.
排水溝中普遍的褐色老鼠。 brown rat commonly found in sewers.
峽𠔌或排水溝,尤指在南亞 A ravine or gully, especially in southern Asia.
河流在山的半山腰衝出了一條溝壑。 The river washed a ravine into the mountainside.
衝溝,激流峽𠔌狹小深𠔌,尤指由激流衝刷而形成 A small ravine, especially one cut by a torrent.
有一道深溝在馬路左邊。 A deep ravine is on the left of the road.
斜壁幹𠔌;幹河𠔌深的峽𠔌或衝溝,有斜壁,通常在夏天幹涸 A deep gulch or ravine with sloping sides, often dry in summer.
第二十二條 在水力侵蝕地區,應當以天然溝壑及其兩側山坡地形成的小流域為單元,實行全面規劃,綜合治理,建立水土流失綜合防治體係。 Article 22 In a water-eroded region, by taking a small river basin comprising the natural ravines and flanking hill slopes as a unit, a comprehensive system for the prevention and control of soil erosion shall be set up on the basis of overall planning and comprehensive rehabilitation.
《愛情生活》的作者,珍妮特·賴伯斯坦說“色情”周末是繁忙的夫妻重新溝通的有益方式。 Janet Reibstein, the author of Love life, says that a steamy weekend is a he alty way for busy couples to reconnect.
大塊的造礁珊瑚,有盤旋的和溝回的表面。 massive reef-building coral having a convoluted and furrowed surface.
有趣的是,正當兩地人民接觸日益頻繁,彼此在精神和思想的溝通上,雖然仍覺親切,但少了往日的那股激情。 Yet it is of interest that, while the two peoples are increasingly close in contacts and still affectionate to each other, the passion of the past years is dying out between them.
對已形成品牌的標志性體育活動-春季環城跑、盧溝橋醒獅杯國際長跑日、萬人自行車環城賽、萬人武術活動、健身操大賽、少兒趣味運動會、三大球振興中華杯係列賽、中小學生足球千隊賽等,要在發展中創新,逐步擴展,成為具有較大國際影響和良好社會效益的體育活動。 The Spring Round-the-City Running, the Lion International Long-Distance Day at Lugou Bridge, the Round-the-City Cycling Race with 10,000 participants, the wushu (martial arts) exhibition with 10,000 participants, the aerobics contests, the children's interesting games, the "Rejuvenate China Cup" series of basketball, football and volleyball matches, and 1,000-team football tournament for primary and secondary school students, which have already become brand symbolic sports activities, will have new innovations and be gradually developed into sports activities with fairly large international influence and good social benefit.
由於日寇無底止的進攻,全國人民的堅决鬥爭,民族資産階級的傾嚮抗日,中國共産黨抗日民族統一戰綫政策的努力提倡、堅决實行和取得全國的贊助,使得“九一八”以來中國統治當局的對日不抵抗政策,在盧溝橋事變後開始轉變到實行抗戰的政策,使得一二九運動以來中國革命發展的形勢,由停止內戰準備抗戰的階段,過渡到了實行抗戰的階段。 The ceaseless Japanese attacks, the people's resolute struggle, the national bourgeoisie's tendency towards resistance, the Communist Party's vigorous advocacy and firm application of a national united front policy and the nation-wide support this policy has won -- all these have compelled the Chinese authorities to begin changing their policy of non-resistance, as pursued ever since the September 18th Incident of 1931, to a policy of resistance since the Lukouchiao Incident, and have caused the Chinese revolution to develop beyond the stage reached after the December 9th Movement, i.e. the stage of ending the civil war and preparing for resistance, into the stage of actual resistance.
互聯網急速普及,深刻地改變了人們生活、工作、貿易、思維以及彼此溝通的方式。 With the rapid spread of the Internet since the early '90s, and the relentless technological innovations generated through it, the information era is truly upon us, profoundly influencing and changing not only our lifestyle, but also the way we work, do business, think and communicate with others.
我們已經開始了與有關政府部門的溝通。 We have entered into communication with the relevant government department.
盧溝橋事變以後,蔣介石一派參加抗日了,汪精衛一派就代表了亡國論,並準備投降日本,後來果然投降了。 After the Lukouchiao Incident (July 7. 1937), the Chiang Kai-shek clique reluctantly took part in the War of Resistance, while the Wang Ching-wei clique became the representatives of the theory of national subjugation, was ready to capitulate to Japan and in fact subsequently did so.
面包必須足以對所有這些勞動者和其他勞動者付酬,所謂其他勞動者是指建造農場房屋的木匠和瓦匠、為保護農作物而修建圍籬和挖溝的工人、開採或冶煉製作犁及其他農具所用鋼鐵的礦工和冶煉工。 The bread must suffice to remunerate all these labourers, and several others; such as the carpenters and bricklayers who erected the farm-buildings; the hedgers and ditchers who made the fences necessary for the protection of the crop; the miners and smelters who extracted or prepared the iron of which the plough and other instruments were made.
與神溝通的行為(尤其是請願或者崇拜悔悟感恩)。 the act of communicating with a deity (especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving).
舉兩個例子來說:羅曼斯族是極少數的山區民族,他們的語言面臨消滅的危機,如何維持他們的母語,又使他們能與其他語族溝通,是一個問題。 For instance, the Romansh people are a small minority who reside in the mountainous areas. Their language is the threat of extinction. It is a problem as to how they can preserve their mother tongue and at the same time, communicate with the others.
舉兩個例子來說:羅曼斯族是極少數的山區民族,他們的語言面臨消滅的危機,如何維持他們的母語,又使他們能與其他語族溝通,是一個問題。 For instance, the Romansh people are a small minority who reside in the mountainous areas. Their language is faced with the threat of extinction. It is a problem as to how they can preserve their mother tongue and at the same time, communicate with the others.
為此,共産黨在盧溝橋事變之後,提出了抗日救國的十大綱領。 For this very reason, it put forward the Ten-Point Programme for Resisting Japan and Saving the Nation after the Lukouchiao Incident.