這些關廂村鎮有些還是很大的。首先是從小塔作為起點的聖維剋多鎮,那裏有一座在比埃弗爾河上的單拱橋,一座可以看到胖子路易墓志銘(épitaphiumludivicigrossi)的修道院,還有一座有着八角尖頂、尖頂旁有四個十一世紀小鐘樓的教堂(這樣的教堂現在在埃唐普還有一座,還沒有拆毀); Some of these faubourgs were important: there were,first, starting from la Tournelle, the Bourg Saint-Victor, with its one arch bridge over the Bi鑦re, its abbey where one could read the epitaph of Louis le Gros, ~epitaphium Ludovici Grossi~,and its church with an octagonal spire, flanked with four little bell towers of the eleventh century (a similar one can be seen at Etampes; it is not yet destroyed);
火警鈴的叮當聲驚動了全村的人。 The clang of the firebell alarmed the village.
"北部風景旅遊區",安排北京鄉村賽馬場等2個場館,便於賽後發展郊區旅遊業。 2 venues, including Beijing Country Equestrian Park, will be located in the North Scenic Spot Area, facilitating the development of suburban tourism.
我們的房子離村中兩傢酒館距離相等。 Our house is equidistant from the two pubs in the village.
若無全國討汪運動,從都市以至鄉村,從上級以至下級,動員黨、政、軍、民、報、學各界,悉起討汪,則汪黨不絶,汪禍長留,外引敵人,內施破壞,其為害有不堪設想者。 Unless there is a national campaign to denounce the Wang Ching-weis, a campaign in town and country and from top to bottom in which everyone is mobilized, including all political parties, government organs, armed forces, civilian bodies, the press and the educational institutions, the Wang Ching-wei gang will never be eradicated but will persist in its nefarious activities, doing incalculable damage by opening the door to the enemy from without and by subversion from within.
如救助貧睏母親的“幸福工程”、專門資助貧睏地區失學女童的“春蕾計劃”、援助西部缺水地區婦女的“母親水窖工程”等,為加快農村婦女脫睏發揮了積極作用。 Such activities as the Happiness Project to help impoverished mothers, the Spring Buds Program for supporting girl dropouts in poverty-stricken areas and the Cistern Project to aid women in the water-deficient areas of western China, have played an active role in helping rural women to erase poverty quickly.
埃及北部一村莊;它是埃及最古老的金字塔斯泰普金字塔的所在地。 a town in northern Egypt; site of the oldest Egyptian pyramids (the Step Pyramid).
多哈卡塔爾首都,臨波斯灣。在1949年生産石油以前係小村莊。城市人口190,000 The capital of Qatar, on the Persian Gulf. It was a tiny village before oil production began in1949. Population,190, 000.
他們步行去了那個村莊;步行或騎馬都可以捕捉到鵪鶉。 they went to the village afoot; quail are hunted either afoot or on horseback.
考芬,萊維1789-1877美國廢奴主義者,他的“在印度的貴格派教徒鄉村”是“幫助黑人逃跑的地下渠道”的重要部分 American abolitionist whose Quaker village in Indiana was a significant part of the Underground Railroad.
第三,儘管扶貧開發已使廣大農村貧睏地區的貧窮落後狀況明顯改變,但貧睏農戶的基本生産生活條件還沒有質的變化,貧睏地區社會、經濟、文化落後的狀況還沒有根本改觀。 Third, although the development-oriented poverty reduction drive has greatly changed the poverty and backwardness of the vast impoverished rural areas, there has been no qualitative change either in the basic production and living conditions of the poverty-stricken peasant households, or in the social, economic and cultural backwardness in those areas.
駐紮在當地村民傢中的部隊。 Troops quartered on the local villagers.
他安置他的軍隊駐紮在村中。 He quartered his troops in the villages.
部隊過去在農村,現在不少部隊進了城市,住了營房,這就是新的情況。 And many of our troops, instead of being in the rural areas as before, are now in cities and quartered in barracks.These are new conditions.
他們在村子裏找到了住處。 They found quarters in a village.
在一個偏僻的小山村發現了金子,很快一條好的公路和飛機場建造起來。 Cold was farad in an out of the way village in the mountains, and soon a good road and airfield were built.
2、農村婦女文化科技素質明顯提高,加快了科教興農和依靠科技脫貧致富的步伐 2. Rural women have upgraded their calibers in education, science and technology, hence quickening the step of thriving agriculture, shaking off poverty and becoming well off through science and technology.
加強基礎教育,鞏固擴大農村地區"兩基"成果,特別是加快貧睏地區和少數民族地區普及九年義務教育步伐。 We will strengthen basic education and consolidate and expand the achievements we have made in making nine-year compulsory education basically universal and eliminating illiteracy among young and middle-aged people in rural areas. We will pay particular attention to quickening the pace of making nine-year compulsory education universal in poverty-stricken areas and areas inhabited by ethnic minority groups.
請儘管使用我們的村捨,以酬謝藉給我們汽車之事。 Please accept the use of our cottage as a quid pro quo for lending us your car.
突擊隊與空降部隊在村莊附近會合起來。 The commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the village.
針對市場約束增強的新情況,去年加大了開拓國內市場特別是農村市場的力度。 Aiming at the new circumstances of increased market constrains, we intensified the efforts on tapping domestic market, especially the rural market last year.
三四兩月全區鬥爭最為緊張,農村退押、懲治違法地主和第一期土改,鎮壓反革命,抗美援朝三大運動進入高潮。 The struggle in southwest China was most acute in March and April. The return of security money and the punishment of law-breaking landlords in rural areas as well as the three great movements--embarking on the first phase of agrarian reform, suppressing counter-revolutionaries and resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea --reached a climax.
為加快解决在一定程度和特定地區仍然存在的貧睏問題,中國於2001年5月召開中央扶貧開發工作會議,對二十一世紀前十年中國的農村扶貧開發工作進行了全面部署。 In order to quicken the pace of solving the problem of poverty, which remains unsolved to a certain degree in certain areas, a meeting on this issue was held in May 2001 by the Central Government.An overall plan for aiding the poor in rural areas in the first ten years of the 21st century was worked out.
鄉鎮殘疾人服務社28427個,占鄉鎮總數的60%,初步形成了農村基層殘疾人扶貧服務體係,為殘疾人扶貧工作提供了重要的組織保障。 and 60 percent of the total townships had set up 28,427 township-level service centers. A grassroots poverty alleviation service system for the disabled has taken initial shape in the countryside, providing an important organizational guarantee for aiding the disabled.
謝遼日卡發瘋似的滿村子跑來跑去。 Seryozhka races about the village like one possessed.
世界各國的地理位置是永恆不變的,然而資訊科技的日進千裏,地球村的趨勢已經逐漸形成,儘管新澳兩國迢迢千裏相隔,最接近我們的柏斯,也須5小時的行程,一族黨的鬍作非為,對新加坡未必能産生不利的負面影響。 With the advance in information technology, the trend towards a global village is emerging. Some may think that since Singapore and Australia are far apart - a flight to Perth which is nearest to us takes five hours - racist acts by the One Nation party may not have any negative impact on us.
很明顯,9000年前,在紮格羅斯山脈山麓的人們已經成為了農藝師和畜牧師,而這又導致了勞動的分工與村莊文明的發展。 Apparently, nine thousand years ago, in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains man had already become both agriculturist and animal husbandry man which, in turn, soon led to the specialization of labor and development of village life.
現代農業正在破壞我們美麗的農村。 Modern agriculture is spoiling our beautiful countryside.
西藏實施“八七”扶貧攻堅計劃以來,由於政府采取了一係列有針對性的特殊扶貧開發和救助措施,使西藏農村牧區長期貧睏狀況發生根本性變化,貧睏人口由二十世紀九十年代初期的48萬人減少到目前的7萬多人。 Since the Seven-Year Priority Poverty Alleviation Program was started in Tibet, with clear aims in view the government has adopted a sequence of special measures for poverty-alleviation. As a result, the situation of long-standing poverty in the rural and pastoral areas of Tibet has changed radically, and the impoverished population has decreased from 480, 000 in the early 1990s to just over 70,000.
美國的經濟重心由農村轉到北方的工業中心。 The centre of the U.S. economy shifted from the agrarian areas to the industrial centres im the north.
在土地革命中,我們根據農村的階級狀況提出了正確的階級政策。 During the Agrarian Revolution we based our correct class policy on the conditions of classes in rural areas.
也有兩種革命深入:農村革命深入和文化革命深入。 The deepening of the revolution was of two kinds;both the agrarian and the cultural revolutions were deepened.