  • grasp
  • hold
  • speak
  • operate
  • drill
  • Exercise
  • act
  • do
  • take in hand
  • keep
  • manage
  • conduct
  • run
  • control
  • manage
  • exercise, speak, hold, drill, do, clutch
  1. n.  &a., 體育, 健身術, , , 體育   gymnastics
  2.   (上操時)報數   number off
  3.   (不需要使用任何器械的)健身   setting-up exercises
  4.   (某一政黨)在選舉中有把握穩勝券的選區或議席   safe seat
  5.   (每天起床後的)健 身(因最初為十二節, 故名)   daily dozen
  6.   (船)容易操縱   go with easy steerage
  7.   BSS操作維護應用部分   BSS Operation and Maintenance Application Part (BSSOMAP)
  8. n.  DOS命令:打開關閉在DOS作期間的寫文件校驗開關   verify
  9. n.  UNIX作係統, 一種多用戶的計算機作係統   unix
  10.   Z形操縱   zigzag maneuvering
  11.   [俚](飛機的)操縱桿   joy stick
  12.   [俚]任意擺布某人; 完全縱某人   take sb. by the short hairs
  13.   [俚]任意擺布某人; 完全縱某人   get sb. by the short hairs
  14.   [口][常用於否定句]為...而心, 為某事而憂慮   lose sleep about [over] sth.
  15.   [口]別管我, 別為我心   Don't mind me.
  16.   [口]老是大驚小怪的人; 在小事上瞎心的人   fuss pot
  1. 中國的經濟,一定要走“節制資本”和“平均地權”的路,决不能是“少數人所得而私”,决不能讓少數資本傢少數地主“縱國民生計”,决不能建立歐美式的資本主義社會,也决不能還是舊的半封建社會。
    China's economy must develop along the path of the "regulation of capital" and the "equalization of landownership", and must never be "privately owned by the few";we must never permit the few capitalists and landlords to "dominate the livelihood of the people";we must never establish a capitalist society of the European-American type or allow the old semi-feudal society to survive.
  2. 瑞典人在女子體、跳水和馬術中成績突出,而他們作為東道主的出色表現就更不用說了。
    The Swedes excelled in women gymnastics, diving, and the equestrian events-to say nothing of the job they did as a host.
  3. 用於體訓練的裝置。
    equipment used in gymnastic exercises.
  4. 早晨,我們還要同我們在得剋薩斯州休斯敦控製中心、亞拉巴馬州亨茨維爾作控製中心和莫斯科俄羅斯控製中心的陸地工作隊舉行會議,每個控製中心都要嚮我們提出有關我們工作的問題,或者給我們安排新任務。
    We also have a morning conference with our teams on the ground at Mission Control in Houston,Texas,the Operations Control Center,in Huntsville,Alabama and Russian Mission Control in Moscow.Each control center prepares questions for us about our work or sends us new tasks.
  5. 若想對比兩個對象的實際內容是否相同,又該如何作呢?
    What if you want to compare the actual contents of an object for equivalence?
  6. 程序的意圖是測試是否“相等”(==),而不是進行賦值作。
    The programmer was trying to test for equivalence (==) rather than do an assignment.
  7. 作入口站點無需理解兼容字符的相關替換或等價關係,但必須原封不動地保存發佈者發送來的數據。
    Operator Sites are not required to understand the nature of compatibility characters for substitutability or equivalence purposes, but must preserve the data as sent by a publisher.
  8. 一種邏輯作符,具有下述性質:若p是一個命題,q是一個命題,r是一個命題,當且僅當所有的命題為真或所有的命題為假時,p,q,r,…的等價纔為真。
    A logic operator having the property that if P is a statement, Q is a statement, R is a statement, then the equivalence of P,Q,R,…, is true if and only if all statements are true or all statements are false.
  9. 如果是重新安裝或對現有的winaip安裝進行升級,請確保先為現有的安裝目錄(特別是帶有.ini擴展名的文件)創建一個備份,因為如果在重新安裝或升級winaip中作不當,可能會抹去以前輸入winaip數據,包括數據庫文件、com端口的使用說明或其他選項。
    If you are reinstalling or updating an existing WinAIP installation, be sure to create a backup copy of your existing installation directory (especially files with.ini extensions) since improperly reinstalling or updating WinAIP may erase WinAIP data you have previously entered, including Database Files, Com Port usage, and other options.
  10. 對顯示器的某個區來說,說明防止顯示數據被作員刪除或更改。參閱protectedfield。
    Of an area of a display, prevented from having contained data erased or changed by an operator.
  11. 我獲得了工程師資格證書、會計師資格證書、計算機作證書和導遊證書。
    I have received an Engineer Qualification Certificate, an Accountant Qualification Certificate ,a Computer Operation Qualification Certificate and a Tourist Guide Qualification Certificate.
  12.  (四)特種作業人員經依法培訓合格,取得作資格證書;
    having specially skilled workers who have received training according to law and obtained the operation qualification certificates;
  13. 作入口站點(operatorsite)可以定義更多的搜索修飾符,但同時所有的作入口站點和兼容的實現必須完整支持在前面定義的這些修飾符及其行為。
    Operator Sites may define more search qualifier values than these – but all Operator Sites and fully compatible software must support these qualifiers and behaviors.
  14. 它將所有的”與”作置換成”或”作,就象orlikekeys那樣。
    This qualifier negates any AND treatment as well as the effect of orLikeKeys.
  15. 在cobol語言中的一個字或一個標點符號,它把數據名或程序段名和其限定詞建立聯繫,連接兩個或更多的串行作數,或構成一個條件表達式。
    In COBOL, a word or a punctuation character that associates a data name or paragraph name with its qualifier, links two or more operands in a series, or forms a conditional expression.
  16. 這些鍵總是按照由uddi作入口站點委員會的算法所約定的統一格式編碼的,衹有tmodel的鍵值是例外的,它的格式是帶有一個"uuid:"格式的urn修飾符前綴,之後纔是uuid的值。
    These keys are always formatted according to an algorithm that is agreed upon by the UDDI Operator Council with the one exception being tModelKey values, which are prefixed with a URN qualifier in the format "uuid:" followed by the UUID value.
  17. 分時係統中一種處理時間的單位,它可以分配給計算機中正在作的程序。具有較高優先權的程序可以比較低優先權的程序分配更多的量程(即時間量)。
    A unit of processing time in a time-sharing system that may be allocated for operating a program during its turn in the computer. More quanta may be allocated to higher priority programs than to lower priority programs.
  18. 流水綫作方法要快得多。
    The pipelined approach is much quicker.
  19. 駕駛操縱飛機;飛行
    To operate an aircraft; fly.
  20. 飛行操縱飛機
    The operation of aircraft.
  21. 下午6點過後場上一片靜寂。
    The playground was thrust into quietness after 6 in the afternoon.
  22. 圖形,製圖數據的圖形顯示和作,如用於計算機輔助設計和計算機輔助製造、排字、版畫作品、和教育及娛樂程序
    The pictorial representation and manipulation of data, as used in computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture, in typesetting and the graphic arts, and in educational and recreational programs.
  23. 作司令官為尋找輻射的電磁能量的來源而采取的直接控製下的電子戰。
    electronic warfare undertaken under direct control of an operational commander to locate sources of radiated electromagnetic energy for the purpose of immediate threat recognition.
  24. 廣播操
    setting-up exercises to radios music
  25. 從前由蒸汽縱的鐵路現在電氣化了。
    Some railroads once run by steam are now electrified.
  26. 請把那些人召集到場上去。
    Please rally the men on the playing field.
  27. 訓練那種用來提高和展示力量,平衡能力和靈敏性的體育訓練,特別是在一些專門器械上進行或使用這些器械的訓練
    Physical exercises designed to develop and display strength, balance, and agility, especially those performed on or with specialized apparatus.
  28. 雜技演員,運動員在體的平衡與靈活技巧方面十分嫻熟
    One who is skilled in feats of balance and agility in gymnastics.
  29. 像體運動員一樣健壯、敏捷;像鹿一樣敏捷;敏捷的手指;步履敏捷;那條老狗非常敏捷,在我們能夠止住它之前,它已經跑上了樓梯的一半。
    sleek and agile as a gymnast; as nimble as a deer; nimble fingers; quick of foot; the old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it.
  30. 對於大數女孩子來說,最早期的迷戀對象不是歌星或體明星,而是小馬類的小動物。
    Young love, that first fine careless rapture, comes for most girls not with a crush on a pop star or the gym mistress, but in a passion for ponies.
  31. 輕率的在思想或行動上之過急的或特點為衝動的;輕率的
    Acting with or marked by impulsiveness in thought or action; rash.
  32. 到香港特區政府采取措施對付國際資金對市場的控活動時,國際傳媒起初都不理解,但經政府詳細解釋,國際輿論也逐步轉過來了。
    At the beginning, the media throughout the world did not understand the rationale behind the actions taken by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region against the manipulation of the market by international capital. The detailed explanation given by the HKSAR Government has helped the world to have a better understanding of the situation gradually.