  • build
  • put up
  • take
  • join
  • build (scaffolding)
  • take (boat
  • train)
  • hang
  • match
  • take passage
  • join together, attach to
  • add to
  1. v.  &n.竊聽或偷錄, 竊聽情報, 竊聽裝置, 綫竊聽, 竊聽或偷錄   wiretap
  2.   (伸出翹起拇指的拳頭嚮司機示意)要求車; 乘便車   thumb a lift
  3.   (要求)搭乘順路的車   thumb it
  4.   [美]准許某人免費火車   chalk sb.'s hat
  5.   [美俚]動身, 出發; 離開, 離去; 便車旅行; 當流浪漢; 當旅行推銷員   hit the road
  6.   [美俚]無票乘車, 偷火車   beat one's way
  7.   vt.與…交搭 vi.重迭   overlap
  8.   三尖褲頭搭咀   three pointed extension
  9. n.  下一輪比賽我和鮑勃檔.   in the next round of the competition
  10. vt.  與...交, 疊蓋住, 部分相一致   overlap
  11. n.  與by accident是英語經常配的詞組.   Strong tea' and `by accident' are English collocations. strong tea
  12. adv.  與動詞配的特殊用法見有關動詞詞條. )   part (For special uses with many vs, see the v entries
  13. adv.  與動詞配的特殊用法見有關動詞詞條.)   part (For special uses with vs, see the v entries
  14.   兩紐搭扣束腰睡衣   pajamas with 2-button adjustable waistband
  15.   臨時棚賣藝(表演馬戲或雜技)   pitch a circus
  16.   臨時棚賣藝(表演馬戲或雜技)   put up a circus
  1. 僅用幾分鐘時間就可個帳蓬。
    It takes only a few minutes to erect a tent.
  2. 您可以乘華航班機到洛杉磯。
    You can fly China Airlines to Los Angeles.
  3. 到澳大利亞乘噴氣式客機最快。
    Jet airliner is the fastest way to fly to Australia.
  4. 乘客機到澳大利亞。
    She went to Australia by airliner.
  5. 您要哪一傢航空公司的飛機?
    What airline are you going to fly with?
  6. 帳篷,安營設置宿營地;紮營;定位
    To set up living quarters; encamp; settle.
  7. 他從箭袋裏抽出一支箭在弦上,但他剛看了她一眼,就不禁被她的美麗驚呆了。他意識到自己已經死心塌地愛上波西卡了。
    He drew an arrow from his quiver and fitted it to his bow,then he took one look at her but he was startled by her great beauty,and he found himself hopelessly in love with Psyche.
  8. 他沒穿著雨衣而是把它在胳膊上。
    He wasn't wearing his raincoat, he was carrying it over his arm.
  9. 免費搭車去集合
    Hitched a ride to the rally.
  10. 旅客下飛機後乘直達巴士。
    Passengers board the ramp bus takes you to the domestic airport terminal.
  11. 個人八達通持有人如經常乘輕鐵,可享有10%至28.2%不等的積分優惠。
    Personal Octopus holders who travel frequently on the LRT enjoy frequent-user bonuses ranging from 10 to 28.2 per cent.
  12. 生物衛星設計用於運送和載人、動物或其他生物的、人造可返回式衛星
    An artificial, recoverable satellite that is designed to carry and support humans, animals, or other living organisms.
  13. 二零零一年,房屋委員會和房屋協會共提供70527個單位,編配給各類別的申請人,其中49900個為新單位、19700個為翻新單位,另有927個為空置單位。這些單位有56%編配給公屋輪候册上的申請人、29%編配給受房屋委員會整體重建計劃影響的租戶、1%編配給受清拆計劃影響的家庭、2%編配給初級公務員。其餘獲編配單位的包括火災和天災災民、位處危險地點的寮屋及其他建物的住戶,以及由社會福利署推薦給予體恤安置的人士。
    In 2001, 70 527 flats were allocated by the HKHA and the HKHS to various categories of applicant. Of these flats, 49 900 were new, 19 700 refurbished and 927 being vacant flats: 56 per cent were allocated to Waiting List applicants, 29 per cent to tenants affected by the HKHA's Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme, 1 per cent to families affected by clearances, 2 per cent to junior civil servants, and the remainder to victims of fire and natural disasters, occupants of huts and other structures at dangerous locations, and compassionate cases recommended by the Social Welfare Department.
  14. 性一種語法分類,用於名詞、代詞或形容詞的分析,而且在某些語言中動詞可能是任意的或基於一些特點的,例如性別和行為方式,來决定其與修飾成分、有關配及語法形式的一致性或選擇性
    A grammatical category used in the analysis of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and, in some languages, verbs that may be arbitrary or based on characteristics such as sex or animacy and that determines agreement with or selection of modifiers, referents, or grammatical forms.
  15. “你算是一位興致很好的老先生了!”哲吉爾放慢步伐說“既然咱們伴同行……我就得為你放慢速度。”
    "You are a gay old gentleman!" said Jekyl, relaxing his pace; "and if we must be fellow-travellers…I must even shorten sail for you."
  16. 使用道路的乘客中,過半數乘專利巴士,其餘則由緑色專綫小巴、公共小型巴士、的士及非專利巴士運載。
    More than half of public transport journeys made by road were on franchised buses, and the remainder on green minibuses, public light buses, taxis and non-franchised buses.
  17. 其餘獲配單位的申請人包括初級公務員、火災及天災災民、坐落於危險地點的寮屋及其他建物的住客,以及經由社會福利署推薦給予體恤安置的人士。
    The remainder were allocated to junior civil servants, victims of fires and natural disasters, occupants of huts and other structures in dangerous locations, and compassionate cases recommended by the Social Welfare Department.
  18. 人們可以從港口乘仿造的北歐海盜式大船,還可以乘着習習涼風,劃着船返回碼頭,真是一項令人愉快的戶外鍛煉。
    From the port one can ride on a replica of a Viking longboat and even help row it back to the dock, a delightful workout in the cool breeze.
  19. 我們一邊開車,一邊觀賞風景。前面更遠處,我們經過了一個要求便車的旅行者
    We drove along, admiring the view. Farther along, we passed a hitchhiker.
  20. 若是母校爭氣,風生水起則門庭若市,不但在新生報名日擠滿了殷切的父母,平時也不乏熱心的傢長貢獻時間精神,名正言順攀親戚,其良苦用心令人搖頭嘆息。
    If one's old school turns out a prestigious institution, it will see large crowds of enthusiastic parents thronging into its gate on registration days. At other times, it will have no lack of volunteers contributing their time and energy to its various programmes, trying to build up the right connections. Their diligence is admirable - and lamentable.
  21. 他估計有足夠的時間爬到山頂,然後原路返回,乘最後一班纜車。
    He reckoned he would have enough time to get to the top then retrace his steps and be back in time to catch the last cable car of the day.
  22. 加布裏埃爾和他美貌的檔金傑將斯坦利誘入他們的秘密世界。誘餌便是那件他自己無法爭取到的東西--一個與女兒重聚並開始新生活的機會。
    Gabriel and his beautiful partner Ginger lure Stanley into their clandestine world,baiting him with the one thing he can't have a chance to reunite with Holly and start a new life.
  23. 在印刷技術中,一個鉛字由其身嚮外突出與相鄰的鉛字相接的部分。
    Overhangs he body and so overlaps onto an adjacent piece.
  24. 據美國《新科學家》雜志報道,這項發明的科研負責人麥剋·理查德森說:"三明治裏各種成分中的水分含量應該彼此合理配。
    "The water activity of the different sandwich components needs to complement each other," project officer Michelle Richardson told New Scientist magazine.
  25. 裝飾帶一塊裝飾花哨的布,在馬背上並從兩側可觸及地面
    A richly ornamented cloth draped over the back of a horse and touching the ground on both sides.
  26. 他在路邊嚮過路汽車要求免費乘。
    He thumbed a lift by the roadside.
  27. 我們要趕中國的順風車,除了要曉得去哪裏買車票之外,也應該知道這部車是從哪裏開來的,要開到什麽地方去。否則,我們就是既不聰明、精明,也不高明。
    Besides knowing how to “hitch a ride” from China, we need to be more knowledgeable than what we are now about the roaring economy - we need to know both where the juggernaut comes from and where it is heading.
  28. 阿斯泰爾,弗雷德1899-1987美國舞蹈傢和演員,以其優美的舞蹈風格和與檔金傑·羅傑斯的數部電影著名,包括大禮帽(1935年)
    American dancer and actor noted for his elegant style and his partnership with Ginger Rogers in several motion pictures, including Top Hat(1935).
  29. 他搭車經過。
    He rolled by in his car.
  30. 1980年裏根被提名為共和黨總統候選人。他選擇前德剋薩斯國會議員、聯合國大使喬治·布什作為他的競選檔。
    Ronald Reagan won the Republican Presidential nomination in 1980 and chose as his running mate former Texas Congressman and United Nations Ambassador George Bush.
  31. 有棚野餐區;石板瓦屋頂的房子;棕櫚葉建的頂棚。
    roofed picnic areas; a slate-roofed house; palmleaf-roofed huts.
  32. 遊泳池上頂蓬後,我們就可以整個鼕天都在那兒遊泳了。
    When the swimming pool is roofed over, we shall be able to swim all through the winter.