  • brandish
  • wigwag
  • direct
  • wipe away
  • squander
  • scatter
  • wield
  • Command
  • wave
  • wipe out
  1.   (充分)運用, 應用;   bring...into exercise
  2.   (美軍)少尉至上校軍銜的指官   commanding officer
  3. n.  =mariposalily, 鬥牛士在身後動披風的逗牛動作, 鬥牛士在身後動披風逗樂動作, n.鬥牛士在身後動披風的逗牛動作   mariposa
  4.   [俚](為了擺闊氣)大肆霍   splash one's money about
  5.   [俚]亂花錢, 胡亂揮霍   blue one's money
  6.   [口]隨意花錢, 大肆霍   splash out
  7.   [美]拳打, 對準...打過去   take one's full swing at (=take a swing at)
  8.   [美俚]在大城市娛樂場所大肆霍的人; 大投資傢; 土財主   butter-and-egg man
  9.   [諺]不能指自己就不能指別人。   He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself.
  10.   [諺]指有方, 人人樂從。   If you command wisely, you'll be obeyed cheerfully.
  11.   【軍】(連隊[指部]關於本單位兵力、活動、人事更動等的)日報表   morning report
  12.   一舉[揮, 掃]; 一下子   at one sweep
  13. n.  上擊, 屈臂拳嚮上一擊   uppercut
  14. v.  上擊, 麯臂拳嚮上直擊   uppercut
  15. n.  上升, 嚮上的趨勢, 嚮上擺動, 弱拍, 嚮上舞, (樂隊指的)弱拍, 弱拍, 興旺   upbeat
  16.   不在乎; [俚]拒絶; (無理地)開除; 躲避; 逃避;殺死;走開, 離去(He kissed off their objections with a wave of his hands. 他把手一毫不理睬人傢反對。)   kiss off
  1. 我終於放下了地圖,但是到阿拉斯加去的念頭卻之不去
    Eventually I put the map away, but the notion of go to alaska linger on.
  2. 炮兵射擊指作業器材
    artillery fire control operation equipment
  3. 如救助貧睏母親的“幸福工程”、專門資助貧睏地區失學女童的“春蕾計劃”、援助西部缺水地區婦女的“母親水窖工程”等,為加快農村婦女脫睏發了積極作用。
    Such activities as the Happiness Project to help impoverished mothers, the Spring Buds Program for supporting girl dropouts in poverty-stricken areas and the Cistern Project to aid women in the water-deficient areas of western China, have played an active role in helping rural women to erase poverty quickly.
  4. 歐蓍草一種地中海地區的外形較小的(紫菀科南歐派利吞草)植物,含有一種曾用於減緩牙痛或面部神經痛的易發的油
    A small Mediterranean plant(Anacyclus pyrethrum) containing a volatile oil once used for the relief of toothache and facial neuralgia.
  5. 高傲地一手就把我們打發了
    Dismissed us with an airy wave of the hand.
  6. 耐心是海岸警衛隊船長們的必要條件,指官們似乎都有極大的耐心。
    Patience is a very necessary qualification for coastguard skippers; the commanders appear to have patience of job.
  7. 一個指得差勁的四分衛足球員
    A quarterback who called a poor play.
  8. 我將就此要求嚮指官詢問。
    I shall have to query the request with head officer.
  9. 第五集團軍指所設在機場附近的鬆林裏,英王的座機可在此降落。
    The commanding post of the 5th Group Army was set in a pine forest nearby an airfield where his Majesty's plane was going to land.
  10. 作戰部為一場軍事行動、進入或退出戰場或指其他活動而設的總部或中心
    The headquarters or center from which a military action, flights into and out of an airfield, or other activities are controlled.
  11. 逐漸加速的在時間上逐漸加速或加快的。主要用於指
    Gradually accelerating or quickening in time. Used chiefly as a direction.
  12. 臭氧形成機理與控製途徑研究;消耗臭氧層物質哈竜替代技術研究;北京細粒子揚塵治理技術研究及應用;北京熱島效應控製技術研究及應用;城市道路交通污染控製對策研究;發性有機物排放與控製技術研究等。
    And we study the ozone formation mechanism and its control approach and Halon substitution technology of consuming the substance of the ozonosphere, and Beijing fine particle airborne dust control technology and its application, and Beijing hot island effect control technology and its application, the countermeasures of pollution control of urban road traffic, and the technology of controlling the discharge of volatile organic substance and others.
  13. 儘管他已是白發蒼蒼,老態竜鐘,卻仍保持着神童的激情與敏捷,他在指席上對音樂理解的深度是絶無爭議的,特別是近些年,他對音樂的演譯能力比以往更強了。
    Though he had become white-haired and craggy, he retained the passion and quickness of a wunderkind, and no one could dispute the depth of understanding he brought to the podium, particularly in recent years, when his interpretive powers were sharper than ever.
  14. 他雖然已經變得白發蒼蒼、瘦骨嶙峋,卻仍保持着一個神童的熱情和機靈,誰也不能懷疑他給指臺帶來的對樂麯理解的深度,尤其是近幾年他對樂麯的演釋能力比以往更強了。
    Though he had become white-haired and craggy, he retained the passion and the quickness of a underkind, and no one could dispute his depth of understanding he brought to the podium, particularly in recent years, when his interpretive powers were sharper than ever.
  15. 她的肌肉不能讓他哪怕在很短的距離以內以每小時一公裏的速度移動。它能做的最敏捷的動作就是它彎麯的胳膊。
    Its muscles are such that it is quits incapable of moving at a speed of over a kilometer an hour even over the shortest distances and the swiftest movement it can make is a sweep of its hooked arm.
  16. 這個富有闖勁的zs歲小夥子〔帶着嚴重的宿醉)臨時代替一位生病的指,獲得極大的成功,在《紐約時報》的頭版上和擊沉七艘日本艦艇的美國潛水艇占了同樣大小的篇幅。
    Filling in for an ailing maestro, the dashing 25-year-old (who had a fierce hangover) was such a smash he got as much front-page space on The New York Times as the American submarines that sank seven Japanese ships.
  17. 這個幹勁十足、患有嚴重宿醉毛病的25歲月小夥子因臨時代替生病的指大師隨即就一炮打響,在《紐約時報》上成了與美國潛艇擊沉七艘日本艦同樣重要的頭條新聞。
    Filling in for an ailing maestro, the dashing 25-year-old (who had a fierce hangover) was such a smash he got as much front-page space in New York Times as the American submarines that sank seven Japanese ships.
  18. 此劇盡情發了拉伯雷式的戲擬抒情,類似的風格在英國劇壇也是前所未聞的。
    In this play he indulged in Rabelaisian mock-lyricism, the like of which had hardly been heard on the English stage.
  19. 在製片人動他那藍色鉛筆刪改前,劇本有一些逃逗性。
    The script was a bit racy until the producer wielded his blue pencil.
  20. 雷達情報指揮係統
    radar information command system
  21. 當維也納愛樂樂團决定邀請他指2001年新年音樂會時,許多人都大為驚訝。這倒不是由於他不願在公衆場合露面的性格,而是由於這個最傳統的交響樂團一直對他的激進主義觀點抱有疑慮。
    Many expressed surprise when the Vienna Philharmonic decided to invite him less because of his media? shy personality,more because this arch traditional orchestra has always been suspicious of his radicalism.
  22. 合唱隊演唱得很不和諧(歌唱者不聽從指)。
    The choir gave a ragged performance, ie The singers were not following the conductor.
  23. 合唱隊演唱得很不和諧,歌手與指不夠配合。
    The choir gives a ragged performance, ie the singer is not following the conductor.
  24. 臨死之前,他握緊拳頭嚮窗外的狂風暴雨舞着,這種姿勢正是他反抗的一生的象徵。
    Just before he died, he shook his clenched fist at the storm raging outside, in a gesture that symbolized his life of protest.
  25. 在設計和裝飾愛巢這方面,雪球是個苛求的領導,而陽光則滿臉興奮地按雪球的指竭盡全力地把東西放好。
    Snowball was a very exacting supervisor in designing and decorating their nest just so, while Sunshine, his face aglow with love, bent over backward to put everything just where she ordered.
  26. 激動不安地(的)以焦慮不安的激動的風格演奏地(的),主要用於指
    In a restless, agitated style. Used chiefly as a direction.
  27. 官能夠重整其潰散的部隊。
    The commander was able to rally the fleeing troops.
  28. 調整後,全軍軍以上機關共減少1500餘個機關部門,軍隊領導指體製進一步趨嚮精幹、靈敏、高效。
    Following this, the total number of organs at and above the corps level was reduced by over 1,500, making the command structure leaner, more agile and efficient.
  29. 亂花(錢),揮霍
    To spend(money) freely and rashly.
  30. 約翰被認為是出色的指官。
    John is rated as an excelent commander.
  31. 理順分配關係,事關廣大群衆的切身利益和積極性的發
    Rationalizing the relations of income distribution bears on the immediate interests of the general public and the display of their initiative.
  32. 區內的經濟增長,是區內人民克勤克儉、努力掌握各種技能、創意,並且堅定不移地嚮前邁進的成果。
    It has been built on the hard work, the thrift, the skills and ingenuity, and the determination of the people in the region to develop and to reap the benefits of economic growth.