  • Mouth
  • nib
  • puss
  • rostra
  • spigot
  • spile
  • bazoo
  • neb
  • gob
  • kisser
  • opening through which animals take in food
  • space behind this containing the teeth, tongue, etc
  • mouth, lips
  • rostrum
  1.   (修理無綫電用的)鉗子, 扁鉗   radio pincher
  2.   (吊在馬嘴下的)飼料袋   nose [feed] bag
  3.   (因不平, 生氣等而)撅   make (up) a lip
  4.   (多嘴的)老太婆   old wife
  5.   (把食指竪在唇上)暗示(對方)不要講話   put a finger to one's lips
  6.   (把食指竪在唇上)暗示(對方)不要講話   put one's finger to one's lips
  7.   (灌腸機上的)套腸衣裝置, 灌腸   casing applier
  8.   (話)一齊涌到嘴邊   rush to one's lips
  9.   (饞得)舐唇; 垂涎三尺   lick[smack] one's lip
  10. v.  )指傻頭傻腦地張著看某人或某物   means to look at someone or something in a foolish way with the mouth open *gawp (at
  11. prep.  .. 我正要說的時候, 你插...   As I was about to say when you interrupted me
  12.   =nothing to the point)不得要領的, 牛頭不對馬的   nihil ad rem [Ad5rem] (
  13.   EMB312巨嘴鳥   EMB 312 Tucano
  14.   [俚]閉口, 住嘴   shut one's yap
  15.   [口]住嘴!別絮叨了。   Stop your gab!
  16.   [口], 頂; 為自己辯護   answer back
  1. 阿蘭雙手捧起愛麗絲的臉,在她的唇上親吻起來。
    Alan took Alice’s face in his hands and kissed her on the lips.
  2. 灰額主紅雀一種大型,有冠的雀科鳴鳥(灰額主紅雀紅交鳥屬)産於墨西哥以及美國西南部,長有灰色和紅色的羽毛以及短而粗的喙
    A large, crested finch(Pyrrhuloxia sinuata) of Mexico and the southwest United States, having gray and red plumage and a short, thick bill.
  3. 這種動物的頭部末端以奇特的鴨形狀結束,因此也得了一個俗名——比爾·貝蒂;出現了一個奇異、可怕的景象——沃爾特·斯科特爵士;奇特的幽默感。
    the head terminating in the quaint duck bill which gives the animal its vernacular name- Bill Beatty; came forth a quaint and fearful sight- Sir Walter Scott; a quaint sense of humor.
  4. 他們突然吵起嘴來。
    They plunged into a quarrel.
  5. 吵架大聲地或憤怒地吵架;
    To quarrel noisily or angrily; bicker.
  6. 這個男孩愛吵,動不動就打架。
    The boy is quarrelsome and ready to fight at the drop of a hat.
  7. 我們不要再在這些小事上鬥了。
    Let's not quibble over pennies.
  8. 當你和你的親近的少吵時候,試着就事論事,不要扯出那些陳芝麻、爛𠔌子的事;
    When you quarrel with a close friend, talk about the main dish, don’t quibble over the appetizers;
  9. 他的角嚮上翹了一下說他也沒辦法。
    Quirking up the corners of his mouth, he said that he had m way, either.
  10. 他樂得翹起了嘴角。
    He quirked up the corners of his mouth with amusement.
  11. 我感覺自己的下唇因為想忍住我右眼角內的淚水而顫抖——它總是頭一個掉眼淚。
    I felt my lower lip quiver from the effort of trying to hold back the tears I felt threatening the inside corner of my right eye -- it was always the one that wanted to cry first.
  12. 那位妻子拉着丈夫的手立刻鬆開了,她的頭垂下來,那男人的唇開始顫抖,他靠近售票口又問了一遍,“您剛纔說多少錢?”
    The man's wife let go of his hand, her head dropped, the man's lip began to quiver. The father leaned a little closer and asked, " How much did you say?"
  13. 她說完了這句,唇還在顫動。
    her lips were still quivering after she had spoken.
  14. 那人顯然知道這是怎麽回事,他沒有乞求施捨,但是卻很感激有人在他絶望、心碎、尷尬的時候給予的幫助,他直視我父親的眼睛,雙手握住父親的手,那20美元鈔票緊緊地握在當中。他的唇顫抖,一顆淚珠滑落他的臉頰。他回答說:“謝謝,謝謝您,先生。
    The man knew what was going on. He wasn't begging for a handout but certainly appreciated the help in a desperate, heartbreaking, embarrassing situation. He looked straight into my dad's eyes, took my dad's hand in both of his, squeezed tightly onto the $ 20 bill, and with his lip quivering and a tear streaming down his cheek, he replied, “ Thank you, thank you, sir.
  15. 患有狂犬病的動物滿是泡沫的巴。
    the rabid animal's frothing mouth.
  16. 張開,說“啊”。
    Open your mouth and say " ah ".
  17. 張開,說“啊”。
    Open your mouth and say "ah".
  18. 張開,說“啊”。
    Open your mouth and say"Ah".
  19. 舌突起,齒擔一種生理構造,位於大多數軟體動物的底部,在這之上齒舌來回收縮以擊碎食物
    A structure at the base of the mouth of most mollusks over which the radula is drawn back and forth in breaking up food.
  20. 怪形生物狀的滴水外形為一種奇形怪狀或有趣的動物的屋頂上的排水,從水槽中升出,裝從墻上流下來的雨水
    A roof spout in the form of a grotesque or fantastic creature projecting from a gutter to carry rainwater clear of the wall.
  21. 古代戰艦船頭上突出的金屬或包有金屬的鐵撞角
    A metal or metal-clad ram projecting from the bow of an ancient warship.
  22. 如果他和他的父親頂就要挨罰。
    If he talks back to his father he'll get his knuckles rapped.
  23. 原始的似鰻的淡水或淡水中産卵的圓口綱脊椎動物,它們有長有吮吸內有銼舌。
    primitive eellike freshwater or anadromous cyclostome having round sucking mouth with a rasping tongue.
  24. 七鰓鰻,八目鰻一種七鰓鰻科的原始細長淡水或溯河産卵魚,特點是長有無頜的吮吸內有銼牙
    Any of various primitive elongated freshwater or anadromous fishes of the family Petromyzontidae, characteristically having a jawless sucking mouth with rasping teeth.
  25. 盲鰻一種盲鰻科的原始的鰻形海洋魚種。有一個無頜的吸裏有銼齒,盲鰻用這種牙齒能刺入其它魚類的身體並以它們為食
    Any of various primitive, eel-shaped marine fishes of the family Myxinidae, having a jawless sucking mouth equipped with rasping teeth with which they bore into and feed on other fishes.
  26. 一種平胸鳥目;小眼睛長且翅膀已退化的不會飛的鳥類幾維。
    a ratite bird order: flightless ground birds having vestigial wings and long bills and small eyes: kiwis.
  27. 鴉任一種鴉屬的大型的、亮黑色鳥類,能發出嘶啞的特有叫聲,尤指生活於北美洲的短
    Any of several large, glossy, black birds of the genus Corvus, having a characteristic raucous call, especially C. brachyrhynchos of North America.
  28. 烏鴉;大烏鴉;禿鼻烏鴉;寒鴉;紅山鴉;鵲;鬆鴉。
    crow; raven; rook; jackdaw; chough; magpie; jay.
  29. 個個伸長脖子,張開巴,所有的目光都射嚮大理石臺子。
    Then deep silence, every neck outstretched, every mouth agape, every eye fixed on the marble table.
  30. 瞠目結舌的觀衆;我們站在那兒因驚愕而目瞪口呆;大張着。
    the gaping audience; we stood there agape with wonder; with mouth agape.
  31. 剩下他獨自一個張大着發呆。
    He was left alone and agape.
  32. 他張着大嘴註視着。
    He watched with mouth agape.