想當初,羅貝爾·塞納利曾把巴黎聖母院比做埃費索斯的著名的狄安娜神廟——被古代異教徒奉若神明並使埃羅斯特拉圖斯名字永留於世——,認為聖母院這座高盧人大教堂“在長度、寬度、高度和結構上都遠勝一籌”。 How far it is from the epoch when Robert Cenalis, comparing Notre-Dame de Paris to the famous temple of Diana at Ephesus, *so much lauded by the ancient pagans*, which Erostatus *has* immortalized, found the Gallic temple "more excellent in length, breadth, height, and structure."
名祖指姓名被或被認為用來命名某物,如城市、地區等,例如,羅穆盧斯是羅馬的名祖 A person whose name is or is thought to be the source of the name of something, such as a city, country, or era. For example, Romulus is the eponym of Rome.
伯明翰美國亞拉巴馬州中北部一城市,位於塔斯卡盧薩東北。該州最大城市,位於礦業和工業區。人口265,968 A city of north-central Alabama northeast of Tuscaloosa. The largest city in the state, it is in a mining and industrial region. Population,265, 968.
盧爾德法國西南部比利牛斯山腳下的一個城鎮,以羅馬天主教的聖地而聞名。這個聖地傳統是1858年聖母瑪利亞出現在聖伯納前的地方。人口17,425 A town of southwest France at the foot of the Pyrenees. It is noted for its Roman Catholic shrine marking the site where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Bernadette in1858. Population,17, 425.
阿基塔尼亞高盧西南的羅馬分界綫,從比利牛斯山延伸到加隆河,並大致與阿基坦的歷史地域範圍同等。其伊比利亞人於公元前56年被朱利亞斯·凱撒徵服。該地區於公元507年劃歸法國 A Roman division of southwest Gaul extending from the Pyrenees to the Garonne River and roughly coextensive with the historical region of Aquitaine. Its Iberian peoples were conquered by Julius Caesar in56 b.c. The region passed to the Franks in a.d.507.
曼麗的幾位妹妹,本在房間那頭和盧傢小姐們在一起,正在跟兩三個軍官跳舞跳得起勁,曼麗奏完了一支很長的協奏麯之後,她們便要求她再奏幾支蘇格蘭和愛爾蘭小調,她也高高興興地照辦了,為的是要博得別人的誇奬和感激。 and Mary, at the end of a long concerto, was glad to purchase praise and gratitude by Scotch and Irish airs, at the request of her younger sisters, who, with some of the Lucases and two or three officers, joined eagerly in dancing at one end of the room.
“我們獲得了資格,創造了歷史,我為中國人民感到無比高興,”米盧說。 " I am so happy for the people of China that we have made history by qualifying," Milutinovic says.
這個顯要的身份使他覺得太榮幸,從此他就討厭做生意,討厭住在一個小鎮上,於是歇了生意,告別小鎮,帶着傢屬遷到那離開麥裏屯大約一英裏路的一幢房子裏去住,從那時候起就把那地方叫做盧傢莊。他可以在這兒自得其樂,以顯要自居,而且,既然擺脫了生意的糾纏,他大可以一心一意地從事社交活動。 The distinction had perhaps been felt too strongly. It had given him a disgust to his business and to his residence in a small market town; and quitting them both, he had removed with his family to a house about a mile from Meryton, denominated from that period Lucas Lodge, where he could think with pleasure of his own importance, and, unshackled by business, occupy himself solely in being civil to all the world.
戈達爾,簡·盧西生於1930法國電影製作人,因他的創新的電影和敘述技術而著名。他的電影如窒息(1959年)和自私(1980年),記錄了他的激進政治觀點的演變 French filmmaker known for his innovative cinematic and narrative technique. His films, such as Breathless(1959) and Every Man for Himself(1980), chronicle the evolution of his political radicalism.
因此,我的任務就是將鐳作為一種新的化學元素特別地介紹給你們,而不去描述許多其他的放射現象,這些現象在亨利·貝剋勒爾、皮埃爾·居裏和盧瑟福的諾貝爾演講中已經有所描述。 It is therefore my task to present to you radium in particular as a new chemical element, and to leave aside the description of the many radioactive phenomena which have already been described in the Nobel Lectures of H.Becquerel, P.Curie and E.Rutherford.
拍攝完《星球大戰》後,福特得到了另一個令他成名的角色,這次是史蒂文·斯皮爾伯格和喬治·盧卡斯共同導演的印第安納·瓊斯係列影片的第一部:《奪寶奇兵》。 After his work in Star Wars, Ford performed in another star-turning role, this time for directors Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, in the first installment of the Indiana Jones series, Raiders of the Lost Ark.
在右岸重重疊疊的屋頂中,獨自展現在我們眼前的還有第四塊區域,位於城墻西角和塞納河下遊的河岸之間,那是擁擠在盧浮宮腳下一個由宮殿和府邸組成的新紐帶。 Finally, the fourth compartment, which stretched itself out in the agglomeration of the roofs on the right bank, and which occupied the western angle of the enclosure, and the banks of the river down stream, was a fresh cluster of palaces and Hptels pressed close about the base of the Louvre.
他模仿盧本斯的畫風。 He paints after Rubens.
依地語和盧森堡語是德語的分支。南非荷南語源於荷蘭語。 Yiddish and Luxem-bourgian are offshoots of German, and Afrikaans is based on Dutch.
死刑的問題是很有爭議的;盧思黛的有爭議的書;在贊助行動上有爭議的决定。 the issue of the death penalty is highly controversial; Rushdie's controversial book; a controversial decision on affirmative action.
盧考特角美國北卡羅萊那州東海岸附近一塊多沙暗礁上的一個岬,位於哈特勒斯角西南。1859年在那裏建了一座燈塔 A point on a sandy reef off eastern North Carolina southwest of Cape Hatteras. A lighthouse was built here in1859.
由海路挂號托運到裏約熱內盧的行李 Sea baggage registered to Rio
對已形成品牌的標志性體育活動-春季環城跑、盧溝橋醒獅杯國際長跑日、萬人自行車環城賽、萬人武術活動、健身操大賽、少兒趣味運動會、三大球振興中華杯係列賽、中小學生足球千隊賽等,要在發展中創新,逐步擴展,成為具有較大國際影響和良好社會效益的體育活動。 The Spring Round-the-City Running, the Lion International Long-Distance Day at Lugou Bridge, the Round-the-City Cycling Race with 10,000 participants, the wushu (martial arts) exhibition with 10,000 participants, the aerobics contests, the children's interesting games, the "Rejuvenate China Cup" series of basketball, football and volleyball matches, and 1,000-team football tournament for primary and secondary school students, which have already become brand symbolic sports activities, will have new innovations and be gradually developed into sports activities with fairly large international influence and good social benefit.
盧森堡和都柏林的吸引力在於它們有一套完整的管製係統,允許投資基金與它們的金融監管機構註册。 What both Luxembourg and Dublin offer, and thus the central issue for their appeal, is a well-developed set of regulations to enable the registration of investment funds with their financial regulator.
但是,投資者不能完全沒有戒心。盧森堡和都柏林雖有很好的監管體係,但也有許多其他岸外基金中心吸引了些圖謀不軌的公司,那就出現了危險。 But care does need to be taken, as while Luxembourg and Dublin have well-defined regulation and pro-active regulators, many other offshore havens, where funds can be established, attract the unscrupulous, and thus dangers exist.
但是,投資者不能完全沒有戒心。盧森堡和都柏林雖有很好的監管體係,但也有許多其他岸外基金中心吸引了些圖謀不軌的公司,讓不設防的投資者掉入陷阱。 But care does need to be taken, as while Luxembourg and Dublin have well-defined regulation and pro-active regulators, many other of the offshore havens, where funds can be established, attract the unscrupulous, and thus dangers exist.
內爾維,皮爾·盧伊戈1891-1979意大利建築師和鋼筋混凝土裝飾用途方面的開拓者 Italian architect and pioneer in the decorative use of reinforced concrete.
由於日寇無底止的進攻,全國人民的堅决鬥爭,民族資産階級的傾嚮抗日,中國共産黨抗日民族統一戰綫政策的努力提倡、堅决實行和取得全國的贊助,使得“九一八”以來中國統治當局的對日不抵抗政策,在盧溝橋事變後開始轉變到實行抗戰的政策,使得一二九運動以來中國革命發展的形勢,由停止內戰準備抗戰的階段,過渡到了實行抗戰的階段。 The ceaseless Japanese attacks, the people's resolute struggle, the national bourgeoisie's tendency towards resistance, the Communist Party's vigorous advocacy and firm application of a national united front policy and the nation-wide support this policy has won -- all these have compelled the Chinese authorities to begin changing their policy of non-resistance, as pursued ever since the September 18th Incident of 1931, to a policy of resistance since the Lukouchiao Incident, and have caused the Chinese revolution to develop beyond the stage reached after the December 9th Movement, i.e. the stage of ending the civil war and preparing for resistance, into the stage of actual resistance.
安達盧西亞的或與之相關的。 in or relating to Andalusia.
“這種面試使人更放鬆,不必那麽害怕會受到批評。”盧伊德剋回憶道。 " The interview was more relaxing, and you don't feel as much under fire,"recalls Luedke.
納什在繳納了25,000盧比的保釋金後,被釋放。 Nash was released on bail of 25,000 rupees.
盧溝橋事變以後,蔣介石一派參加抗日了,汪精衛一派就代表了亡國論,並準備投降日本,後來果然投降了。 After the Lukouchiao Incident (July 7. 1937), the Chiang Kai-shek clique reluctantly took part in the War of Resistance, while the Wang Ching-wei clique became the representatives of the theory of national subjugation, was ready to capitulate to Japan and in fact subsequently did so.
奢侈的宴會;享受帶有水晶吊燈和東方厚毯的奢侈套房;盧庫勒斯在驕奢淫逸、富麗堂皇中度過了他剩下的時日;奢侈、浪費的慄鼠皮長袍。 an epicurean banquet; enjoyed a luxurious suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs; Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence; a chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness.
盧盧顯眼的人、物或思想 A remarkable person, object, or idea.
還有盧昂主教堂,如果其中央尖塔的頂端不沉浸在文藝復興帶的話,那會是完完全全峨特式的。 There is the cathedral of Rouen, which would be entirely Gothic if it did not bathe the tip of its central spire in the zone of the Renaissance.
當盧布於1998年8月暴跌後,我註意到學生對教育又産生了興趣。 After the rouble crashed in August l998 I noticed a renewed interest in education among the students.
盧塞特樹脂一種透明熱塑料丙烯酸樹脂的一個商標,這種樹脂用於油漆、搪瓷、雷管中 A trademark used for a transparent thermoplastic acrylic resin employed in paints, enamels, and primers.