傑裏說他在上次戰爭中是一名皇傢空軍的戰鬥機駕駛員,而且還立下了卓著功勳其實是天大的謊言——當時他是步兵部隊中的一個炊事員。 It runs out that Jerry's stories of his exploits as a fighter pilot in the RAF during the last war are a whopping great lie—he was really a cook in the infantry.
彭瑪斯頓勳爵嚴厲譴責義律漠視他的訓令,召回義律,另派砵甸乍爵士接任。 'You have treated my instructions as if they were waste paper,'Palmerston told Elliot in a magisterial rebuke, and replaced him.
一個團的製服和勳章。 the uniform and insignia of a regiment.
美國空軍授予的勳章,奬給空戰中值得稱贊的功績。 a US Airforce decoration for meritorious achievement while participating in an aerial flight.
美國軍隊奬給(除飛行任務以外的)值得表彰的服務的勳章。 a US military decoration awarded for meritorious service (except in aerial flight).
美國空軍授予的勳章,奬給飛行空戰中的英雄行為。 a US Airforce decoration for heroism while participating in an aerial flight.
1979年11月,在國際奧委會主席基拉寧勳爵的幫助下,中國在國際奧林匹剋運動的地位得到恢復。 In November 1979, China's status in International Olympic Committee was reinstated with the help of IOC president Lord Killanin.
放射性元素的自發性蛻變被發現後,路德福特勳爵首先在人工蛻變研究方面取得了成就。 After the discovery of the spontaneous transmutations of radio-elements, the achievement of the first artificial transmutations is due to Lord Rutherford.
在我們頭上揮舞着我們的血染的武器——莎士比亞;紅色勇氣勳章;牙齒和爪子的血腥規則——p·b·西爾西。 waving our red weapons o'er our heads- Shakespeare; The Red Badge of Courage; the red rules of tooth and claw- P.B.Sears.
由阿諾德·勳伯格引進的一種序列音樂;使用半音音階中的十二個半音形成的音調序列(以及這一序列的反嚮版本)。 a type of serial music introduced by Arnold Schoenberg; uses a tone row formed by the twelve semitones of the chromatic scale (and inverted or backward versions of the row).
指揮官推薦威廉斯中士獲勇敢勳章 The commanding officer put Sergeant William in for a medal for bravery.
其時,英國的維新黨政府下臺,新上任的保守黨外務大臣阿巴甸勳爵於一八四一年修改給予砵甸乍爵士的訓令,撤回割地的要求。 In the meantime, the Whig Government in England had fallen and, in 1841, the new Tory Foreign Secretary, Lord Aberdeen, issued revised instructions to Pottinger, dropping the demand for an island.
排在第三位的仍然是保羅·艾倫--微軟公司的另一位開國元勳,但他的資産從282億下降到210億。 Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen also maintained his ranking -third - but saw his net worth fall to $21 billion from $28.2 billion.
鬍安·安東尼奧·薩馬蘭奇自從接任基拉寧勳爵(lordkillanin)的國際奧委會主席職位後首次主持奧運動會,他把金牌頒給許海峰,並說這是“中國5000年歷史中的大喜日子”。 Juan Antonio Samaranch, presiding over his first Olympic Games after succeeding Lord killanin, presented the gold medal to Xu, saying it was "a big day in china's 5,000 year history".
他潤飾亨利六世朝代的陳跡,依次描寫塔爾博的功勳,“妖婦”貞德的驚人事業和內戰給英國造成的災難。 He re touched scenes from the reign of Henry VI which showed in turn, the exploits of Talbot, the astonishing career of Joan of Arc, the witch, and the English disasters caused by the civil war.
第八十條中華人民共和國主席根據全國人民代表大會的决定和全國人民代表大會常務委員會的决定,公佈法律,任免國務院總理、副總理、國務委員、各部部長、各委員會主任、審計長、秘書長,授予國傢的勳章和榮譽稱號,發佈特赦令,發佈戒嚴令,宣佈戰爭狀態,發佈動員令。 Article 80. The President of the People's Republic of China, in pursuance of decisions of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee, promulgates statutes; appoints and removes the Premier, Vice-Premiers, State Councillors, Ministers in charge of Ministries or Commissions, and the Auditor- General and the Secretary-General of the State Council; confers state medals and titles of honour; issues orders of special pardons; proclaims martial law; proclaims a state of war; and issues mobilization orders.
徽章嘉德勳位的徽章 The badge of the Order of the Garter.
勳章,奬章一種榮譽的象徵,如奬章 An emblem of honor, such as a medal or badge.
勳章作為裝飾物或表示成員資格標志而佩戴的小飾針或徵章 A small pin or brooch worn as an ornament or a badge of membership.
綬帶常以對角綫方向佩帶在胸前做為一種榮譽勳章或裝飾的一種緞帶 A ribbon usually worn diagonally across the breast as a badge of honor or a decoration.
方旗爵士一種封建騎士爵位,其勳位在最低級爵士和男爵之間,有權率領隨從在自己的方旗下上陣作戰 A feudal knight ranking between a knight bachelor and a baron, who was entitled to lead men into battle under his own standard.
如果瓊斯勳爵定下來合併出價,那就任何方式方法均可采用了。 When Lord Jones makes a take-over bid there are no holds barred.
我們營中有兩人獲得維多利亞英勇勳章。 There were two V. C. 's in our battalion.
其後10年中她很快學會了法語,在一係列的修道院中生活過,她的兩位保護人和同齡人--埃凱夫人和蘇格蘭律師詹姆斯·伯內特(後來的蒙博多勳爵)--還為她寫了傳記。 She learned French rapidly over the next 10 years, lived in a series of convents, and her biography was written by two patrons and contemporaries: Madame Hequet and the Scottish lawyer James Burnett, later Lord Monboddo.
這名戰士因作戰勇敢而獲得了勳章。 The soldier earned a medal for bravery.
指揮官推薦威廉斯中士獲勇敢勳章. The commanding officer put Sergeant Williams in for a medal for bravery.
因為英勇而被授勳 Was decorated for bravery.
因表現英勇而獲得勳章 Win a distinction for bravery
女王因探險傢們的勇敢而授與他們勳章。 The Queen decorated the explorers for bravery.
戰鬥英雄獲得許多勇敢勳章。 The war hero received many medals for bravery.
與此同時,他建立了一個極為成功的拳擊學校,甚至拜倫勳爵都成了他的學生。 Meanwhile, he founded a highly successful Academy and even Lord Byron became one of his pupils.
女王授與這位著名的作傢以殊功勳位。 Queen invested the celebrated author with the Order of Merit.