一個理性的社會總應該在正當盈利與暴利剝削之間有一條界限。否則,索羅斯們的伎倆反而會被尊為最高智慧,理性則無立足之地矣。 A rational society should draw a line between legitimate profit-making and exploitative profiteering, lest the likes of George Soros be hailed as the epitome of wisdom while rationality gets booted out the window.
使平衡使削減到一個標準或平均值;使平衡 To reduce to a standard or an average; equalize.
衹看到小枝小節,就對和平做出空洞訴求,不但流於感情用事,也削弱了對付恐怖活動的力量。 We must also not lose sight of the big picture and start appealing for peace. Being sentimental will not help and will weaken the resolve to eradicate terrorism.
有些工商業資本傢也進行封建剝削,我們衹取消他們的封建剝削部分,對他們的商店和工廠不去觸動,所有的東西都不沒收,而且加以保護。 Some industrial and commercial capitalists were practising feudalistic exploitation, which was all eradicated. We did not do anything with regard to their shops or factories and we did not confiscate anything from them; instead we provided protection for their property.
被削平了的樹葉;平頭的火山;平頭的金字塔。 a truncate leaf; truncated volcanic mountains; a truncated pyramid.
小組每季舉行一次會議,討論並推行方便營商的措施,例如削減繁瑣規則、取締過分規管、評估規管建議的影響、把某些公營服務轉為私營,以及引進新服務或提升現有服務等。 It meets quarterly to take forward 'helping business' initiatives in such areas as cutting government red tape, deregulation, impact assessment of regulatory proposals, transfer of public services to the private sector and introduction of new and improved services.
(商標)鈷基合金,含鉻和其他金屬,非常堅硬,用於切削工具或摩擦大的表面。 (trademark) a cobalt-base alloy with chromium and other metals; very hard; used to make cutting tools and for surfaces subject to heavy wear.
(商標)用鈷或鎳作粘合劑的鎢的合金,用於製金屬切削工具。 (trademark) an alloy based on tungsten with cobalt or nickel as a binder; used in making metal-cutting tools.
一種小的隨身小折刀;最初用來削羽毛筆。 a small pocketknife; originally used to cut quill pens.
這所大學獲準的招生名額已被削減。 The quota of students the university is allowed to accept has been reduced.
地主對佃戶進行殘酷剝削。 The landlords racked the tenants.
不要再為車資漲價、公積金繳交率削減、公路電子收費和消費稅提高耿耿於懷。 Forget about transport hikes, CPF cuts, ERP and GST raises.
變性特定的組織、細胞或器官隨着受傷、疾病或年老而導致的相應的功能的削弱或喪失,而形成的逐漸的變質 Gradual deterioration of specific tissues, cells, or organs with corresponding impairment or loss of function, caused by injury, disease, or aging.
伴隨着帝國主義的商品侵略、中國商業資本的剝蝕和政府的賦稅加重等項情況,便使地主階級和農民的矛盾更加深刻化,即地租和高利貸的剝削更加重了,農民則更加仇恨地主。 In the wake of imperialist commercial aggression, Chinese merchant-capitalist extortions, heavier government taxation, etc., comes the deepening of the contradiction between the landlord class and the peasantry, that is, exploitation through rent and usury is aggravated and the hatred of the peasants for the landlords grows.
指標過高,要求過急,還有一些不適當的“大辦”,這就使得我們的許多好傳統受到了衝擊。而許多好的傳統的削弱,又反過來加重了工作中的缺點和錯誤。 The practice of assigning excessively heavy tasks, demanding their speedy fulfilment and launching inordinately ambitious development projects has impaired many of our fine traditions, which in turn has aggravated the shortcomings and mistakes in our work.
敵之優點可因我之努力而使之削弱,其缺點亦可因我之努力而使之擴大。 The enemy's advantage can be reduced and his shortcomings aggravated by our efforts.
磨擦而出聲通過或類似通過颳削或磨擦發出吱吱的,刺耳的聲音 To make a harsh rasping sound by or as if by scraping or grinding.
背脊尖削的馬;背脊尖削的豬。 a razor-backed horse; razorback hogs.
不要進去,父親正在發脾氣,駡你把他的颳鬍刀片拿去削鉛筆。 Don’t go in yet, father’s letting off steam about the razor you used to sharpen your pencil with.
他們成功地削弱了叛匪首領的勢力。 They succeeded in breaking the power of the rebel leader.
忍受了多年的壓迫和剝削,農民們終於造反了。 Having put up with oppression and exploitation for long years, the peasants at length rebelled.
他瘦削的身軀裹在一件象牙色的阿富汗大衣中。 His lean body is engulfed in an ivory white Afghan coat.
因此,他們一貫企圖削弱階級鬥爭,調和對立。 They, therefore, endeavour, and that consistently, to deaden the class struggle and to reconcile the class antagonisms.
英美法和日本之間的矛盾雖已部分縮小,但並未真正協調,而且英法在東方的地位又被歐戰削弱,因而所謂遠東慕尼黑會議很難召集; it is very difficult to rig up a Far Eastern Munich conference because there has been no real reconciliation between Japan on the one hand and Britain, the United States and France on the other despite some lessening of the contradictions between them, and because the British and French positions in the East have been weakened by the European war;
重點通過替代燃煤、控製一次性物品使用、簡化商品包裝、淨菜進城、倡導健康消費方式等措施,實現工業生産固體廢物、商業垃圾和居民生活垃圾的源頭削減,並強化回收利用。 Such measures as substitution of coal, control of one-shot products, simplifying commodity package, provision of pretreated vegetable to the urban area and advocating healthy consumption, will be taken to cut the production of industrial solid wastes, commercial garbage and domestic refuse at source and promote recycling.
削(打折扣)價、降價。 Cut cut reduce price.
中國認為,擁有最大核武庫的國傢對核裁軍負有特殊、優先責任,應率先大幅度削減其核武庫,並對削減下來的核武器予以銷毀。 China holds that countries having the largest nuclear arsenals bear a special and primary responsibility toward nuclear disarmament, and that they should take the lead in drastically reducing their nuclear arsenals and destroy the reduced nuclear weapons.
我們已削減了非生産性開支。 We have reduced the unproductive spending.
質量或力量削弱的癥狀。 a symptom of reduced quality or strength.
(一)煤炭替代和削減方案 2.1 Reducing coal use and switch to clean energy