  • exactly
  • immediately
  • firm
  • freshness
  • hard, tough, rigid, strong
  • barely
  • just
  • strong
  • hard
  1.   (事情)一着手就搞糟了   stumble at [on] the threshold
  2.   (事情)一着手就搞糟了   stumble at [on] the threshold
  3.   (剛)過了少年時代   out of one's teens (=pass one's teens)
  4.   (磨針用的)金剛砂袋   emery bag
  5. n.  Adam的後裔, 人, 裸體的人, 水砷鋅礦, 人造玉磨料, 氧化鋁磨料, 阿達邁特鎳鉻耐磨鑄鐵, 鎳鉻耐磨鑄鐵   adamite
  6.   [early] on 稍早的時候, 纔   earlier
  7.   [口]在進行活動, 忙碌; 要動身   upon the go
  8.   [美廢]新黑奴, 從非洲販運到美國的黑人   new N-
  9.   [諺]不要在星期一早晨就想到星 期六晚上; 開始工作就想玩。   On Monday morning don't be looking for Saturday night.
  10.   [諺]智者通權達變, 愚者愎自用。   A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will.
  11. n.  college的一員, college的學生, 高等學校學生, 專科學校學生, 從大學[專科學校]畢業的學生, 某些團體[集體]的成員, [古, 俚]監獄中同房間的人, 大學生, 學院的一員, 學院的學生   collegian
  12. n.  ①開始②暴漲, 泛濫③淡水流④新生⑤嚴鼕終止後的無冰期dewyfreshes清鮮香氣seafresh海鮮fresh-aira.戶外的, 戶外生活的fresh-blowna.開的fresh-caughta.捕獲的fresh-coineda.新鑄造的fresh-cutn.割痕freshmann.大學新生, 一年級生, 新手, 生手fresh-runa.從海裏遊到淡水中的freshwatera.①淡水的②衹習慣於淡水航行的, 無經驗的, 不熟練的③內地的, 不知名的, 大學一年級學生, 開始, 泛濫   fresh
  13. adv.  ①精神飽滿地, 容光換發地, 氣味清新地②, , 最新地   fresh
  14. n.  丈夫氣, 毅, 雄性, 男性, 男子氣, 陽性   masculinity
  15.   下等金剛石   bort
  16. n.  下著雨呢.'`難怪! 我纔還納悶怎麽身上有點濕呢!'   It's raining.' `No kidding! I wondered why I was getting wet!' `
  1. 但當她朝他邁步時,他馬上警覺起來,舉起獵矛,就要投射。這時朱庇特發現了並及時製止了這種忤逆行為,把母子二人從地上帶走,放置在天上,成為大熊星和小熊星。
    As she was about to approach, he, alarmed, raised his hunting spear, and was on the point of transfixing her, when Jupiter, beholding, arrested the crime, and snatching away both of them, placed them in the heavens as the Great and Little Bear.
  2. 太平洋中西部好在赤道以南的一個島國,是一個共和國。
    an island republic in the west central Pacific just S of the equator.
  3. 果非洲中西部一國傢,在大西洋海岸有很短的海岸綫。它在1960年獨立前是法屬赤道非洲的一部分。布拉柴維爾是其首都也是最大城市。人口1,912,429
    A country of west-central Africa with a short coastline on the Atlantic Ocean. It was part of French Equatorial Africa before becoming independent in1960. Brazzaville is the capital and the largest city. Population,1, 912, 429.
  4. 1953年,在姐姐伊麗莎白的加冕儀式上,瑪格麗特幫皇傢空軍成員、已故父王的侍從武官湯森除去軍服上的一個綫頭,這一瞬間的親昵舉動暴露了一個隱藏兩年的秘密:22歲的公主與38歲的湯森相愛。當時湯森離婚,是兩個孩子的父親。
    At her sister's 1953 coronation Margaret sparked a scandal by brushing a bit of lint off the uniform of Townsend, a member of the Royal Air Force and equerry to her late father. The momentary, intimate flick exposed a two-year-old secret:The princess, 22, and Townsend, 38 and the newly divorced father of two sons, were having an affair.
  5. 海龜恢復平衡,第二衹海豚又到了,又給它啪一擊。
    He no sooner recovers his equilibrium than the next porpoise comes along and hits him another crack.
  6. 這間廳裝修過,設備優良,又很寬敞。
    It's well equipped and spaious.
  7. 使…僵硬使…象毛一樣直立;使…僵硬
    To cause to stand erect like bristles; stiffen.
  8. 這門開到一半,那條小狗就企圖逃跑。
    As soon as the door is left ajar the puppy makes a bid for freedom.
  9. 講演者開始說話,一隻小狗從過道裏跑過,吸引了聽衆的註意力。
    Just as the speaker began, a little dog ran up the aisle, and stole the spotlight from him.
  10. 及格,勉強進了大學。
    She just scraped into university with the minimum qualifications.
  11. 我剛剛到機場。
    I just arrive at the airport.
  12. 我的叔叔是航空公司的駕駛員,他退休。
    My uncle was a pilot with the airlines. He just retired.
  13. 我的父親是航空公司的駕駛員,他退休。
    My father was a pilot with the airlines. He just retired.
  14. 好略低於註滿標記。需要再加大約1誇脫。
    It's just a little below the full mark. It'll take about a quart.
  15. 好略低於註滿標記。需要再加大約1誇脫。
    It's just a little below the full nark. It'll take about a quart.
  16. 纔很生氣,但現在已經平靜下來了。
    He was very angry, but be has quieted down now.
  17. 纔很生氣,但現在已經平靜下來了。
    He was very angry, but he has quieted down now.
  18. 我擠出這點兒時間來徵求你的意見,正好現在不那麽忙了。
    I've stolen this moment to ask you,now,while things have quieted down a little.
  19. 動物身體硬而尖銳的部分或附屬肢體;如豪豬的毛或魚鰭的骨脈。
    a sharp rigid animal process or appendage; as a porcupine quill or a ridge on a bone or a ray of a fish fin.
  20. 具有或者覆蓋着保護性的刺、毛、脊刺或者棘刺等等。
    having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines or thorns etc..
  21. 在英國從印度殖民地撤走之後的大屠殺中,有個攝影記者竟讓一位死者悲痛的傢人們數度將埋葬好的親人挖出來再埋下去,直到獲得一張滿意的照片為止。
    In the massacre that followed the British quitting India, there was a photographer who made a sorrowing Indian family bury and rebury its dead several times till he got a perfect shot.
  22. 他從箭袋裏抽出一支箭搭在弦上,但他看了她一眼,就不禁被她的美麗驚呆了。他意識到自己已經死心塌地愛上波西卡了。
    He drew an arrow from his quiver and fitted it to his bow,then he took one look at her but he was startled by her great beauty,and he found himself hopelessly in love with Psyche.
  23. 那位妻子拉着丈夫的手立刻鬆開了,她的頭垂下來,那男人的嘴唇開始顫抖,他靠近售票口又問了一遍,“您纔說多少錢?”
    The man's wife let go of his hand, her head dropped, the man's lip began to quiver. The father leaned a little closer and asked, " How much did you say?"
  24. “出售!”他大聲地讀着發現的一塊招牌。
    "For sale," he called out, quoting a sign.
  25. 她因丈夫去世而極為悲傷。
    She is in an agony of grief, because her husband has just died.
  26. 剛纔還有霧。
    It was misting a while ago.
  27. 他剛纔發火了。
    He is angry a moment ago.
  28. 剛纔,最近
    A short while ago.
  29. 離開這幢房子,暴風雨就來了。
    Just he leaves this house, and the rainstorm has just come.
  30. 他們現在已經不像開始見面那會兒,總是衝着對方亂叫,或者在玩耍時動作粗暴。"
    "It's not the chirping, rambunctious play that they did when they first arrived."
  31. 大約30年後,警察的正直和誠實程度再次受到公衆的質疑。尤其是在洛杉磯市,這裏的警察局因為其防衛處的一樁受賄醜聞而受到打擊。
    Almost 30 years later, police honesty and integrity are again being called into question, most recently in Los Angeles, where the police department is trying to recover from a serious corruption scandal in its Rampart Division.
  32. 出大牌玩比(玩過的牌)更高級的牌
    To play a higher-ranking card than(the one previously played).