米裏哀先生到任以後,人們就照將主教列在僅次於元帥地位的律令所規定的儀節,把他安頓在主教院裏。 On his arrival, M. Myriel was installed in the episcopal palace with the honors required by the Imperial decrees, which class a bishop immediately after a major-general.
組成一個片斷的一係列相關事件。 a series of related events forming an episode.
例如,管製員離開崗位後,仍然能從經歷性記憶中敘述出那些曾發生的睏難的情況下所做出的一係列管製行為和有關的航空器。 The controller getting off shift, for example, can recount from episodic memory the aircraft involved and the series of control actions taken for any troublesome situation that occurred.
祖先亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各和雅各的十二個兒子等人,是以色列十二個部落的祖先 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or any of Jacob's12 sons, the eponymous progenitors of the12 tribes of Israel.
ems告警列表(全部apf) EMS Alarm list (all APFs)
該表還用於配備下列其他類型的鏈路: It is also used to equip the following other types of links:
陳列與展覽設備 Exhibition and Its Equipment
建國後,為迅速改變舊中國遺留下來的經濟文化落後面貌,革除束縛、歧視和摧殘婦女的舊制度和舊習俗,在全國範圍內掀起了一係列波瀾壯闊的群衆運動,使婦女的社會地位和狀況發生了翻天覆地的歷史性變化。%$ After the founding of the People's Republic, there was a surge of mass movements throughout the country to quickly change the backward economic and cultural outlook left over by old China and eradicate the antiquated system and outmoded customs that fettered, discriminated against and humiliated women. This effected an earth-shaking historic change in the social status and condition of women.
像在塔底排列或增大。 arrange or build up as if on the base of a pyramid.
碳水化合物和糖經過一係列反應分解為丙酮酸或乳酸並釋放出三磷酸腺甙作為供應肌體的能量。 a metabolic process that breaks down carbohydrates and sugars through a series of reactions to either pyruvic acid or lactic acid and release energy for the body in the form of ATP.
他正跪在座位上,一邊望着列車窗外,一邊對靠過道坐的媽媽說話。 " He was kneeling on the seat, looking out of the train window and talking to his mother, who sat on the aisle.
在一係列數中相當於百萬的四次乘方的序數 The ordinal number matching the number quadrillion in a series.
然而,一部分同志曾在這個偉大鬥爭中跌下了或跌下過機會主義的泥坑,這仍然是因為他們不去虛心領會過去的經驗,對於中國的歷史狀況和社會狀況、中國革命的特點、中國革命的規律不瞭解,對於馬剋思列寧主義的理論和中國革命的實踐沒有統一的理解而來的。 Nevertheless, in the course of these great struggles some of our comrades sank into the quagmire of opportunism, or did so at least for a time, and again the reasons were that they did not learn modestly from the experience of the past, did not acquire an understanding of Chinese history and society and of the specific features and laws of the Chinese revolution, and did not have an understanding of the unity between the theory of Marxism-Leninism and the practice of the Chinese revolution.
請按下列項目對電源插頭報價:a:廠商b:地址c目錄編號d:型式。 Pls. a price quaint flag electric source plug aaa fr bbb address bcc catalog nr ddi types
月震發生於月球上的類似於地震的震動或一係列的振動,劇烈程度通常不高 A quake or series of vibrations on the moon similar to an earthquake but usually of very low magnitude.
餘震大地震之後在同一地區發生的一係列小震級的地震 A quake of lesser magnitude, usually one of a series, following a large earthquake in the same area.
這樣,就可以避免沾染官氣,就可以避免脫離群衆、脫離實際,就可以使我們的國傢堅持社會主義制度、並在將來發展到共産主義的道路上去,就可以使我們黨堅持馬剋思列寧主義的原則。 Only by so doing can we pay more attention to upholding the Party's fine traditions, avoid being tainted with bureaucratic airs, and keep from becoming divorced from the masses and reality. Only thus can China adhere to the socialist system and advance along the road to communism, and can our Party uphold Marxist-Leninist principles.
1996年美國奧運選拔賽,格林百米列第四名,也無緣參加奧運會。 In the 1996 Olympics qualifier, Greene got fourth place in the 100 meters race.
1996年美國奧運選拔賽,格林百米列第四名,也無緣參加奧運會。 In the 1996 Olympics qualifier, Greene got fourth place in the 100 meters race. He was not lucky enough to participate in the Olympics.
這些值必須是下列修飾符之一: These values must come from the following list of qualifiers:
他們在6個獲得參加决賽資格的隊中列倒數第一,排在烏剋蘭和西班牙隊後面。 They were last of the six qualifiers, behind Ukraine and Spain.
協議並列明這些産品的數量限製須於十年內分三個階段,即一九九五年一月一日、一九九八年一月一日、二零零二年一月一日起逐步撤銷。 The ATC provides for phasing out of quantitative restrictions on these products in 10 years by three stages commencing on January 1, 1995, January 1, 1998, and January 1, 2002, respectively.
級數係列的數字或數量,其中的每一個數量與緊隨其後的數量之間的關係總是相同的 A series of numbers or quantities in which there is always the same relation between each quantity and the one succeeding it.
空軍士兵軍銜美軍空軍中在列兵之上,一等兵之下的軍銜 An enlisted rank in the U.S. Air Force that is above airman basic and below airman first class.
第二十條 禁止下列危害氣象探測環境的行為: (一)在氣象探測環境保護範圍內設置障礙物、進行爆破和采石; Article20 The following acts jeopardizing the environs for meteorological observation are prohibited placing obstacles or conducting explosion or quarry operations within the protected environs for meteorological observation;
地下鐵路觀塘綫的首部載客列車在一九七九年底投入服務,其後,荃灣綫、港島綫和東區過海鐵路隧道(連接觀塘和?魚涌)分別在一九八二、一九八五和一九八九年啓用。 The first passenger train of the Kwun Tong Line of the MTR started operation in late 1979. The MTR was subsequently expanded to include Tsuen Wan Line (1982), Island Line (1985) and the Eastern Harbour Crossing rail tunnel (connecting Kwun Tong to Quarry Bay) (1989).
quarterdeck公司計劃對其web-compass搜索引擎(先進的代理技術與過濾技術的結合)進行一係列重大升級,以圖改進搜索的關聯性。 Quarterdeck Corp. is planning a series of major upgrades to its Web-Compass search engine -- integrating advanced agent and filtering technologies -- in an attempt to improve the relevance of searches.
玉髓一種半透明至透明的奶白色或淺灰色石英,具有平行且排列成纖細纖維狀的特殊微觀晶體 A translucent to transparent milky or grayish quartz with distinctive microscopic crystals arranged in slender fibers in parallel bands.
更新世的屬於或標志第四紀的兩個時期中較早時代的地質時期、岩石係列和沉積礦床的,這一時期以互生外貌、北方冰蝕退縮和人類祖先的出現為特徵 Of, belonging to, or designating the geologic time, rock series, and sedimentary deposits of the earlier of the two epochs of the Quaternary Period, characterized by the alternate appearance and recession of northern glaciation and the appearance of the progenitors of human beings.
這列火車半夜出軌了。 The train wrecked at midnight.
請閣下將附表內所列項目,以港貨物運費保險及價格包含在內的方式報價。 Please quote us for the supply of the items listed on enclosed query form, giving your prices C. I. F...
例如某些人會在會議上提出一個問題,一個完全陌生的人會傳送一個答案;由於一些人沒有看到最初的答案而多次重複這一問題,這時另外一些人會搜集一係列“經常提到的問題”並將其放置在新來者能找到的地方。 For example, somebody would ask a question in a conference, and a complete stranger would send back an answer: after the same question were repeated several time by people who hadn’t seen the original answers, somebody else gathered list of "frequently asked questions" and placed it where newcomers could find it.