在聖公會;由聖會選出的和教會委員共同管理教會的世俗事務的委員會。 in the Protestant Episcopal Church: a committee elected by the congregation to work with the churchwardens in managing the temporal affairs of the church.
強烈的焦慮和恐慌的感覺突然出現。 a sudden acute episode of intense anxiety and feelings of panic.
這部廣播劇的下一集將於下周播出。 The next episode of this radio play will be broadcast next week.
懸而未决的情況在一集、一幕或一部的結尾出現的懸而未决的情況 A suspenseful situation occurring at the end of a chapter, a scene, or an episode.
最近一件事就發生在今年10月1日兒童節這一天,為了讓孩子過一個愉快的節日,我女兒帶孩子出門買了很多東西。 The latest episode took place on October 1, the Children's Day. My daughter took the boy out on a shopping trip.
發型高貴,穿着幽雅的洛麗塔·揚沿着蠃旋梯款款走下的那個形象似乎令人難忘:然後,她開始嚮人們介紹1953~1961年期間每周播出的由她主演的電視節目。 The image seems indelible:Loretta Young,elegantly coiffed and dressed, sweeping down a spiral staircase to introduce each episode of her weekly 1953~ 1961 TV show.
經歷性的記憶是指在我們的記憶中次序發生的事件,通常結合一些時間、地點、其他出現的人物,等等。 Episodic memory is our memory for events in their sequence of occurrence, usually associated with some form of tagging for time, place, other people present, and so forth.
例如,管製員離開崗位後,仍然能從經歷性記憶中敘述出那些曾發生的睏難的情況下所做出的一係列管製行為和有關的航空器。 The controller getting off shift, for example, can recount from episodic memory the aircraft involved and the series of control actions taken for any troublesome situation that occurred.
很遺憾,因為我在香港另有公務,所以不能親自出席今天的慶典。 Alas, I can't be with you myself because I have commitments in Hong Kong.
上皮瘤從上皮中長出的良性或惡性腫瘤 A benign or malignant tumor derived from epithelium.
當本把牛奶器皿從金屬托架上拿下來的時候,終於面色陰鬱地說出了事情的大概。 Today, however, he was the epitome of gloom as he dropped off his wares from hiswire carrier. It took slow, careful questioning to extract the story from him.
丘吉爾和羅斯福做出了劃時代的决定;劃時代的發現。 epochal decisions made by Roosevelt and Churchill; an epoch-making discovery.
古新代的屬於或是地質時代、岩係的段和沉積礦床第三紀的第一時代的,早於始新世時代並且以胎生哺乳動物的出現為特徵 Of, belonging to, or designating the geologic time, rock series, and sedimentary deposits of the first epoch of the Tertiary Period, preceding the Eocene Epoch and characterized by the appearance of placental mammals.
是一個時代的一切力量通力合作的非凡産物,每塊石頭上都可以看到在天才藝術傢熏陶下,那些訓練有素的工匠迸發出來的百般奇思妙想; prodigious product of the grouping together of all the forces of an epoch,where, upon each stone, one sees the fancy of the workman disciplined by the genius of the artist start forth in a hundred fashions;
硅𠔌猶如一塊磁鐵,把許許多多秉賦特出的工程師、科學家、企業傢從世界各地聚集來這裏,一起追求成名致富,並投身於技術革命的大潮,其影響及於人類,必將遠超過劃時代的歐洲文藝復興和産業革命.。 Silicon Valley is a magnet to which numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock to in search of fame, fast money and to participate in a technological revolution whose impact on mankind will surely surpass the epoch-making European Renaissance and Industrial Revolution of the bygone age.
羅斯福和邱吉爾做出的有重大意義的决定 Epochal decisions made by Roosevelt and Churchill.
半個世紀的經驗和教訓,聯合國憲章的宗旨和原則,和平與發展的時代主題,嚮我們提出莊嚴而迫切的要求。 Our experience and lessons over half a century, the purposes and principles of the Charter and the epochal theme of peace and development, have all raised solemn and urgent demands on us.
實際上,也衹有到了過去的一個世紀,特別是在過去15年——在人們研究出碳-14年代測定法以後——我們纔開始模糊地瞭解這些劃時代事件的時間。正是這些事件决定了人類的命運。 In fact, it has only been within the past century, and especially within the last 15 years since the development of the effective radio-carbon dating systems that we have begun even vaguely to understand the timing of these epochal events which have shaped the world's destiny.
當我們面臨驚恐的局面時,我們的大腦會釋放出腎上腺素及其他化學物質。這些化學物質會導致我們心跳加速、血壓增高(使血液流嚮我們的肌肉和大腦)、呼吸急促、消化速度放慢。我們會感到體內能量一陣快速涌流。 When confronted by an alarming situation,our brain releases adrenaline and other chemicals which causes our heart rate and blood pressure to increase(moving blood to our muscles and brain),our breathing to become faster,our digestion to slow down,and we feel a sudden rush of energy.
adams在1981年的時候與a&m唱片公司簽約並與年底推出了他的處女作,但遺憾的是,該專輯並不十分成功,甚至沒有能夠成為打榜專輯。 Adams landed a solo record contract with A&M Records in 1981,releasing an eponymous album by the end of year;it failed to make the charts.
在過去的幾年中,科學家利用一種新型跟蹤設備對信天翁的行為進行了監控,纔得出了這一驚人的結論,並在本周於倫敦召開的一個動物學會議上將之公佈。 This alarming conclusion, to be outlined this week at a major zoological conference in London, is based on a new generation of tracking units that have been monitoring the behaviour of these giant birds for the past few years.
舉例來說,越來越多野生動物瀕臨絶種,顯示出環境的質素可能出現了問題。 For instance, more and more animal species are on the verge of extinction. This is an alarming sign that something might have gone wrong in the quality of our environment.
這些令人擔憂的數字都出自3月22日世界水日之前發佈的一個聯合國報告。 This alarming situation was shown in a United Nations (UN) report just ahead of World Water Day, which falls on March 22.
全綫出擊的口號,是伴隨軍事冒險主義而來的軍事平均主義。 This slogan expresses the military equalitarianism which accompanies military adventurism.
糾正的方法:應指出絶對平均主義不但在資本主義沒有消滅的時期,衹是農民小資産者的一種幻想;就是在社會主義時期,物質的分配也要按照“各盡所能按勞取酬”的原則和工作的需要,决無所謂絶對的平均。 The method of correction: We should point out that, before the abolition of capitalism, absolute equalitarianism is a mere illusion of peasants and small proprietors, and that even under socialism there can be no absolute equality, for material things will then be distributed on the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work" as well as on that of meeting the needs of the work.
近來在這個國傢出現了男女平等的潮流 There occur a recent trend of equalization between women and men in this country.
他對此感到氣憤,也有所警覺,就在他張口提出抗議之時,一隻巨大的動物忽然出現在飛機的航道上,飛機被逼迫降在了叢林的樹梢上。 Angry and alarmed,Grant begins to protest when out of nowhere an enormous creature appears in the path of the plane,forcing it to crash into the jungle treetops.
前一段出了點差錯沒有什麽了不起,不值得那麽大驚小怪。 Recently we have made some mistakes in our work, but that's nothing to be alarmed at.
産於美國南部和墨西哥的大型鞭尾蝎,在受驚嚇時發出一種醋酸味。 large whipscorpion of Mexico and southern United States that emits a vinegary odor when alarmed.
如果在診斷檢查期間einlink出現告警,則它將一直保持告警狀態,直到進行手工幹預使其恢復為active。 If an EINLINK becomes alarmed during diagnostic checks, it remains alarmed until manual intervention restores it to ACTIVE.
這個等式解不出來。 This equation just won't come out.
起初這個議程式一直解不出。 At first the equation refused to work out.